Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 215: Trying a pharmaceutical agent for the first time?

The crystal clear green net is still expanding with the distance that Bai Guyue stretches her hands each time, and then every moment she sways a misty metal nozzle.

Mu Fan didn't blink his eyes, at this moment he was surprised at the speed of the girl's hand.

The weak and weak girl can weave this liquid net at a rate of more than twenty times per second.

When the area of ​​the green net exceeded 30 centimeters, Bai Guyue moved to the fat man's body, aligning his hands with the fat man's swollen face, and then covered it down.

The grid formed by green soft glue directly covers the fat face skin.

The dense thin threads still maintain the independence of each thread, but there are signs of softening.

Now the fat man's face was already a crystal clear green, and the fat man's snoring sounded again, blowing the position of his mouth and nostrils, which made Bai Guyue laugh.

After washing his hands again, Bai Guyue looked at Mu Fan and said, "Well, I just saw that the injuries on his body did not hurt the bones, but the subcutaneous tissues and muscles were seriously injured. They were specially made here. Just soak in the repair solution until the evening."

Hearing Bai Guyue's determined tone, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, sincerely looking at the girl's bright and clear eyes and saying, "Thank you."

Bai Guyue looked at him seriously, and said, "You're welcome, his treatment is over, it's yours now."


"Well, your qi and blood are unstable, and now you are a little weak. I feel that you are a sequelae, and it seems to have caused some trauma."

Mu Fan remembered the gift of liberation that he had just exploded but didn't use, and an indescribable sense of fatigue made him think that he only needs to sleep.

"No, my body is a little special, it's okay."

Indeed, for him, just a night's sleep can solve many problems, and even wounds hit by bullets can heal in a few days.

"Come here and check it."

Involuntarily, Bai Gu Yue, with a serious expression, dragged Mu Fan to an instrument.

"Take off your shirt."

"Huh?" Mu Fan said blankly.

Blushing, Bai Guyue blushed instantly and stammered: "I said, I said you take off your shirt and expose your chest. I think you are injured. I want to check it with... an instrument!"

Finally finished speaking, but made a big blush.

That way, Mu Fan, who was almost frightened, unbuttoned his jacket calmly.

The traces of Atwood's previous use of the finger tiger still remained on his chest. The rolled flesh was surrounded by coagulated blood. There were four blood holes in the two shoulder sockets, which were chiseled out by the finger.

I have to say that Atwood's strength is really worthy of the title of the Five Heavenly Kings, and at the same time it also sounded the alarm for Mu Fan.

The strength of senior students is much stronger than he thought, so how does it compare with the other four colleges?


Although these wounds looked terrifying, Mu Fan didn't think it was anything. Before, when he didn't know anything, he was looking for prey in the wild.

At the same time, Mu Fan also revealed the well-proportioned and beautiful muscle lines.

Bai Guyue made a red face again, but Mu Fan obviously underestimated the little girl's ability.

Bai Guyue quickly adjusted her emotions, looked at the wound curiously, and asked, "He has injuries on his body, and you have them on his body. Are you fighting together?"

Mu Fan nodded.

Bai Guyue exclaimed: "If I didn't ask you, I really can't believe that this is the scar you just left. It seems that it should be in the middle and late stages of healing, so the wound has nothing to do with this."

After speaking, he took out seven silver-white metal patches and pressed them on Mu Fan's pectoral muscles without hesitation. The heart was obviously taken care of.

"Don't move."

A flat instrument was pulled out from a table covered with green herbs, and a screen was unfolded between taps.

Ten fingers tap flexibly on the console.

Then a picture that began to draw constantly appeared, with data streams flashing by.

Clear eyes stared at the screen without blinking, Bai Guyue's face was serious, and Mu Fan beside her really didn't dare to move.

Twenty seconds later, Bai Guyue turned her head to remove the patch from Mu Fan.

The brows were almost twisted together, and after processing the words, Bai Guyue said, "Mu Fan, your body... is very peculiar, it is very powerful... it is not like a human at all. There is a hidden injury in the position of the heart. It is caused by the instantaneous high pressure of the heart. For ordinary people, the heart should explode instantly, like a full-inflated balloon.

"But now, it seems that your heart muscle and blood vessels have a terrifying toughness, and have a repair ability similar to a nanorobot, but it is several times more powerful than a nanorobot."

This made Mu Fan stunned for a while, and finally couldn't help but said, "What the **** is going on?"

As a result, this sentence instantly knocked Bai Guyue back to its original form, and turned into that shy little girl, and quickly said nervously: "It means that the damage that can cause the death of a normal person is constantly healing on you, but the trauma is still Exist, you can't bear such an outbreak again in a short time."

After listening to Mu Fan, he thought about it, "About how long?"

"Twenty days, I will prepare a cell repair solution for you."

After hearing this, Mu Fan said gratefully: "Thank you so much, but do you need a lot of money? I don't have an affordable cost now."

Bai Guyue laughed and revealed two small dimples, waved her hand, and said in a rare and brisk tone: "No, you saved me, not to mention that friends don’t need to be so dismissive. These materials are readily available. The Association of Biology and Pharmacy A lot of materials will be provided every month, free of charge." When it comes to the last three words, the girl also laughed happily.

It's free.

Mu Fan finally felt relieved, and nodded embarrassedly: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Wait for five minutes."

The girl hurried to the side and took a button. A dark cabinet slowly popped out of the originally flat wall.

A variety of fresh or dry plants are listed above.

Bai Guyue looked at these plants with her small face up, whispering some professional terms in her mouth, and then quickly took off a certain part of the plant with a variety of methods.

Within five seconds, Mu Fan saw at least a dozen techniques.

Either pinching or pinching or gently provoking, and the corresponding position is different each time, these actions become a pleasing scene in Bai Guyue's hands.

Within a few minutes, Mu Fan once again saw the strange methods of the girl.

All of the densely packed instruments came in handy. The processing methods of each plant are different. The girl's hands are flying through the instrument like butterflies, and the movements of the fingertips are amazing.

These plants have undergone a series of manual and instrumental operations, and finally formed a small tube of brown liquid, which looks very clear without any turbidity.

"All right!"

Through the white light, Bai Guyue took out a slender and exquisite metal syringe with first finished product of the heart repair solution-the trial production was successful! "

After drawing the liquid into the syringe, Bai Guyue walked towards Mu Fan with satisfaction holding the needle.

But there was a violent spirit in Mu Fan's heart, and he took a step back. He swallowed and asked:

"Wait, you just said it was the first trial production!?"


PS: Thanks to book friends for "not three" 1500 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Yu Yao Didi" for 900 coins rewards, "Who understands that sadness" 600 coins, and "One Night Bookworm yc" 500 coins rewards!

Thank you book friends for "there are always fairies who want to harm me" 200 coins, "〃prosperous like Jane", "book friends 161010235538340", "the door, the old wood", "the empty head", "love your rong", "fishing baby", "Midsummer" "Ice of Ice", "Baotianyu", "Ming Tea for Heart", "Old Stupid 1905", "Bitter Haha for Book Fans", "Z Carved Red Apricot Out of the Wall" "Pingping

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