When there is a purpose to do something, the dark night is the best hiding.

   This is true for these people, and the same is true for Mu Fan. These people who were evacuated from the hall in batches in time and in batches can be said to have done a perfect job, if it weren't for the inadvertent movements of the left hand of these people who were not performing 360-degree surveillance.

   can be synchronized in reality!

   This weird martial skill that I learned from the master fighter, unexpectedly appeared so naturally at the moment my thoughts just flashed. It is no different from PO battle. Even the sense of realism allows him to clearly feel the effect of the dark breath in reality far beyond the virtual world. What kind of existence is a master fighter! ?

The wind formed by the fluctuation of the air flow, the smell floating with the flow of the air, the calm and tranquil feeling of foot on the ground, this inexplicable freedom like a fish in the night, instantly made Mu Fan's understanding of this martial art deeper. On the first floor, the martial arts are not quite accurate. This is more like a technique that goes beyond a single martial arts.

   Mu Fan now feels that his mental state is fully improved, and his vision in the dark is not affected. Now, coupled with the expanding sense of thinking, he has a feeling of dominating the night.

Just after passing by two trees, they accelerated past a bush of trees, and within half a second of the security personnel who turned on both sides of their heads, the shadow broke through their warning zone, and only the sound of the natural wind whizzed past, causing the leaves to rustle. Rattle. These people didn't even notice that a dark shadow was passing through this villa quickly. It was just a dinner party. What's the surprise.

   Mu Fan was reminded by the black to avoid all the possibility of being discovered. Now he can't tell where he is and where is the eyes and ears of other forces.

   Whenever he runs in the dark, Mu Fan always feels particularly at ease. This is the environment in which he grew up, and this is the hunting activity he has been carrying out every day for his own survival.

   If you look down high in the sky, you will find a disorderly and strange black line spreading out of the villa, and the end of the line is Mu Fan, who is almost silent in the shape of a ghost.

A dark cloud obscured the light refracted by the satellite, and black suddenly reminded in his ears: "This is the third warning line. The 9 monitors around here are rotating regularly. I adjusted it a little bit. There is a blind spot of 1 second. Follow my instructions!"

   "Okay!" Without opening, the nasal sound was directly transmitted into the headset, and the rustling wind covered everything.

   "Run at full speed, five steps!"

   "Pump!" Mu Fan jumped suddenly, this was an unreserved trust in Hei.

   When his body leaped through the gap between the two bushes in a bow shape, out of the corner of Mu Fan's eyes, he found an extremely inconspicuous green spot hidden on the other side of the grass, and light was faintly visible from between the gaps.

   "In half a second, move across behind the green tung tree in front of you on your right! You can make a slight noise!"

As soon as I lifted my eyelids, I calculated the approximate distance in my heart to be about nine to ten meters. He bit his teeth and stomped on the ground with his right leg. The whole body rushed like a spring to the thick tree on the left. The legs are compressed to the extreme, collapse! There were a few cracks in the trunk, but Mu Fan turned into a black afterimage across the distance.

"Five seconds rest. Next is the fourth cordon of the villa. The group of people have all evacuated from the villa during surveillance. Now there are signs of crowds gathering three kilometers southeast. There is a style bar over there. According to statistics within 60 minutes There are already 13 people in the villa who entered there." The black infinite sight distance directly outlines an outline in Mu Fan's heart.

   "Go ahead! The forest below is a blind spot for monitoring. It is judged that it is 30 meters deep. The trap may not be ruled out. You pass by yourself! A group of patrol personnel in front will pass by after 6 seconds. Be careful." He gave a reminder in the unmonitored area.

   "Hmm." Here he is more confident.

   When he turned quickly, he flashed out of the tree, and then exerted force under his feet. With the spread of perception and thinking under the increase of the dark breath, Mu Fan faintly felt a threat under the seemingly dark woods ahead.

   A trace of deep red flashed in his eyes, **** vision!

   Night vision level is strengthened to the limit, this is an ability that Hei Du doesn't even know. Hei could only judge Mu Fan's abnormality based on his external performance, but he could not know the specific abilities brought about by such abnormality in detail.

   The night faded in his eyes, and thick leaves accumulated under the forest. No, in the passing section, only thick leaves appeared in the woods on the outermost side of this manor.

   Haven't been cleaned all year round? impossible.

   The enhanced thinking of the dark breath bonus made Mu Fan quickly recall details that he had almost neglected in his mind.

   From the grave? Raised? One, three, six...

   There is a situation at the roots of the forest!

   His eyes rolled slightly, and the corner of Mu Fan's mouth raised.

   Then run on the tree!

   drink! Mu Fan took three steps and took one step, a big forward leap, his legs accumulating strength, and then like a cannonball, he rushed straight to a relatively strong old tree outside.

   Stepped on alternate legs, dexterously holding the obliquely protruding or obvious or hidden branches, the whole person appeared directly at the canopy in just two seconds.

   Holding the thick branch with his right hand, Mu Fan squatted on one knee and squatted between the branches. Scanning his eyes downward, he found dense yellow-brown matt metal bodies with terrifying spikes.

   Where are so many leaves? This is obviously an unknown weapon interspersed among dense leaves!

   If there is a scene scan, Hei can clearly tell Mu Fan that this is a federal-style weapon. The poisonous tribulus shoots a stinging mine, and it bursts enough to pierce a steel plate with a thickness of 20mm.

   is really a big family, and the defense measures are linked together. When he was in the tree canopy, Mu Fan felt the vague sense of threat clear and magnified, but his instinct told him to be safe.

   Poisonous tribulus ejection spur mine, with a five-meter radius of pursuit ejection characteristics, Mu Fan's location is a full seven meters from the ground! His instincts allowed him to avoid this terrifying thunder array perfectly.

   Light and agile like a mountain ape, Mu Fan's figure is jumping fast on the tree, and the perfect cover between the twinkling of his figure and the night is not inconsistent. The intertwined branches and leaves in the canopy are still naturally swinging with the breeze.

   Bloody vision and dark breath, Mu Fan's jungle instinct was infinitely magnified, this is his home court.

  Hei is timing faithfully in his ears: "3 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds..."

   The last tree is here, step on it, just go over it.

   "6 seconds!" Mu Fan's legs were already accumulating energy after the jump, but as soon as the black voice fell, Mu Fan disappeared behind the last tree.

   "Arrival in Zone D, confirm safety." A team of people with live ammunition driving a terrain vehicle appeared beside the woods, and the searchlights routinely swept up and down.

   "Captain, there are talents here. I don't know how to die when I go in and die."

   "Stop talking nonsense~www.readwn.com~ Let's eat this bowl of rice. Let's go!"

   The convoy disappeared into the night and drove along the mountain road.

   Mu Fan hung one arm behind the tree, his whole person clinging to the trunk, his right hand tightly clasped a tree hole only four fingers wide, hanging there silently.

   After confirming that there was no sound from the surroundings, Mu Fan exerted force with one arm, and the whole person was actually thrown off from a height of six or seven meters, and he flew over the mountain road. Mu Fan folded and landed lightly, sinking into the thick grass.

   "Perfect!" Hei made a rare compliment, and he didn't see Mu Fan at all through the recorder of the patrol team.

   Mu Fan's cheek moved lightly: "After all, it's the host!"

   "When I didn't say..." Hei was choked by Mu Fan.

   After three full seconds, Hei Cai continued to speak dullly: "I have left the villa. The security standard of the little fat man's home is very high. Compared with other places in this city, I can rank second."

   "Where is the number one?"

   "Military stronghold!"

   Mu Fan rolled his eyes, the opening and closing of the teeth sent inquiries: "What's next?"

   "Running at full speed! There are already more than fifteen people there! Moreover, several possible crowds coming from the surveillance area suddenly disappeared from the surveillance." The black voice suddenly accelerated, and it was obvious that the time when Lord Hei began to predict has changed.

"it is good!"

   A few rapid ups and downs, Mu Fan disappeared, leaving only the dense sea of ​​grass swaying in the wind on the gentle hillside.


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