Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 254: Intruder

(Hey on the weekend, five changes today!)

From bottom to top, the body is completely covered in the modular metal armor.

The liquid metal covering his right face also turned into a tactical mask with half missing, and the last liquid metal slowly circled a circular hollow eyepiece in front of his right eye.

The change is finally over!

The man placed the round button in his hand in the hollow of the eyepiece.

A dark red light lit up.

Two sharp blades flashing with cold light suddenly popped out from the back of the hand covered by the metal hand armor.

The man moved his neck lightly, and then looked at the Chade factory, with the purest and coldest killing intent in his eyes.

The feet were twisted slightly and then lifted up in turn. The shell of the metal box was instantly separated into two pieces and then folded and attached to the soles of the feet.

A light blue light suddenly appeared, and the mud under the feet was instantly washed away.

Then the body wrapped in the metal battle suit at this moment was completely floating, only the faint blue light under his feet.

Leaning forward, this man flew over there silently while his feet were pedaling!

Every step is stepped in the air, and every step is more than ten meters away!

It's just running in the air!

His goal is not to hide, it is the Chade factory not far away.

"The mission begins and communications are blocked."

The man didn't have any emotional voice in the air behind him, and then quietly opened the skylight on the top of the dark black suspension vehicle that had just passed by the Chad factory.

One, two, three, four...

The sunroof is closed, the suspension vehicle continues to drive, and the front and rear license plates are automatically replaced with another deck.

The four black shadows quickly rose to the sky, and after a while, they scattered into four directions and hung over the Chade factory.

It turned out to be four strange and weird drones!

When the four drones arrived at their positions, an inverted umbrella-shaped device was ejected from the belly at the same time, and an invisible wave spread.

After only 3 seconds, there was an instant snow on all the monitors in the factory below!

Those who were patrolling only felt a rustle in the communicator beside their ears, and the replacement personnel in the security room suddenly stood up.

"Strong electromagnetic shielding, there are cases!"

The few who sat down to rest quickly stood up, ready to take the weapons hung on the wall!

These direct troops belonging to the Gaoling family have special regulations. In the security room, heavy firearms must be placed in an exclusive position after entering.

Pistols and small metal crossbows can be carried with you.

This has been strictly enforced, but at this moment there is a slight strange!


Suddenly, two sharp blades suddenly pierced the door of the security room, and the gleaming tip appeared in front of everyone.

This sharp blade only stayed for less than half a second.

Then in the next second, the entire metal door that was not too thick was cut open instantly.

Then there was a loud bang, a blue light flashed, and the door was knocked directly through it!

When everyone hadn't reacted, a black shadow flashed past them, and then appeared in front of them.

The man covered in metal armor appeared with an icy expression in front of the wall with heavy guns hanging on it, silently watching everyone.

With a hum, the single-leg suspension pedal automatically retracted to both sides of the ankle.


The man's feet landed gently, making a clear sound of metal hitting the ground.

"who are you!"

"who are you!"

"This is the Chade factory, a private property owned by the Gaoling family! Do you want to break in without permission?"

The nine security personnel shouted sharply as if they were facing an enemy.

The man seemed absolutely not kind, with two long sharp blades on the back of each hand, and it was... dripping blood.

Among the nine officers, the vice-captain, who was dressed in obviously different clothes, had an ominous premonition in his heart. He suddenly raised his head and asked: "What about the people outside, what have you done to them?"

The metal-wrapped man turned his head slightly to look at him, then tilted slightly.

It seems to be listening carefully to his question, and it seems to be thinking about something.

But this scene only lasted less than a second.

Suddenly the arm was raised high, the sharp blade flashed with a cold luster under the light, and then suddenly the body leaned forward, the arm was thrown out accompanied by a large diagonal drop!


The speed is so fast that this group of people can't react at all.

The nearest security officer's eyes widened, but there was no trace of anger.

In the horrified eyes of everyone behind him, two lines of blood surfaced, and his body moved from left shoulder to right waist, like tofu that had been cut diagonally...slowly sliding down.

With a puff, blood sprayed from the incision! The ceiling was instantly covered with plasma.

The corpse that had been cut into two pieces and a small strip was presented in an extremely tragic manner before these burly members of the Gaoling family!

"Old Zuo!"

The deputy captain shouted sternly, he couldn't believe that the brother who was still talking about where to go on vacation the previous second, the next second he would use such a brutal way to die!

The culprit after doing all this, the left eye of the man in the metal armor was as flat as ever, without the slightest fluctuation.

As if what he just cut off was a straw.

The pale and pale mask at this moment seemed like an executioner from hell, with a breath of death and blood.

Looking at the questioning deputy captain, finally a dry voice sounded like metal rubbing: "Materials...where is the laboratory...?"

"Mom! I killed you!"

A man with red eyes among the crowd suddenly pulled out a gray ammunition pistol.


A huge sound echoed in the security room.


There was a clear sound of a metal object landing.

Tilted his head to look at the burly security guard who fired, then looked down at the deformed bullet under his feet.

The man who opened the gun had incredible and despair in his eyes!

Bang, bang, bang!

A hand stretched out in front of his eyes and opened his The man actually did not move half a minute.

Everyone looked desperately as the bullet flashed a ray of fire on the opponent, and then fell to the ground.

Even a bullet formed a ricochet and pierced the ear of a nearby companion.

What is that he is wearing!

The most exaggerated body armor cannot have this effect!

There was no sign of buffering, and the hard-touched metal bullet was instantly bounced away after hitting it, or it was unable to fall.

After firing five shots, the man's hands were shaking, and his courage was completely consumed in these five shots.

The man covered in the metal armor put down his left hand blocking his eyes, and then looked at the frightened group of people.

The dry voice sounded: "There is really"

The figure burst into the crowd for a flash, and flashed back again!


This is the sound of the gray pistol in the hands of the grabbing man falling to the ground.

Only then did people feel wrong, and quickly looked back at their companions.

Two blood lines emerged from the forehead, becoming longer and the lower abdomen...


A rain of blood spurted out, and the corpse that had been cut in half fell to both sides with a smooth cross-section.

what! !

The psychological collapse of this group of security personnel instantly, except for the deputy captain's pistol on the table next to it, everyone else took out their pistols and fired wildly!

This time the figure that brought them infinite fear did not stand still, but suddenly disappeared before their eyes after a flash.

Flop, flutter, flutter.

A series of light and short sharp cutting sounds sounded.

The deputy captain's hand froze when he was half a meter away from the pistol on the table.

His fingertips touched a kind of cold metal...

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