Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 381: The direction of the spear, the world and the earth hurt together (2 in 1)

(Congratulations to the newly promoted hall master "Purple Dian Crow Fairy"! The two chapters of this chapter are integrated! The 5000-word chapter)

This is the horror of the battle of the earth, narrowing the gap between pilots infinitely, and turning it into a confrontation between the airframes.

Under this power, the role of people is reduced to a minimum.

That rain of bullets poured down, in Ogden's calculations, even if the opponent's body speed was doubled, it would not be able to avoid the missile array of the phalanx.

Rui Qier, who had already turned into an audience, was fortunate to sit in the special auditorium. She saw this scene clearly, and there was panic in her eyes. She suddenly covered her mouth with her white palms, her eyes showing unbearable color.

Sandy beside her also looked solemn.

With his eyes, it is really impossible to imagine how the Extreme Soldier would escape this scene.

People held their breath and waited quietly for the results to appear.

Wang Nuonuo on the observation platform did not close her eyes at the moment, but stared at her big eyes without blinking. All of her body and mind were pinned on the huge figure holding the spear.

Both hands were twisted in front of him subconsciously.

Sir, you must win!

This is what you told me!

Outside this arena, at the other end of the planet, there are also countless people in that academy looking at the screen, looking at the black mecha in the screen.

In the mecha special training room, a sturdy bald man sat on the sofa without expression.

His eyes were motionless, and the young lecturers around him didn't even dare to show up.

The ghost knew that Ruan Xiongfeng called them to come over and didn't even have a meeting. The result was watching this light and shadow.

"This is my personal disciple."

Ruan Xiongfeng didn't look to the side at all, he still looked ahead intently, but the words in his mouth surprised these people at the same time.

What, it turned out to be the disciple of this veteran soldier! ?

When did Ruan Bald head accept the disciple, what the old pervert taught is just as perverted.

Just look at the attitude of the mech in the light curtain that cut the missile precisely.

Unfortunately, these lecturers really misunderstood Ruan Xiongfeng.

Because Ruan Da's bald head now twists his eyebrows together, this is not what he taught.

When did Mu Fan this kid have such power?

However, no matter how awesome it is, I am also Ruan Xiongfeng's apprentice, that's enough. have to live well for me, my cheap master has already applied for a vacation, and I will leave tomorrow. I don't want to go and collect your body!

However, Ruan Xiongfeng suddenly slapped his thigh while thinking like this: "His grandmother is so worried now!"

After speaking, he glanced at a group of young lecturers who looked like little chickens behind him, "Are you...not worried?"

The group of people just wanted to shake their heads, but when they saw Ruan Xiongfeng's fierce eyes, they nodded desperately at the same time.

"We are worried!"

"You guys are worried, how could my disciple lose! I'll see how I train you later."

Ruan Xiongfeng cursed and turned his head to look at the light curtain, leaving behind a group of young lecturers shivering but crying without tears.

It's okay to be unreasonable, can you not be so rascal?


The sirens in the Extreme Soldier had become one piece at this moment, and it was an uninterrupted ear-piercing and long ringing.

Mu Fan, who was in a dark breathing state, directly turned off the body's radar blankly.

The harsh sound and the red dots on the screen disappeared instantly.

There was even a strange tranquility in the entire cockpit.

"Mu Fan, what are you going to do?" Hei asked in surprise.

"Rush over."

The wave-like sequence of keystrokes began to surge from the console.

In the blink of an eye, the all-sky missile reached the sky above the extremely special soldier.

With the overwhelming number and unavoidable speed, just looking at it makes you desperate.

However, at this time, the extremely special soldier thrust his head slightly forward.

The sturdy and powerful mechanical arm buckled the Yan Yushuang blue gun body, and the figure burst out suddenly.

At this moment, time seems to stand still, and when the missile falls, it is **** on earth.

How people hoped that time would slow down, but the dense array of sailfish missiles finally fell from the sky.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The first wave of missile clusters plummeted at a 45-degree angle.

Countless mushroom clouds rise from the ground.

The stone forest and rock wall were completely turned into powder in this fierce bombardment.

Just under the coverage of the first wave of missiles, there was a subconscious tremor in people's bodies.

Because the entire ground can be seen falling downward.

People looked forward to the extreme soldier with a beautiful weapon like a work of art, and the extreme soldier with a "patch" on its left shoulder... Are you still alive?

The billowing black smoke covered everything.

The second batch of missiles is already flying downward, and the third batch has reached the point of change in the air.

The audience began to sink their hearts.

"Wait, look, look!"

Suddenly a bright light appeared from the black smoke, and then the violent figure suddenly tore everything and rushed out.

The mech's hands alternated quickly in front of him, and even bursts of phantoms appeared.

But the body of Yanyu Shuanglan is completely invisible, and all people can see is the huge light wheel.

The flame rain and frost blue rotating alternately in both hands waved to protect the surrounding airtight.

The path of the extremely special soldier at this moment is completely straight.

The second wave of missiles hit, and this time people clearly saw the shocking scene.

One missile was fired at the extremely special soldier, but within ten meters of the distance, the swift light wheel was divided into two, and the air was directly detonated.

However, these missiles that exploded in mid-air had no effect on the extremely special soldiers cast from Acabot alloy except for their shocking momentum.

The most amazing thing at this moment is undoubtedly the huge two-color light wheel that has completely enveloped the mecha when it dances!

The fire light that ignited above the gun blade and the cold light that flickered at the gun editor's office complemented each other.

The extremely special soldier is advancing at a state of superb speed, and no missile can get close to within ten meters.

The audience rubbed their eyes and then looked into the arena.

"This, what kind of mecha martial arts is this!?"

"It's so cool to the extreme!"

Not long after, the audience's shock and enthusiasm like the ocean instantly flooded the stadium.

What a wonderful performance, this black mecha did not disappoint them.

The second wave of missiles completely covered the ground, and the earthquake trembled.

The third wave of missiles is here again...

The short 2 kilometers between the extremely special soldiers and the battle base of the earth has been enveloped by missiles.

The cameras mounted on the aircraft were shaking violently.

It was a terrifying shock wave from a violent explosion on the ground.

Clouds of mushrooms rise in this huge basin-shaped valley.

At this moment people seem to see the end of the world.

Inside the extremely special soldier, thin beads of sweat have surfaced on Mu Fan's forehead, and the split wound on his left shoulder was red again.

The sound of his elbows and ten fingers touching the console has become densely connected.

First appearance in actual combat.

Sogril's incredible conjecture-big rounds!

A mysterious weapon from outside the sky-Yan Yu Frost Blue!

The combined effect of the two was not even expected by Mu Fan.

But... isn't this what he wants?

"Mu Fan, your apm has just exceeded 500." The silent Hei suddenly said.


Mu Fan's eyes suddenly looked aside.

A 503 is displayed impressively on the meter that records apm.

He fought again and again, and unexpectedly, his hand speed broke through the limitation of the original training.

Extremely special soldiers are still sprinting violently, Mu Fan's voice is faintly excited:

"Hei, does it mean that I can use the original skill now?"

"That's right, Po's top fantasy skill-virtual flash."

That was the first skill Mu Fan heard of in Planet Loga. Even under the guidance of Hei, Mu Fan was already familiar with this skill, but he could not use it due to physical conditions.

But now, in this battlefield, Mu Fan actually broke through.

The black and bright aura in his eyes became deeper and deeper, and Mu Fan said calmly: "The odds of winning are increased by 10%."

"I don't know if this news can assist again. I have just been analyzing the flame rain and frost blue through the onboard system. The activation condition of this weapon's exclusive skill seems to be very simple, that is, the instantaneous meteorite 3 energy boost, which drives The fi force field of the weapon is completely transformed, but the specific example is unknown. Based on the existing information, it should be similar to the penetration technique."

That's the trick... the tide of time?

Mu Fan narrowed his eyes and didn't care about the trauma on his left shoulder. A grave voice came out from his throat: "This news is very good, Lan Du Junwu, I am about to start collecting interest..."

There was a figure in the cloud of mushrooms, which was rolling up the billowing smoke, and then easily threw it behind him.

The ice-blue figure flashed by in the thick smoke.

All three batches of missiles fell, and the earth was in a mess. However, people didn't have time to pay attention. All they saw was the ice blue mecha with the potential to destroy the army!

An invisible armor made of ice flame burns blazingly on the black shell.

"how is this possible?"

"It really broke out!"

"How can this be done?"

On the observation platform, Donald Siu, who just said the first sentence and stopped speaking, stared at a scene in the field with crazy and sick eyes. He decided that he couldn't believe what he saw was true.

Another surprise was Ogden with a sneer on his face.

This kind of brainless bombardment tactics originally gave people a kind of crushing pleasure, but when the crushing was not successful and the crushed object reappeared, the pleasure changed.

"This is impossible!"

The Battle of the Earth suddenly drew out the special shotgun on the back.

That huge caliber is daunting.

Two orange lights lit up from it.

It's finally time to head to head!

At this time, it was finally time for the pilot to compete with the pilot.

The light wheel of the extremely special soldier began to change into an s-shaped curve, and the s-shaped trajectory was broken down into segments of data in Ogden’s eyes.

"Coordinate deflection -5°, bearing 341,622, correction 37°..."

A series of numbers began to appear on the combat light curtain with Ogden's continuous correction.

"Your evasion is of no use to me! Ha ha, give me—break!"

A fierce look appeared on Ogden's face, and his right hand, which had been micro-controlling, suddenly pulled the trigger.

Finally, the special shotgun slammed the muzzle to the side.


A huge tongue of flame shot from the shotgun.

The distance between the two mechas of only more than 300 meters is inevitable.

Mu Fan's eyes had never left the combat light curtain. He knew that after avoiding the large-scale group of sailfish missiles, he would eventually have to engage in a close battle with the opponent.

The biggest threat of close combat comes from the huge special shotgun.

With a double caliber of 182mm, this is clearly a heavy artillery with two bursts.

One shot was enough to blast a mecha into fragments, and the power at close range far exceeded that of the Sailfish missile, which Mu Fan could never ignore.

So his eyes are always locked on the opponent's...shoulder!

The weapon equipped with mech does not have a physical trigger, and the opponent wants to shoot, so the first thing to move is the shoulder.

Mu Fan, in the dark breathing state, was aware of all the subtleties.

The shoulders of the battle of the earth only shifted less than 1°, and Mu Fan had already reacted.

The wave-like key sequence disappeared instantly, replaced by the instant operation of the ten fingers turning into a phantom.

An awe-inspiring arc evoked from the corner of Mu Fan's mouth:

"Finally wait until you make a move, then next, please die!"

The rotating huge projectile flew towards the position where the extremely special soldier changed direction in the next moment.

However, at this moment, it seemed that there were countless exercises.

The incredible scene appeared.

Obviously, the extremely special soldier who has turned to the right after reaching the apex of the front left, rotates the spear with both hands in the next second, and continues to sprint forward to the right.

Because this was determined by the body's inertia, and the strong acceleration made the pilot unable to perform other actions.

But the next moment, the Extreme Soldier still maintained the attitude of lowering his head and spinning the light wheel to sprint, and stepped out in one step.

The figure is five meters back like a ghost!

It appears as if the picture is edited, which is far from common sense.

"this is!"

The special audience was stunned.

Even the Ran family, who had never changed their face, frowned slightly, and Nayden's eyes were surprised.

As for Gregory, who was on the high platform after them, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes, which was a kind of gaze with a love for talent.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they didn't recognize the true origin of this trick.

But now there is a strange thing that countless people in the ordinary audience can't help but burst out swear words: "I... fuck!"

The fat man was even more straightforward, and slapped his face directly: "My grass, is this fat brother watching the battle of the po fantasy area gods? Isn't this a virtual flash?"

Ordinary audiences spend more than half a year in the pure entertainment fantasy zone, and this is where the real masters disdain to go.

So cognition has a ridiculous picture at this moment.

Ordinary audiences recognize this move before the real pilot.

This is just the feeling of the audience, but Ogden, as the person involved, watched a wave of soil tens of meters high in front of him, and the scene of the broken mecha in his imagination did not appear at all.

The astonishment and shock in his eyes are much greater than anyone else.

how is this possible! ?

Earth Battle Base stretched his left hand to his waist.

This time the shooting must at least delay the opponent's attack, and he must shoot again.

However, at this moment, the experienced Ogden really lost to a game of pure entertainment nature.

The real meaning of the virtual flash is that it does not slow down...move back in an instant.

Therefore, the extremely special soldiers in the backward state did not slow down at all!

The violent steps trampled deep pits on the ground.

The metal muscles start to work with the engine.

The light wheels on both sides of the extremely special soldier suddenly disappeared at this moment.

The rotating hands stopped, Yan Yu Shuanglan fell into the right hand, and the arm held the gun barrel high.

The spear blade that resembles the wings of a flying dragon proudly emits red light.

Ji Shubing, who had been bowing his head, suddenly raised his head.

A red light lit up in his eyes.

The mech exited the supersonic state, but the pace became stronger and stronger.

Meteor 3 engine energy extraction!

Force field energy conversion...

Try to activate Flame Rain Frost Blue...

The activation is successful.

Weapon skills are ready to be launched!

"Weapon Skill-The Tide of Time!"

The two mechas were within fifty meters of each other at this moment.

Mu Fan originally planned to send the weapon in front of his opponent.

However, a black horrified voice sounded from the cockpit: "The calculation is wrong, this force field is too terrifying, and it starts to extend on its own. It is almost out of control. You can quickly shoot!!"

Mu Fan frowned, "But the distance now..."

The distance between the two mechas is at least 30 meters. Did this attack fail?

"Please, my lord hopes you are alive and well, so let's stab it out, hurry up and look at the engine power!"


Mu Fan glanced at it subconsciously, but was in a cold sweat.

The energy of Meteorite 3 is always 90%, but at this moment it turns to 20%, and it is still The energy monitor screen shows... Energy level:? ? ?

It turned out to be a question mark!

Cold sweat instantly appeared in Mu Fan's palm.

Extremely special soldier stepped on the ground and raised high, the ice flames all over his body almost turned into substance.

Yan Yushuanglan held up high in his hand and stab forward suddenly.

Ogden, who saw this scene, couldn't help but laugh:

"There is still 30 meters away. Can you shoot with a flying gun? Hahaha, because of this, I want to break the defense of the ground battle. Hahaha...what!?"

The laughter in the cockpit stopped abruptly.

The audience stands up, no matter special or ordinary.

The commentary of the blond man with sunglasses stuck in his throat for an instant, leaving only the monosyllable words repeating unconsciously:

"That, that, me, me, this... Ah! Ah!"

In their eyes, they looked at the extremely special soldier flying into the air in disbelief...


Less than ten meters above Jishubing’s head...

A giant spear phantom with a width of more than ten meters and a length of more than 500 meters appeared there.

Above this phantom, the totem flying dragon, like an ancient myth, was rolling around.

A surging breath kept surging from back to front, it was the breath of frost and flame!

People watched the ground under the five hundred meters of ice, melting, and boiling.

Bingling and Molten, such a spectacular scene that cannot be seen at the same time, appeared so harmoniously in people's sight.

As the extreme soldier's arm stretched, he stab forward.

The huge phantom with the surging energy aura, set off countless air currents from the ground, and pushed forward suddenly.

In front of the gun head, it is the battle base of the "small" body.

At this moment, people seemed to hear the sound of the world cracking.

An uncontrollable chill started from the back.

The direction of the spear--

Heaven and earth hurt together!

(To be continued.)

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