Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 372: Rocky Heavy Industries, codenamed Ge-R! (2 in 1)

The extremely special soldier floated silently in the air, without any movement.

What a fast speed!

In the cockpit, Mu Fan narrowed his eyes to look at the huge and gorgeous mecha opposite.

It didn't surprise him that the twenty light spears were snatched by the opponent in this way.

Who is Gregory? He has already reported the information just now.

Streaming Aquila, the mecha with the highest level of S-class, naturally entered Mu Fan's field of vision.

But if everything is just because the opponent's force is strong and Mu Fan compromises, it is absolutely impossible.

"Countdown 2, 1, 0...Exit the overload state."

The purple flames on his body slowly faded, and the extremely special soldier hanging in the air slightly bent his feet and fell heavily on the ground.

Beside it is Mocheng who just controlled the mecha to get up.

Now Mocheng didn't pay attention to Mu Fan, the Mecha of Hundred Wu Comet lowered its head toward the streamer Aquila in the sky.

Gregory, has absolute authority in this competition.

One of the three chief referees specially placed by the Mecha Association for this competition, the Mecha Association has the title of Valkyrie!

When Gregory appeared, he explained everything in Mocheng.

"I will be the final judge on this matter. Regarding Rocky Heavy's proposal that can be proved on site, I accept the proposal. If it proves to be true, the Dark Blue Ranger will be taken away by Rocky Heavy. If the proof fails, the mecha will be returned to the Blue Army. Wu Group, Rocky Heavy Industries needs to make a public apology. Extremely special soldiers, do you have any objections?" The deep voice echoed in people's ears with convincing power.

Mu Fan in the cockpit narrowed his eyes and finally said, "No comments, I accept."

As for the other party's language that did not involve the disposal of Landu's military weapons, he did not mention at all.


Oh, he doesn't need it.

Because, just now, Hei told him one thing.

——The Shadow Fleet, arrived at the Landu Nebula!

In the universe, an unusually cold and silent black fleet hovered in the asteroid belt, the engine went out, and there was no sound on the ship except for the silently operating electronic equipment.

After the game, he will calculate the ledger in his own way.

Hearing the answer from extremely special soldier, Streaming Aquila turned his gaze to the silver-white mecha with its head bowed down on the ground.

"Mocheng, take your mechas, and go back." This time, the voice turned into a kind of coldness, and it didn't give Mocheng any face.

The young man Mocheng in the cockpit flushed red, but he didn't dare to disobey.

"Yes, Lord Gregory."

The wings shook, the engine behind it emitted a pale white tail flame, and the entire mecha rushed into the air. After joining the mecha squadron, twenty mechas flew towards the sky mothership at the same time.

As soon as Gregory appeared, there was no point in arguing about everything.

On the Sky Mothership, the silver-haired Niden sneered at the Ran family, "Gregory appeared, why don't you hold onto your ideas anymore?"

The Ran family was still sitting quietly, clenching his fists against his chin. Hearing Nayden’s words, his brows moved slightly and he chuckled, "Does it make sense to care about with someone with a sense of justice? I have this time. It's better to close your eyes and rest your mind."

Then he closed his eyes directly and took a nap.

Those things on the ground didn't cause any fluctuations in his place.

The waves are calm, joy and anger are invisible.

Naideng took a deep look at the Ran's family, who was so hot and did not leave any flaws. He stopped talking, leaned back in the seat and looked down quietly.

After Gregory withdrew from Comet Hyakutake's troops, the body slowly rose, and his vigorous voice continued to echo in this world.

"In the mecha martial arts contest, everything is subject to the referee's results. The judging standards are transparent and open. All parties are welcome to supervise. The special referee procedure is opened below, and representatives of both companies are invited to move here. For the organizer of this event On-site treatment will be carried out." Gregory's words were clear and calm.

After speaking, two aircraft on the Sky Mothership descended to the two observation platforms.

Under the signal of the staff, Wang Nuonuo stepped onto the aircraft with firm eyes.

On the other end, Donald Xiu and Gao Lingze also entered the aircraft with a smile, but Lin Wu still did not choose to appear with them.

In addition, there are some drones with camera equipment.

This is the first on-site special refereeing procedure since the start of the match!

This time it was the turn of all the media reporters to hold their breath, they were waiting for the results to be announced.

Which company does this mecha belong to?

Why does the extremely special soldier drag the opponent's mecha!

Soon the two aircraft flew to the center of the field, hanging on both sides of the streamer Aquila.

When Wang Nuonuo saw Tang Naxiu's sick face in the air, an unforgettable hatred appeared in his eyes.

However, Donald Xiu looked at each other from a distance, with a gentleman's smile on his face. As for what he thought in his narrowed eyes, he probably only knew.

Mu Fan caught this scene in the cockpit, his eyes were cold or cold, and his hands were resting on his thighs.

At this moment, he will not do some "stupid things" stupidly. Twenty silver eagles are staring at him, and his extremely exhausted body needs time to recover.

"I'm Gregory, the chief referee of the mecha martial arts competition. I will conduct special refereeing procedures below. I will ask some questions for both parties. Please answer truthfully and provide corresponding materials."

Gregory said in a word, he directly excluded the Mecha Association that just wanted to participate in the battle for the body, and the scope was directly locked to both sides of the competition.

It can be said that this sentence has won the favor of many people for Gregory.

This is just like a referee, standing in the proper position, impartial.

The calm and thick voice turned to the left hand side, where Donald Siu and Gao Lingze stood.

"As for the ownership of this machine, there is a dispute in this competition. First of all, the Landu Military and Military Group will provide corresponding evidence."

Donald Xiu stretched his bow tie and coughed slightly, "Dear judge, this dark blue ranger has gone through transportation, registration, preparation, and competition. Everything is done by the pilot personally. The Military Armed Forces Group has not committed any illegal acts, and these data are available in your entry system."

The methodical explanation spread to the audience from high above, causing people to nod their heads, and there was no error in the program.

Then why does Rocky Heavy Industries insist that this mech belongs to them?

"Landu Military Group, may I ask if you still have evidence to show the ownership of the body." The huge mecha looked at the talking noble son.

"That's all, I don't think our Landu military and military have any mistakes." Donald Xiu said indifferently.

"Very good, please provide relevant data from Rocky Heavy Industries."

This time, the head of the streamer Aquila did not look to the right, but to the silent black mecha below.

"The representative is not me." Mu Fan returned to calm after the faint voice sounded.

It was only then that people realized that it was the lonely girl who really spoke. Her voice was clear and firm, and she looked directly at Donald Siu:

"A representative of Landu Junwu, please tell me the name of this mecha and the name of the pilot."

"Pilot Roco, the mecha is called Deep Blue Ranger, is there any doubt about this?" Donald Siu smiled and spread his hands.

His chest was violently ups and downs, Wang Nuo Fen's eyes were stunned, and his head suddenly turned to the huge silver-shrouded mecha.

"Master referee, the pilot’s name is not Rocco, but Roderick! The mecha name is not a dark blue ranger, even if they breathe out those patterns, they can’t really disguise it! The name of this mecha is —— Jishu Soldier..."

When the three words "extremely special soldier" appeared in Wang Nuonuo's mouth, the media collectively seemed to be beaten.

He even mentioned extremely special soldiers! ?

Does this dark blue mecha also belong to the Extreme Soldier series?


People looked back and forth on the black machine standing silently and the blue machine lying on the ground.

It shouldn't. At first glance, it looks like two extremes.

One is ugly to the extreme, oh no, now it should be said to be domineering.

Another extreme beauty!

The industrial design of the dark blue mecha and the black mecha are not on the same level.

"Hahahaha, ridiculous~"

Donald Xiu ridiculed unscrupulously. The cockpit and the center console of this mecha were knocked out, and all the paintings on the body did not have any signs related to the name.

Wang Nuonuo waited quietly for the other person to finish laughing before continuing to say the last letter.


"It is another prototype of the Jishubing series, the internal code is R, and the official external model is Jishubing Ge-R!"

The girl's flushed face was full of excitement. It was the accumulation of their Rocky Heavy Industries generation after generation, and that was the goal her grandfather was willing to spend his life fighting for.

Now, after being randomly named by these villains, can you openly **** Rocky Heavy's efforts for many years?

It is not a deep blue ranger at all, it is a very special soldier R, representing a long-range prototype of guns and roses!

The audience looked at the excited girl, chewing the word subconsciously.


"Extremely special soldier R?"

For a while, this strange name circulated in people's mouths, and seeing this girl say so swearingly, their hearts began to shake.

"Ridiculous, ridiculous! Just name it as your own mech, why don't you say ABCD, R? Don't you say it is called R, it really is?" Donald Xiu sounded mockingly.

He stood upright holding the intercom, bowed to the huge streamer Aquila mecha, and continued: "Respected sir referee, this reason is really ridiculous."

Yes, this reason is ridiculous. If you don't know where it came from, you can say that this mecha is yours.

Gregory's vigorous voice sounded: "Does Rocky Heavy Industries have other explanations for this code name?"

Things seem to be clear now, and without any explanation, it would be a big joke.

Seeing this scene, Mu Fan in the cockpit pressed his left shoulder wound with one hand, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Wang Nuonuo stepped forward, fearless in her clear voice: "Of course there is!"

"please say."

The wings behind the streamer Aquila flicked slightly, which very much shows that the owner of this mecha seems to have a hint of curiosity.

"The prototype of Rocky Heavy Industries naturally has unique characteristics!" The lonely girl held the intercom and stood at the very edge of the aircraft, calmly facing the huge mecha, hateful enemy, and hundreds of millions of questioning gazes. It didn't even leave the wind.

At this moment, she represents the Rocky Heavy Industry who can never fall down. She carries the hope of countless people on her back. She is the helm of this huge enterprise.

"Rocky Heavy Industries started with smelting, and our special metals have no semicolon. In order to pass on this belief, every piece of armor on the prototype machine...has the mark of our Rocky Heavy Industries. The mark of the mecha name!"

Wang Nuonuo slammed his arm downward, and his white fingers pointed straight at the "remnant body" of the dark blue mecha below.

"And the mark on this mecha is-Ge-R!"

"With the 120-175nm band spectrometer, you can easily find the mark of our Rocky Heavy Industries at every piece of armor assembly!"

The two sentences are spoken together, and the second sentence directly points out the method of recognition.

The media on the Sky Mothership directly locked the ultra-telephoto lens on the girl's pale but faithful face, and then switched the screen to the dark blue body on the ground.

This thing... is really interesting.

The face of Donald Xiu, who was still showing sarcasm, instantly fell cold, his head lowered slightly, and his voice came out between his teeth: "Damn it."

This time Gregory didn't speak, but an aircraft descended rapidly from high altitude Passing through the streamer Aquila without any pause, it landed directly beside the black extreme soldier.

Extremely special soldier's head turned slightly with a click, looking at the two staff members who appeared.

Two persons wearing silver overalls, holding a spectrometer, approached the "Dark Blue Ranger".

Locate the joints of the armor, the two looked at each other, and the spectrometer turned on.

The aerial camera is aimed at the number on the spectrometer, and the band setting is-[120-175nm].

This is the field of invisible light, but when the spectrometer is turned on, a small row of words surfaced.

Each word is the size of a small fingernail and is extremely clear.

Upon seeing this scene, the media instantly boiled, and the audience collectively fell silent.

——[Rocky Heavy Industries·Ge-R]!

The spectrometer moved up again, and a string of the same text appeared again.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the camera, and it was broadcast live without any editing to the eyes of millions of people.

The crowd is sensational!

It turns out that the mech that made the terrifying gravity ball is also the mech of this unknown company!

In that case, Rocky Heavy Industries...

What a terrifying company it is! ?

Countless observers of large and small organizations waiting to purchase mechas boiled collectively at this moment.

With this kind of performance mech, they can only say, as much as you want!

"Quickly check, Rocky Heavy Industries! Their orders, take them, take them all!"

"What a powerful mecha, what a terrifying company... This company quickly sent someone to contact me. If I can't get in touch, I don't have to come back."

What Wang Nuonuo didn't expect was that in such a state of coincidence, Rocky Heavy Industries, which has not yet entered the top 100, actually has a huge customer base.


It was exactly one of Mu Fan's plans from the beginning...!

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