Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 402: The terrifying bombardment of the S-level peak!

   This violent shot was so sudden that everyone did not react.


   A huge voice echoed in this world.

   People watched the orange-red light hit the sky directly, and then cheered excitedly.


   This blow directly penetrated the opponent's body, and then shot towards the sky without any reduction.

   But in the cockpit of extremely special soldiers, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point in an instant.

   Mu Fan's pupils shrank to a point, and the voice in his chest suddenly spit out:

   "This is a mirror image!"

   That's right, the dark yellow evil alien mecha that appeared was just a mirror image, and it was a mirror image that couldn't be more realistic.

   "Yan" fired the Akabot alloy armor-piercing projectile, knocking the mirror image of the chest into a deep hole.

   It wasn't until the bullet crossed that it even began to slowly recover.

   This is definitely not the kind of ordinary optical projection, because with Mu Fan's terrifying vision, if the mirror image is an ordinary optical projection image, then you will definitely find a clue.

   This mirror image, even the airflow has a slight change when it passes around the body.

   So this is definitely not a phantom mirror, but

   Entity mirror, a self-repairing entity mirror!

   Inside the gloomy cockpit, there was a cold laughter from behind the metal mask.

   "Hehe, if the snake shadow mode is so simple to be discovered by you, then what qualifications does Solomon have to run rampant in this interstellar space!"

  His Andumari's car, but from Solomon, the real S-class pinnacle mecha, is among the superpowers

   Twisted Devil Snake!

   When this self-talk fell, Mu Fan only felt a burst of icy laughter from all around. The laughter was mocking and cruel, and the sound was like playing with a bug.

   "Haha, hahahaha, hahahaha!"

   There was a thunderous laughter from all directions, and countless identical bodies appeared in the sky.

   are all the same three python heads, all the same huge incarnation, the same mottled yellow painting.

   all exudes a very strange atmosphere at the same time!

   This is the true strength of being the s-class pinnacle mecha, this is the embodiment of Solomon's true technology!

   illusory and real phantom thousand shadow snake.

   Hundreds of red dots appeared on the radars of Mu Fan, Sky Mothership Radar, and Da Lei Xiao!

   "His grandma's, it turned out to be the seventy-two post, Andumari the Demon Snake!"

An extremely bad premonition flashed in Ruan Xiongfeng's heart, and the big Lei Xiao's wings flew upwards instantly, and the big bald head was muttering to himself: "My apprentice, you must hold on, 30 seconds, just 30 seconds, teacher coming."

   The cabin door above the carrier has not been fully opened yet, and the big thunder owl surrounded the rich purple electric light with his fists, smashing the slowly opened cabin door with one punch.

   As for the destruction of military equipment, let's talk about it later.

   Mu Fan didn't know all of this. He only knew that the dense red dots surrounded by mahjong himself on the screen at this moment could no longer tell who was true and who was false.

   This surprise attack failed, and he has completely fallen into a passive state.

   "Are you looking for me? Haha."

   This frantic laughter came from all directions. At this moment, Mu Fan's sharp five senses finally lost its effect, because this sound was really everywhere around him.

   Extremely special soldier puts on a guard posture and moves his feet to look around. When Extremely special soldier turns to the back, next to the mirror position where it previously penetrated, the other mirror image suddenly raised his hands, and then put his fists in front of him.

   With ten fingers facing each other, they formed a triangle, and the body of the yellow python wrapped around both arms seemed to come alive and began to spread forward.

   The metal python spread and entangled, and it turned into a hollow barrel very quickly, and the arms of the hollow barrel were the supports of the hollow barrel.

   The gaze of this mecha is the same as other mirror images. They are all looking down, but no one knows that after this electronic eye, it is the real Andumari!

   The real body is impressively beside the previous mirror image.

   When the twisted Demon Snake Mecha was in this posture, the huge mouth of the blood basin on the shoulders and forehead glowed with a faint yellow light at the same time.

   The faint yellow light from the three huge mouths first lit up a little light, and then turned into three energy beams from different directions, straight, pouring into the hollow barrel in both hands.

  The metal barrel of the snake body intertwined after these three energies poured in, the light suddenly seemed like a scorching sun!

  Compress, compress, compress!


   is silent, like the silent burst of a bubble, and you can even see the trace of the faint air fluctuation.

   A circle of shock waves spread from the muzzle, and then continued to wave toward the endless periphery.

   At last, the radiant light, like the scorching sun, turned into a beam of light and rushed downward.

   Twisted Demon Snake became famous as a killer Snake Shadow Demon Cannon!

  How fast the light is, and being able to dodge the beam gun is often a prior movement change, but in this situation that has completely confused the target, it is too late when the danger is perceived!

   A huge terror floated from behind.

   Despite the sense of crisis, Mu Fan's reaction was extremely fast.

   When the muzzle light group of the Snake Shadow Demon Cannon was lit up, the extremely special soldier who was still turning underneath was about to jump.

   But the light is still too fast

   Even the beam from the muzzle draws a slight arc at the end, which is like an automatic tracking center above the engine on the back of a very special soldier.

   Behind there is the cockpit of the mecha!

   The extremely special soldier holding the flame rain frost blue has no chance of struggling, just like a tiny human under the huge wave.

   The bright beam of energy engulfed the black extremely special soldier, and then pushed it all the way back.

   Those viewers who were still watching the live broadcast were speechless, and this sudden intrusion into the dialogue made people lose a little bit of breath at the beginning.

   However, after the small half of the audience left, the rest of the people saw this gorgeous scene on the light curtain!

   Driven by the bright yellow light of the Snake Shadow Magic Cannon, the earth melted and the rock wall collapsed.

   The black figure was swallowed and disappeared, but what people can see is the gravel and dust blowing up at the end of the light!



   was clearly standing on the rock wall outside the canyon, but at this moment, the extremely special soldier was directly hit by the thick rock wall all the way into the canyon!


   Amid the huge roar, the beam of light finally sank into the corner of the canyon, and a shockingly huge crater appeared.

   And this time it is a huge crater on the side!

   The deepest part of the crater was still shot out of a bottomless black hole.


   As for extremely special soldiers

   When the light dissipated, people saw the black shards scattered on the ground.

   "No!!" Wang Nuonuo's big eyes turned red in an instant, and the whole person knelt on the ground with a plop, crying hoarsely.

   This is the first time in Nuo Nuo's life that she is kneeling on the ground without any image.

"Do not!!!"

   The sound was like a cuckoo cuckooing blood, and the glutinous white and tender palms clung to the ground, and the blood was flowing everywhere.

   From the appearance of the twisted demon snake mech to the extreme soldier being blasted into the rock wall in the canyon, it only took a few seconds.

   "Advanced Sky Motherships open a large carrier shield force field!"

   "Advanced alert, an enemy plane is found, and it is judged that the mecha is one of Solomon's 72-post knights, the twisted snake! Mecha level s, please evade the ordinary mecha and prepare for the high-level mecha!"

   "Advanced alert, the Federal Fleet enters a high-level combat mode, requesting auxiliary restraint shooting, and the Viking fighter formation is ready to attack!"


   A series of alarms sounded in the communication channels of the Federation and Mecha Association.

   "I'm fascinating you uncle! Also my apprentice!"

   A huge mecha surrounded by purple thunder and lightning suddenly rushed into the sky, and Ruan Xiongfeng’s roar was filled with endless raging!

   "Andumari, I am going to tear you to pieces today, ah!!!"

   This bald man who fought nearly a thousand times in large and small battles, after retiring, lost his voice for the first time.

   Bang, surrounded by thunder and lightning, those huge and spreading wings suddenly opened completely behind him!

  Ps: Jinan has been fogged and cooled for a week in a row, and it has been raining and snowing continuously in the last three days. It may often be sedentary, which leads to a decrease in resistance. After running the annual meeting with the leader for two days, I couldn't resist a bad cold and had a high fever of 383 degrees. In the past two days, the little friends in the group have not seen Dangdang show up, and now I can get up to eat something, I will update the update, this is the second update yesterday. Sorry everyone!

   to be continued.

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