Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 383: Da Lei Xiao's Secret Mission

(The third estimate is that it will not be released until more than 1 o'clock)

When he saw the extreme soldier's foot violently stepped on it, he heard a bang in Donald's hand.

Gao Lingze and all the Landu military personnel behind him felt that their hairs were exploding, and Tang Naxiu's almost devastating aura was terrifying.

No one has taken the initiative to speak now, who would stupidly hit the muzzle?

However, this is just their own thoughts, and for those reporters, this is the best news.

Of course they heard the loud bang of the glass breaking, so they even had to rush to ask the person concerned how they felt.

The mechas and pilots of the Landu Military and Military Group have no bones left. How does Mr. Tang feel now?

No, this kind of question is too mean...

But being so mean can arouse the emotions of the interviewee!

Green light appeared in the eyes of a group of media people.

Some people are afraid of Donald Siu, but there are always some who are not.

So these reporters suddenly rushed forward.

"Mr. Tang!"

"Your mecha has..."

"I want to interview Mr. Donald Siu..."

The security personnel of the Landu Military and Military Group showed excellent quality at this moment, and they immediately stopped these reporters who wanted to rush forward.

Several reporters were caught off guard by these strong bodyguards and bounced to the ground.

Donald Xiu still didn't look back, his right hand still clinging to the glass residue.

Bright red blood began to drip down the palm of his hand.

Tick, tick.

The person next to him grabbed a handkerchief and wanted to rush to it, but at this moment Donald Siu's left hand was suddenly raised.

The tumultuous scene stopped in an instant, and everyone looked at the back of the raised left hand.

A gloomy and flat voice came from the front:

"Tang needs to hold an internal company meeting, so I can only trouble you friends from the media to arrange another time."

When the voice fell, the security personnel who had passively blocked the reporters straightened the reporters who were still pushing, and then forced them away.

Only then did the zealous reporters realize that this person is the descendant of the seven major families of Landu.

Although not reconciled, but can only leave helplessly.

Seeing those media outlets completely, Gao Lingze and others saw Donald Xiu who turned his head sullenly.

"From now on, I will...he die! Ah!!!"

With a violent flick of his right hand, the **** palm finally opened.

Donald Xiu's crazy roar echoed in the protective cover.

He will never forget the other person's look that deliberately raised his head and looked at him.

Cold and godless, he knew it was just an electronic eye.

But he knew better that there was a pair of real eyes behind the electronic eyes.

There must be mockery in those indifferent eyes.


"Okay! It's really worthy of being Lao Tzu's disciple!"

In the mecha special training room, Ruan Xiongfeng slapped his thigh suddenly, his face glowing with excitement.

After the bald man shouted, he found himself quietly behind him, and then grinned at a group of scared and speechless young lecturers behind him.

"Isn't it exciting, eh?" The last word came from the veteran's nasal cavity.


"It's really a disciple of Instructor Ruan. This violent style is exactly the same."

"Famous teachers have high apprentices."

"Yes, there is the style of instructor Ruan back then."

A group of young lecturers trembled with fright, and then desperately nodded, sending all kinds of nice words without money.

"Hahahaha! You know what Lao Tzu was like back then. But this sounds like a bright light in your heart. Okay, you can go back. Today's meeting is cancelled and I am going to prepare for a mission."

Ruan Xiongfeng stroked his bald head and laughed. Although these young people have average abilities, they speak very well.

The bald man said it was very useful.

Hearing what Ruan Xiongfeng said, these young lecturers left the room in a panic.

The pressure to be with this humanoid monster is too much, not to mention the moody personality, but the pervert with strong strength.

There is also the dean who has been protecting him, which is really unreasonable.

Forget it, just watch a video with the old soldier.

But having said that, the pilot of that mecha is really a direct disciple of Ruan Bald?

and many more……

It won't be a freshman in this class!

These young lecturers looked at each other, and they reacted without Ruan Xiongfeng by their side.

With amazement in his eyes.

I just patronized and resisted the pressure brought by the bald man. Now that I have aftertaste, I thought about it carefully... I was terrified!

When there was only one person in the special training room, Ruan Xiongfeng sat back on the sofa again.

He picked up the Tianxun in his hand and dialed a number, still staring at the black mecha on the screen.

"I'm Ruan Xiongfeng, I will pass tomorrow, but I just drove Da Lei Xiao to watch the battle. Also remember, if my apprentice is in danger, I don't care what Mecha Association rules, I will definitely take action."

Tianxun's Vignano seemed to be talking about something.

Then Ruan Xiongfeng raised Tianxun impatiently, facing the microphone position and said: "Okay, don't be like a lady in ink, that's it."

Hang up Tianxun and throw it aside.

Ruan Xiongfeng hugged both palms behind his head, and the big bald head gleamed in the light.

Recalling the request from the high-level military that I received last night, the mecha training contest started from the throne contest because I was afraid of some accidents, and needed strong mechas to cooperate with military warships to maintain order.

Of course, this maintenance is not only for those unknown possibilities, but more for letting the Mecha Association cast a rat avoidance weapon.

"It's still a bargain on such a trivial condition. Now the armies of these peaceful planets are getting weaker and weaker. Obviously, he is just like an egg on his own territory, he is a mother~"

"Hey, but cheap apprentice, you cheap master is here to help you, let me fight with peace of mind in the next battle, hahaha!"

In the end, Ruan Xiongfeng smiled triumphantly again.

No way, who made this kid Mu Fan his apprentice!


As for Mu Fan's little friends, they were already excited at this moment.

Especially the fat guy, his face flushed, his expression was the same as the climax for a long time, and he was so refreshed that he could hardly His mouth was open but he couldn't say a word, so he could only snap with his hands. Patting the guard, expressing his inner excitement and shock.

However, at this moment, a buddy who was similar to him, with a pair of small round sunglasses, suddenly slammed the popcorn in his hand onto the chair.

"I'm so crazy, this Nima is still playing a geoduck!"

The excited roar accompanied by popcorn popping made Fatty Harry turn his head blankly.

"Brother, what do you mean by this, I didn't understand..."

"Illiteracy is terrible, so I searched it by myself." The sunglasses jacket was fat and disgusting.

When Bai Mao noticed the moment he turned his head, he even saw the tears of excitement in the fat man's eyes.

The so-so fat brother was considered illiterate.


Bai Mao patted the fat man on the shoulder. He understood this, but he couldn't explain it.

Alas, it's really hard to be a pure person.

The fat man saw Baimao's constipation-like guilt, and he turned to comfort Baimao again.

Only Li Xiaoxi, who had been watching here without making a sound, was thinking about what the geoduck was.

It has to be said that since the start of the competition, the extremely special soldiers left a deep impression on people.

No one can imagine that the mecha, which was deemed to be only A-grade, would continue to defeat the opponent with various exaggerated and violent gestures.

No, it is to completely kill the opponent!

From the beginning of the battle to the present...

None of the mecha's subordinates survived.

Looking at the black mech that was revealed by the opponent to crush it, the viewers felt chills in their hearts.

This mecha actually made it all the way into the throne contest.

Tomorrow, I don't know what kind of visual feast this mecha will bring to them tomorrow?

(To be continued.)

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