Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 257: Feng Yao's Ceremony (He Mengzhu goes down with the wind)

(For the leader of the "Follow the Wind" to add the first chapter!)

"My lord, the laboratory is in the corner inside. It's already here, don't kill..."

"...I." The last word floated out of his throat, only half of it was said, because he didn't have the strength to say the other half.

Slowly withdrew the shining sharp blade from the back of the deputy captain, the blood that could not be stopped from the two blood holes was gurgling.

The look in the deputy captain's eyes slowly dissipated. Although it was the weather in September, he felt that his body was getting colder and colder.

His body fell to the ground and looked at the man passing by without a godly look, only to find that he didn't even look at him.

The figure in the metal battle suit plunged into the shadow and disappeared in the passage.

Looking down from the sky at this time, there was no living creature in the Chade Metal Smelting Factory.


When the door of the smelting workshop slowly lifted, the pupils of Mu Fan, who was standing above the inner entrance, slowly shrank.

Boom, the door was raised to the highest point, and there was a sound of metal toothing.

Then Mu Fan saw a long shadow projected on the ground under a starlight, spreading far away.

Da, Da, Da, the sound of metal feet falling on the ground echoed in the empty workshop.

Finally, the body of that figure appeared in front of Mu Fan's eyes, but there was only one back, and the whole body was glowing with metallic luster, and the two claw blades hanging down from his right hand were dripping with blood.


Mu Fan made a judgment in his heart instantly, his eyes locked on the opponent, and the hydraulic lever in his hand was silently lifted.

When the man in the metal suit tilted his head to one side to watch, Mu Fan suddenly jumped up on the top of his head, and the hydraulic lever in his hand slammed down.

Able to block a factory unscrupulously, and then kill people unscrupulously.

This is definitely not good stubbornness, so Mu Fan didn't leave any leeway when he shot.

He cast his gaze to the left and was looking for the building in the corner. It can be said that when he came in and stood still, he did not find Mu Fan hidden above his head in a static state.

But when Mu Fan jumped up and down, when the airflow changed, a wave suddenly flashed across the eyepiece covered by the man's left eye.


The intruder's body covered in the metal battle suit fell to the ground twice in a row.


The hydraulic rod with the breaking wind slammed into the position where the opponent just stayed.

Just wiping the metal armor and sliding into the air, his sneak attack failed!

After Mu Fan's hydraulic rod didn't hit it, he hung firmly on the ground for one meter and didn't dive again.

The hydraulic lever held by both arms was lifted across his chest, and Mu Fan stared at the opponent with indifferent eyes.

This look aroused the doubts of the intruder on the opposite side.

He also looked at Mu Fan with a calm and indifferent look, staring at each other for a while and then looking down.

A black combat uniform with that ridiculous little yellow duck mask and cold eyes made him even more puzzled.

Mu Fan was waiting for the opposing action, and the moment of evasion made him know that the opponent's strength is definitely not weak. Moreover, this weird metal suit made Mu Fan feel a sense of crisis. The monocular eyepiece with dark red light always felt locked in.

Just as Mu Fan was about to make another move, he heard the opposite person ask in a dry and unpleasant voice: "Duplicate task?"

task? What task was repeated?

The amount of information revealed in the other party's words was huge, but in this case Mu Fan didn't pay attention to the other party. His response was just the hydraulic lever that started to rotate in his hand.

Seeing Mu Fan's behavior, the other party did not show a hostile expression abnormally, but stared at Mu Fan's eyes and spoke again.

This time he only said four words: "Feng Yao Zhi Yi."

After speaking, the intruder's eyes were no longer the same as before, but locked tightly on Mu Fan's face, observing his expression.

The Ceremony of Feng Yao?

What a weird vocabulary!

Or is it a secret or a password?

Mu Fan reacted, the other party must have misunderstood something.

But he was also impatient by the other party's inexplicable behavior. Before the production of the flexible training suit is over, no one is allowed to enter the stepping laboratory! What's more, there is also Rocky Heavy's Akabot alloy armor.

After rotating the hydraulic lever in his hand, he swung horizontally, making Mu Fan figure.

Seeing Mu Fan's actions, the intruder did not dodge again, but raised his left arm across his chest.


The sound of heavy metal crashing sounded.

Mu Fan felt a huge shock coming from the tiger's mouth, and the metal arm guard covering the opponent's arm appeared a depression, and his figure also retreated two steps.

A touch was instant, but Mu Fan was shocked to find that the recessed part of the opponent's metal armguard instantly turned into a tiny pixel block. After a intensive rapid surging, it returned to level, and then it was as clean as new.

The heavy blow with the hydraulic lever in his hand now seems to have no effect.

"...Password verification failed, strength 21, your strength is very strong."

Putting his arm down, with a chuckle, both fists ejected the metal claw blade at the same time, and the dark red eyepiece once again sent a faint sense of lock.

"Tell me the location of the materials laboratory."

There was no sound of empathy, the intruder looked at Mu Fan indifferently.

Cold like a robot.

And when Mu Fan heard the other party finally mentioned the five words "material laboratory", the expression in his eyes finally changed.

That is... even colder!

The other party's intention is to make sure that anything cannot go in.

In that case, let's fight!

Then fight!

Mu Fan's palm was tilted downward, and the heavy hydraulic rod in his palm began to rotate rapidly.

The strength of the enemy in front of him was unexpectedly high, and he must go all out.

Muscles in his legs burst, Mu Fan's body ejected, his eyes locked tightly to the opponent's body, and the rotating hydraulic lever in his hand gradually formed an invisible knife wheel!

That momentum was so violent, coupled with Mu Fan's unarmored load and drag, he didn't have to hesitate to conceal his deeds this time.

The intruder will not be able to avoid another attack from him at this distance!

Redemption section·Fanatical cutting!

The high-raised stick wind knife wheel was severely cut under the lead of Mu There was no unusual expression in the face of Mu Fan’s attack, but when Mu Fan’s stick wind knife wheel approached, Light flickered rapidly in the red eyepieces.

The intruder jumped into an arc and flashed, his left hand protector, and his right hand swept towards Mu Fan's left.

Once swept by this sharp blade that was more than half a meter long, Mu Fan would have been severed.

With the power in his eyes, Mu Fan captured all of the opponent's movements in his mind, and his waist suddenly twisted as he stepped on his feet, and his body actually made a large vacant rotation with his right arm as the axis during the rush!


The stick wind knife wheel flashed past.

Hit it!

The tactile feedback to him is the opponent's arm.

With a forward somersault, Mu Fan was about to pass by.

There is no one who has not been injured by the zealous cutting and hitting the enemy, this is how confident Mu Fan is!

But at this moment an unbelievable color appeared in his eyes.

He did hit the opponent's arm, and a deep groove appeared on the arm swept by the frenetic cutting.

No, it's not a groove, it's that a deep trace of the metal suit was cut.


He didn't see any blood stains!

At this moment, a small circle of light suddenly flashed in the red monocular eyepiece of the invader.

The frustrated right hand Claw Blade cast his momentum unabated, and directly swept a circle towards his upper left.


Mu Fan rushed forward very fast, but the intruder was also not slow. Two blood lines appeared on the left shoulder of his leaning body.

The figure staggered past, Mu Fan half-kneeled on the ground with his left arm supported by one hand.

Two blood flowers burst out on his shoulders, and his left shoulder was instantly soaked with blood.

Looking back, his eyes looked like a wounded lone wolf!

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