Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 219: God-like little sister

Mu Fan, who had already left, naturally couldn't see the scene in the house.

When he entered the floating ladder, it took less than ten seconds to go from the floating ladder to the basement level.

Mu Fan's lips moved slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Just...Bai Guyue's grandfather is terrifying!"

"What do you mean?"

"My lord dare not speak, in case you have any changes, it is estimated that it will be over at that time. Did you know that the whole house is poisonous!! 9 known neurotoxins were detected by the watch alone , There are at least 7 unknown toxins! I feel like you just walked around in the morgue..."

The black tone was obviously scary, he was afraid that Mu Fan had just finished playing accidentally.

Mu Fan, who had been standing casually, froze, just now he only felt a kind of relaxed and happy feeling in that room.

I even thought there were some special plants to refresh my mind.

"But, I didn't notice it at all..." Mu Fan said hesitantly.

"It's weird if you can detect it. This lord has nearly half of the unknown toxins undetected. Did you go to see a pharmacist or an old poisonous monster? You scared lord to death. I haven't seen any old poisonous monsters in Ace Empire."

"But there is no abnormality in me, can you still detect it now?" Mu Fan's heart burst, inevitably worrying, he just stayed in such a dangerous place for so long!

"It hasn't been detected now. Your body is very healthy. This is why this lord dared not speak even more. I feel that this old man's ability to use poison is more than one level stronger than that of medicine to cure diseases! Walk out of that room. There is nothing wrong with you, have you noticed any abnormal movements of him?"

Mu Fan thought about it carefully and said, "It's nothing unusual. He patted the table, drank tea, and tapped his finger on the tabletop. Could it be this?"

"Forget it, I guess you don't know it at all. Fortunately, it's a friend or not an enemy. You hugged me with that little girl's thigh now. This lord doesn't want you to die young!" He still had lingering fears in his voice.

Mu Fan also shivered, now thinking of Master Bai's face, it was a bit creepy.

No wonder Bai Guyue is so afraid of her grandpa.

"This old man must have a story. My lord goes to look through the database of the Association of Biology and Pharmacy, and just call me if you have something." Heihua became a stream of data and entered the planet's public network.

"Ding Dong."

The familiar basement appeared in front of him, and Bai Guyue, who was busy there, looked up and asked curiously and nervously: "Grandpa didn't do anything to you, right?"

Reminiscent of the condition that Master Bai had just promised to himself, Mu Fan was still very excited, although the girl's grandfather was indeed a little frantic.

"No, Master Bai is very nice to me! I got the inner wall heart juice." With a smile, Mu Fan shook the metal tube in his hand.

"That's good, you don't know. If I make a mistake in the previous experiment, he will be beaten. He is fierce." Bai Guyue frowned when she thought of the scene.

Mu Fan nodded unconsciously, he was also thinking about what attitude he should use if he sees Master Bai again in the future.

And those three questions are really hard to choose...

"In this way, another friend of yours, the white-haired person, I have also made the brain repair agent he needs. You can bring it back to him later. There is a matching syringe in it, and you can inject it yourself through a vein. "

Bai Guyue handed a very distinctive grass and wood woven bag, and signaled Mu Fan to put the metal tube in his hand.

"You bothered, I thank you for him." Bai Guyue never thought that Bai Guyue had always remembered to promise Yin Shuai's brain repair potion. Recalling the collapse and dizziness after seeing Baimao on planet 131 before shooting precisely, Mu Everyone feels that this medicine came too timely.

"You're welcome, the auction materials are still his, but I feel that there are not many rare materials on hand recently. Recently, the supply of rare medicinal materials from the Pharmacy Association is obviously insufficient. I want to take the time to check it out. I really can’t go out and look for it. One trip." Bai Guyue said distressedly.

At this time, Mu Fan suddenly remembered that there was a notebook in the explorer's relics he had photographed. If he is exploring...

"If there is a chance, we might as well go in a team. I will go back and look at the explorer's notes, and look at his route, and there may be accidents."

There was joy in Bai Guyue's eyes. Yes, the lock heart grass was discovered from it. If he could find the past route, then he might have made a big discovery.

Thinking of the scene where the mountains and plains are full of rare plants, Bai Guyue felt her heartbeat speed up a bit.

Seeing the girl in front of her sinking into her own world, Mu Fan shook her palm amusedly.


"Yeah? Okay! I'm sorry just now." Sticking out his tongue, it is rare to see this shy little girl have such a cheerful side.

"You wait a while, and your friend will soon recover." Bai Guyue motioned to Mu Fan to make peace.

Mu Fan nodded and asked the girl to do the experiment first, and then looked at the fat man through the glass cover.

The injured part of his body was almost healed, the blue-purple color began to lighten, the green film on his face had completely disappeared, and now the fat face of the fat man appeared again as usual.

At this moment, the fat man should have had some sweet dreams, and his face twitched with a smile from time to time.

A smile appeared on Mu Fan's face.

Fortunately, there is such a friend as Bai Guyue, but his training in the afternoon was soaked, so let's make it up later.

Time flies quickly, and after three hours Bai Guyue stretched out a beautiful lazy waist, Fatty's treatment finally ended.

After the waste cell repair solution was drained, the sober fat man got up awkwardly and wiped his body and put on clothes.

Then Bai Guyue turned her head back.

Passed a delicate metal medicine box in his hand.

"For you, I finally finished these before you leave. This is a medicine that can quickly treat wounds. It can be called Bai's special medicine. I have combined antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing functions. In the future. If a similar situation occurs again, you only need to sprinkle these medicines on the wound. The healing effect is more than ten times that of the ordinary medicines on the market, except for some pain."

The fat man was excited to reach out to pick it up, but Bai Guyue quickly retracted her hands, shook her head to him, and said, "This is for Mu Fan."

Scratching his head awkwardly, the fat man patted Mu Fan on the shoulder, winking desperately.

Mu Fan only felt his chest warm. It turned out that Bai Guyue was busy making these medicines for herself all afternoon.

Seeing the girl’s sincere Mu Fan took the medicine box and thanked him.

"I won't keep you guys. You can come and play with me when you have time! Also, you must remember that within 20 days, there will be no power bursts again."

In the girl's last instruction, the two walked out of the small courtyard, waved and walked away.

Sitting in the taxi, the fat man was still holding his face curiously, and then looked at Mu Fan admiringly: "The boss is really the boss, that's awesome. You can know this kind of godlike lady, how do I feel about her? Even my loose teeth are cured? It's amazing!"

Mu Fan was dumbfounded at first, then opened the soundproof screen in the back seat, held down the fat man, and said seriously:

"Tell me about your visit to the Gaoling family."

It's okay for Mu Fan not to say anything. When he mentioned the word Gaoling, the fat man exploded, his face flushed with excitement and his teeth creaked.

"Gao Lingze!"

(To be continued.)

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