Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 262: Light and Dark Guard

(Congratulations to the new rudder master "jhffu"!)


Mu Fan hit the intruder in midair like a cannonball.

This time Mu Fan's cross arm crashed like a heavy siege hammer on a city gate that had exhausted its durability.

As a result, the intruder in mid-air was hit like a broken door...

Hit fly!

The intruder was obviously unwilling to be knocked into the air just like this. He desperately controlled his body to fall, adjusting his direction to avoid the terrifying induction steel furnace.

But Mu Fan folded lightly, stepping on the intruder's chest and shaking with a blur.

Rush back!

This finally became the last straw that crushed the camel.

Mu Fan turned into an afterimage and flew to the ground, and the intruder finally let out a roar in midair:

"Do not!"


There was a sound of an object entering the water, and a huge wave splashed in the hot and calm molten steel.

Gorgeous and eye-catching red hot metal shot in mid-air.

The figure of the invader disappeared the moment it was submerged in the molten iron, leaving only a few gurgling bubbles and a wisp of blue smoke.

Mu Fan on the ground couldn't see that scene, but the sense of crisis in his heart disappeared completely when he heard the sound of the opponent being kicked into the molten steel.

A huge sense of exhaustion came, and Mu Fan fell back on the ground without an image, looked at the dense steel frames above the workshop, closed his eyes and laughed.

It's just that there is a weakness that cannot be concealed in the laughter.

"Hei, did you see it? I wiped out this guy." Mu Fan's voice under the mask was joyful and proud.

"Mu Fan, you are really a fighting genius!" This time he said the truth.

"Hahahaha, I think so too." Mu Fan's wounds were already horrible, but while enjoying the severe pain from all over, he smiled heartlessly.

"The flexible load-bearing suit is finished and ready to evacuate. The changes in the factory are probably very big now... Huh? The electromagnetic shielding disappeared." Hei halfway said, suddenly found that the strong electromagnetic shielding in the factory disappeared, and those monitoring screens reappeared in black. In the field of vision.

Then it saw the dead body in that place.

"...Mu Fan, quickly evacuated, the situation is not optimistic, now there are no signs of life in the factory except you."

Mu Fan, who was struggling to get up just now, was taken aback, "You mean they... are all dead!?"

"Well, they are all dead. The death is extremely tragic. I have not seen a complete body so far. It is speculated that the intruder just used the claw blade to cause it.

Thinking of the two sharp and terrifying claw blades in the hands of the invader just now, Mu Fan had a lingering fear.

Now the left hand is almost unconscious, and the wound has burst several times. If it were not for his amazing physique, he would have lost too much blood and shocked.

"Who is the intruder that suddenly appeared, and why is he also eyeing this factory?"

"I couldn't find specific information. I just called a nearby surveillance within five kilometers and found a black feather levitating vehicle as a suspicious target. However, this levitating vehicle was disguised and did not enter the surveillance afterwards, so I tracked it. Lost. This person's goal is the materials laboratory, and there should be some important information in the laboratory." Hei still found some useful information, but this information is almost no at present.

"Then you can look up the four words corresponding to ‘fengyaozhiyi’."

"2.09 million pieces of related information were retrieved."

With so much relevant information, it seems that there is little hope of being able to decipher the meaning of this.

If it is really a password, it is impossible to appear on the network.

"You can check this matter slowly, don't worry. I will treat the wound first, then leave, and monitor the nearby state."

Mu Fan walked into the laboratory, pulled out his backpack under a scientific research cabinet, leaned aside, put his hand in and fumbled, and took out an exquisite metal test tube.

"It's luck." Mu Fan sighed. He really has the foresight and hopes this medicine is really useful.

Mu Fan opened his clothes open, broke the metal test tube, and carefully poured the liquid inside onto the wound on his back, where the injury was the deepest.

The transparent and clear medicinal solution dripped from the test tube, with a strong water bead tension and strange consistency. Drops of the medicinal solution dripped playfully at the outlet end of the test tube, and fell into Mu Fan’s wound. on.

Like clear water droplets on boiling oil, the instant the liquid medicine touched the skin produced a violent reaction, spreading into a thick white mist, and then a pain that reached the bone marrow emerged in the wound.


A beast-like growl appeared in Mu Fan's voice.


When the intruder's body was immersed in the high-temperature molten steel in the steelmaking furnace, a bright spot representing his life was destroyed in the suspended vehicle parked not far from the Chad Metal Smelter.

Looking at the disappearing green cursor on the palm, the man holding the palm leaned back and fell into the soft sofa-like seat.

He held his forehead with his right hand and thought for a while, and said faintly: "Retreat the magnetic umbrella bird."

"Yes, master."

"This time things are troublesome... the Light and Dark Guards are all dead. I should think about how to explain to them, and they are about to bleed again." The man muttered to himself, "Gao Lingze...what are you doing? Are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"


"Yes, master."

The driver in the front row responded and pressed a button on the dashboard.

The appearance of this black levitation vehicle has undergone earth-shaking changes. In a blink of an eye, it turned into an ordinary small levitation truck. After the return of four drones named "Magnetic Umbrella Bird", this "truck" drove in. In the wasteland, submerged in darkness.


Mu Fan was dripping with sweat, his teeth creaked, and finally used up this white medicine.

The pain of this special medicine exceeded his imagination. The feeling that the rotten flesh was melted and new flesh slowly grew out of it was believed that no one would want to try.

The repair effect is far beyond that of ordinary medicine, and the ability to deal with wounds in emergency is even far beyond the cell repair solution in the biological cabin.

After a tingling and itching came from the wound, Mu Fan finally felt more comfortable. He cast his eyes on the wound on his shoulder and found that it had miraculously condensed into a thick scab.

Below the thick scab is the muscle that is healing fast.

In this case, the recovery time should be almost three which greatly shortens the treatment period.

Magic potion!

That shy girl Bai Guyue really gave herself a big gift.

Try to move the arm, no problem.

"Black, give me the flexible training suit." Mu Fan looked at the piece of Akabot alloy armor belonging to the extremely special soldier in the window, and continued: "These materials in the laboratory include extremely special soldier armor. You arrange the robot. Destroy them all, and then erase all the data recorded on these metals."

"The magnetic field induction steel furnace starts the temperature increase preparation work, the target is 3200℃, the material is ready to be put, and the induction steel furnace is forcibly turned on and self-inclined after one hour of setting."

After Hei repeated this sentence, all the windows in the laboratory were opened, and a row of more than twenty carrier robots in the workshop entered the laboratory in turn, taking away all the rare materials, and at the same time the few high-temperature suspension induction steels in the workshop The furnace began to make a humming sound of equipment start-up, and then started at full speed.

At this time, a small robot came over, and the mechanical feet made a creaking sound, and it seemed that there was something heavy on its hands.

A black voice sounded: "Just to refine this thing, I switched over two-thirds of the energy supply in the workshop. Mu Fan, your equipment is here."

"But now there is a problem, you have to wear it back."

PS: (Question: Who is the real owner of the Light and Dark Guards?)

Thanks to the book friend "Xuanshui Canghuang" for 1,500 coins!

Thanks to the book friend "jhffu" for a reward of 500 coins! (Congratulations to the new rudder master)

Thanks to the book friends "Long Ji", "How many **** guys", "Remembering Wu Ning Weng", "Bao Tian Yu" "yehui111", "Book Friends 150329233440960", "Ping Ping (1 and "No Dreams and No Thoughts" for 100 coins rewards!

(To be continued.)

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