Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 226: Instructor, good evening

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There was no trace of other emotions in the soft voice, and there was no disgust or disgust on You Shiwan's face, and the eyes that were full of autumn water swept over Mu Fan.

This is embarrassing.

Mu Fan hadn't received this kind of treatment, his face flushed, but there was hope in his eyes.

"Then I can't eat the rest?"

"Of course." An encouraging smile made Mu Fan put his heart in his stomach.

Only then did he remember something, and quickly said, "Are you going to use this dojo?"

The vice president came over suddenly, and Mu Fan couldn't help but think about it!

"No, just continue."

You Shiwan just came in and took a look.

After receiving a signal from the other party, Mu Fan scratched his head in embarrassment, and quickly pressed the cleaning robot, then ran to the remaining ten boxes of fried rice over there, held it up, and walked to the corner with a light brain helmet. Next to the gravity training room.

Turning to see the gentle woman still standing at the door, she waved her hand and smiled awkwardly, putting down the lunch box and the helmet together.

It was so embarrassing that the vice president caught a current situation.

She said she had seen herself?

By the way, I saw her when I ran away in the morning.

It was only then that Mu Fan realized it, but it was just a reminder.

Press the next gear and start at 44 gears!

The gravity training room here is actually normal?

It was because of seeing the sporadic rubber bullets spewing out of the surrounding area, Mu Fan reacted to something wrong.

Simply weak burst!

Then... increase.

44, 46, 48, 50!

After adding a breath to the unprecedented five times the gravity state, when the weight of his body increased sharply, Mu Fan felt the feeling of being under tremendous pressure.

Right, that is it!

The bullet finally returned to its overwhelming state again, and Mu Fan's figure turned into an afterimage and began to run through it.

You Shiwan was originally about to turn around and leave, but when the digital indicator light representing the 50th gear lights up outside the gravity room, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Where did Qingxue-senpai find this person?

Even the gravity training is adjusted to 50 gears within 1 minute?

So I walked slowly to the side of the training room and pressed the indoor display button.

The gravity training room of the Kendo Club is not as perverted as the special training base, but it has many more compact functions, such as this function that allows outsiders to perform image observation.

Mu Fan's lightning-like figure came into view instantly.

Almost a black shadow is moving, and the floor and surroundings of the circular training room have become Mu Fan’s foothold. Through constant borrowing and sprinting without pause, the figure that Mu Fan turned into at this moment makes it difficult for people. Confident beauty.

Mu Fan was immersed in his own world now, coupled with the extremely heavy wall isolation, he did not know that there was a pair of beautiful eyes watching him outside.

You Shiwan only watched for a while, then looked down at the ordinary fried rice and a worn helmet under her feet.

All this shows that the boy's background does not seem to be very good.

But the figure of this young man sweating in the training room has a charm that makes people willing to watch.

Recalling the shy and embarrassing smile on Mu Fan's face just now, a beautiful arc was outlined at the corner of his mouth, Qingxue-senpai really recruited an amazing character.

So he turned and walked gracefully and left the first battle room.

When You Shiwan appeared in the Daochang again, he was still not surprised by the collective attention.

With a nice smile, You Shiwan held the delicate cloth belt in one hand and waved lightly to signal goodbye with the other. ,

Then it was left to the daydreaming of a group of boys and the enviable eyes of a group of girls.

"Whoever wants to marry You Shiwan is worth it in this life."

"Just think about it, I heard that You Shiwan has always admired the graduated Renault senior, but after Renault is gone, our daffodils will treat everyone the same."

"If you marry You Shiwan, you won't have to struggle for 300 years."

"Hahaha, don't you have to struggle for three lifetimes?"

This group of boys renewed their joy after discussing.

As for the girls, they really don't have the courage to gossip.

Appearance, temperament, conversation, experience, family history.

All-round transcendence, even the harshest girls have to admit that You Shiwan really deserves the title Goddess.

"I can't help but like Wan'er."

Bing Su exclaimed in intoxication.

This made the cute girl next to her step back vigilantly.

"Ah, what's your face, Sister Lai Susu will take you to get familiar with it."

In the desperate expression of that cute girl, Bing Su, who was much taller, hugged her and said with a smirk in his ear.

This made the cute girl's ears instantly red.


Alas, Susu is bullying Mengmei again, why not bully us.

A group of boys chopped up the wooden stakes dumbly.


In the training room, 50 gears lasted for 30 minutes, and Mu Fan flew behind him.



The three bullets still hit his shoulder like a shadow, and Mu Fan howled with pain.

Fortunately, it was hit from the back. If the wound was hit from the front, it is estimated that Mu Fan's screams could scream out of the training room.

Finally, my right hand caught the stop button on the wall.

With a hum, gravity began to decay, and the bullet was not flying out.

Mu Fan hurriedly climbed on the wall and slid down softly.

The door opened, no one came out for a long time...

Only one hand stretched out tremblingly after more than twenty seconds, reached a box of fried rice, and then pulled it back like lightning.


Mu Fan wiped his mouth with satisfaction.


The syllable of this word finally made the black in my ears unable to help it, "You foodie, after you finish eating, you don't have to enter the PO battle net!"

"You can only train when you are full."

Mu Fan lay on the ground contentedly, looking at the ceiling with a smirk.

"I suggest that you wear a helmet now, otherwise I don't guarantee what you will receive next time you enter PO battle."

Mu Fan was stunned, and another hand quickly stretched out to pull the helmet back like lightning.

Putting a handful on his head, Mu Fan just lay on the floor of the open training room.

Welcome players [Erdan adults] to enter PO!

Mu Fan was lost when he heard this voice.

What is [Erdan Lord]! ?

"Hei, what's going on?" Mu Fan's voice echoed in the dark space.

"Ahahahaha, your account has been officially blocked. I have opened a small account for you. Don't worry, I have synced all my friends. You have not changed in the friends list of Fatty and Little Fatty. My master’s skills are very impressive. If this is blocked, I can still be called Master Three Eggs, Master Four Eggs..."

"Hei, is your appearance still as good-looking as ever?" Mu Fan suddenly asked.

"Hahahaha, that's a must!" A metal ball shining with silver light flew out and flew a horoscope route. Obviously, Mu Fan's beautiful words touched the coolness of Lord Black!


Mu Fan suddenly got up and flew with a kick out violently.


Mu Fan kicked the silver sphere directly.


With the scream of black, disappeared into the darkness.

"I don't have a sister, thank you."

Mu Fan would never show mercy to this overly cheap intelligent life.

No. 341 Novice Training Base, Mu Fan spoke directly to the system.

Then his figure flashed, and Mu Fan instantly dissipated into smoke.

After the familiar feeling of weightlessness and a brief period of dizziness, Mu Fan's figure resembled countless digital fragments and re-spliced ​​together, appearing in the 341 training base.

Standing in front of the cold revolving door, without waiting for the system prompt, Mu Fan spoke directly:

"Solo combat training."

A little darkness spreads from under the feet, covering the whole world in the blink of an eye.

Then a faint light appeared.

Breath of darkness!

A faint black mist blinded his Mu Fan's figure suddenly fell short and flashed to the side with one arm.

At the same time, a silent afterimage flashed over the head instantly, missing.

"Boy, the ability hasn't fallen." A faint old voice sounded from behind.

"Fighter instructor...good evening!"

With his head down, Mu Fan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.


PS: Thanks to the book friend "Morning Sa" for a reward of 1,000 coins!

Thank you book friend "Thousand City 2" "Flying Instant Noodles" for 500 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "SaKUra" for 300 coins, "Always 666", "Uncle Chic 1", "Yuyubab", "North Wind Nanchu", "Xuanshui Canghuang", "谩谩の晥", and "Always 666" for 100 coins, "Pingping (1 20 coins reward!

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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