Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 249: Prepare plan

One second to remember【】, provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"Understood, your express will arrive in 50 minutes."

Obviously, the cooperation between Hei and Mu Fan has reached an astonishing degree of tacit understanding, and there is no pause in understanding what Mu Fan said.

Mu Fan walked out of the suspended ladder with a smile. Although he was wearing a freshman training suit, no one paid much attention to him at the time of lunch.

Mu Fan's fingers were beating with a strange sense of rhythm along the way.

"Are the buddies over there preparing to perform piano performances at the welcome party?"

"Looking at this posture, it's fascinating."

"I have eyes under my feet. I can avoid tree stumps without looking at the road. It's amazing."

"Is this a freshman in the music department?"


Some noisy discussions were mixed in the noisy crowd, very inconspicuous, so Mu Fan didn't take it seriously.

He was completely filled with Sogril's advanced skills.

"Arc light cut before stepping!"

If you have mastered it, can you consider adding a cold weapon to the Extreme Soldier?

Thinking of this, Mu Fan laughed happily, but his face looked quite creepy!

Soon he was in the cafeteria, Mu Fan stopped his beating fingers, and then looked up at the front and his eyes narrowed happily.

But when his eyes rolled slightly, he suddenly froze!

Those two guys, the two in front of the flowerbed next to the cafeteria...

What are they doing? !

Mu Fan hurriedly lowered his head and copied his hands in his pockets and walked sideways, but even though he deliberately walked around, he still couldn't avoid approaching there.

So the situation over there came into my eyes naturally.

"Beauty, have lunch together. Although I saw you for the first time, you are like a beautiful bird in my heart, bright and lovely."

A teenager wearing a baseball cap looked at the white hair over there in silence, and at this moment was flirting with the pretty-looking girl.

Oh, sister, you are so innocent, take care.

After seeing the sick leave information entered by Baimao, Li Xiaoxi, who was okay, had no reason to escape.

"What kind of beautiful bird am I like?"


Bai Mao Yizheng said, the girl opposite was stunned.

"Well, is the woodpecker good-looking?"

"It looks good! You are a woodpecker and I can be the piece of wood, and you can slap me as much as you want~"

Baimao pursed his lips and leaned in front of the girl, with a look that was so wretched and wretched.

The girl's eyes rounded immediately, and she slapped her face on Baimao's face.

"Shameless! Hooligan!"

The girl hummed away.

Yin Shuai shook his white hair of ecstasy, rubbing his slapped face, and sighed sadly: "It's really... the world is getting worse, the current girl's thinking level is too low, if it is Beishan Xinyue Such a lovely big sister will definitely not refuse this handsome kindness."

Li Xiaoxi next to him is already unable to take photos anymore. For this kind of superb roommate who is not ashamed but proud of secret shooting, it is simply the biggest challenge to his life creed!

Preparing for the next goal, Baimao wiped the saliva from his mouth, and continued to stand in front of the flower bed in a violent posture, but suddenly spoke to Li Xiaoxi next to him:

"Huh? How do I feel that a familiar figure just passed by."

"Is there? I didn't see it."

"That may be an illusion, come to Xiaoxi to prepare the camera, I will continue to the next set of photos, this time I will challenge Xiao Lolita!"

Baimao stood up full of fighting spirit again to find the target.

Mu Fan, who had entered the cafeteria behind the two, let out a deep breath.

The two of them... are doing this this morning?

It's hard to understand what Baimao's mind is thinking.

Both of them woke up early for this!

The tireless pursuit of the two men deeply shocked Mu Fan's young heart.

Until Mu Fan stacked a dozen layers of plates again in front of Mu Fan, the two of them hadn't appeared yet.

Ding Ding Ding...

The Tianxun bell suddenly rang.

Mu Fan, who was eating Hesai, stopped his hands and took out the Tianxun to see the strange number.

"It's a robot express, your camouflage backpack has arrived."

Wiping his mouth, Mu Fan got up.


When going out, Mu Fan paid special attention to the vicinity of the flower bed.

Very well, there were no figures of those two, so Mu Fan contacted the Sky News.

"You have to sign for express items, do you share personal coordinates?"


"The coordinates have been synchronized, and your items will be delivered in 5 minutes."

Not long after standing, Mu Fan saw a small drone flying silently from high altitude, hovering when it was about to fly over his head, and then slowly descending.

"Please verify the identity of the recipient."

Mu Fan clicked on his own Tianxun and shook it, then took out his identity card and swiped it on the card slot of the robotic arm under the drone.

"Identity has been verified, please check."

A delicate non-woven fabric package fell from the drone's belly into Mu Fan's hands.

Then the drone swept the photo of Mu Fan and the transported items into the instrument and slowly lifted off.

This form of express delivery is not uncommon in Dingchuan Academy.

Mu Fan was inconspicuous in his training suit, and even the backpack he took out of the non-woven package was inconspicuous.

Looking at this light gray "backpack", my fingers touched the buckle that was converted into a briefcase from the lining. The exquisite and invisible design, the products from other planets, the appearance is the best disguise.

The black mind is good.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Mu Fan carried the backpack on his shoulders and walked to the gravity training room.


The energy of the dark breath came out from under the feet again, and after the footsteps shook the ground for a moment, the whole person unexpectedly exploded at a speed faster than normal gravity under 40 gears of gravity.

Mu Fan turned into a black shadow and ran on the circular wall, the whole person being parallel to the ground.

An abruptly stopped Mu Fan stood firm and solid, breathing heavily with his hands on his knees.

"Now that the hedging step has reached a preliminary grasp, you can use the stepping for speed blessing. Although there are still some problems with the direction change, once the explosive power of this speed is experienced, it will be really addictive."

Mu Fan said excitedly.

"After you have made a flexible load-bearing suit, you can train again, and use high-intensity pressure to urge your body to adapt quickly."

"Understood, it's almost 3 o'clock, it's time to make an appointment with Xingjian Bank in advance." Mu Fan wiped his sweat and picked up the Tianxun next to him.

Call: Jiang Zi.

Toot, toot...

"Hello, dear customer of the bank, Mr. Mu Fan, I am Key Account Manager Jiang Zi, is there anything I can serve you?" The voice was quickly connected, and Mu Fan's name was called out without frustration. The level of care alone is enough to make people admire.

"Make an appointment at four o'clock in the afternoon for the safe business."

"Okay, the appointment has been successfully made, is there anything else I can serve you?"

"that's all, thanks."

"You are welcome, waiting for your visit."

There is no unnecessary nonsense with proper language and professional qualities. Mu Fan likes dealing with such people very much.

Wiping off the sweat stains on her body, Mu Fan thought about calling Baimao's news: "Will you be in the apartment?"

"No, what's the matter? Me and Xiaoxi are outside, are you coming to see us? I'll tell you..."

"never mind."

Hanging up with a snap, Mu Fan wouldn't give Bai Mao a chance to finish speaking.

The bedroom is now empty.

So far everything is normal...

Mu Fan lifted the backpack, left the gravity room like other trainees who were training normally, and then walked towards his apartment.

Go back to wash change clothes, then go to the bank.


An hour later, Mu Fan, dressed in casual formal attire and carrying a black suitcase, appeared at the door of Landis Construction Bank. Looking up at the magnificent sign, and the two rows of welcoming girls in uniforms separated from the left and right, it seemed that they had seen the girl from the last time again. Mu Fan only swept his eyes slightly and entered a deep level of peace.

The maturity that does not meet this age begins to appear on the face.

Now Mu Fan looks like a truly successful person. With this casual formal wear, Mu Fan looks more like an elite young man, instead of looking like a student at first glance.

The plan... seems to be about to begin?

"Hello, sir, what kind of business are you doing?"

"I'm looking for Jiang Zi."

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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