Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Surround 3 and Que 1, the mysterious fleet?

A huge tornado swept over, and sky rays pierced into the tornado.

When these rays hit the ground, people were surprised to find that the rays were not virtual at all, but had real damage ability!

This shocking scene has completely destroyed everything in people's vision.

The tornado razed the ground to the ground, but the remnant of the twisted snake mecha disappeared and reappeared.

For a time, the entire sky was full of Andumari's wild laughter.

"Hahahaha! Ruan Xiongfeng, what can you do to me?"

"Really?" In the cockpit, the bald man in the strong electromagnetic ball looked in one direction with a grimly face and suddenly opened his eyes.

The lock mark finally appeared on the light curtain, which was a reminder that the real body of the twisted snake was confirmed.


The big tornado suddenly expanded and spread quickly to the surroundings.

Between the lightning and flint, a shadow of thunder shot out from it.

That violent scene shocked countless people.

Thunder strike!

In the bright brilliance, the wings spread to the extreme, and Da Lei Xiao rushed directly under the clouded sky.

There is nothing there.

However, when Da Lei Xiao crashed there.

A buzzing circle of invisible waves bounced away, and there was a sound of metal collision resounding across the sky.

Da Lei Xiao bounced back into the air, and finally a mecha appeared from the air!

This mech is still in the shape of a twisted devil snake, but the difference from the afterimage is that this mech holds a metal spear in its hand.

This spear is different from the spear in the hands of Extreme Soldiers. The length of this spear has surpassed the height of the Demon Strike Snake, which means that its length is more than twice that of Flame Rain Frost Blue.

Moreover, the shape of this spear is extremely strange, with two interlaced giant pythons turned into spear bodies, and the mottled and dark yellow pattern is almost integrated with the painting on the fuselage.

This time, only the big mouth of the blood basin on the forehead remained.

The metal pythons on the left and right sides should be completely transformed into a part of the spear.

And this weapon that appeared suddenly, the spear that blocked Da Lei Xiao’s punch, was the only cold weapon of the Devil Snake——

King Snake Spear!

"As expected of Da Lei Xiao, I have locked my position so quickly. In this case, then our battle can begin."

The vigorous and sulky voice echoed across the world.

The King Snake Spear in the hands of the Twisted Demon Snake Mecha is on his side, showing great momentum!

The whole body was transpired with a dark yellow breath like a swamp. At this moment, the entire mecha came to the world like a demon.

"what is this?!"

"This is the real mecha body?"

"It looks scary..."

Some messages were posted in the live broadcast room. These viewers should be thankful that until now, the monitoring equipment that has not been destroyed is still faithfully transmitting the pictures.

"I tore you alive today!"

When he saw the dark yellow mecha that was completely forced out, Ruan Xiongfeng's eyes almost cracked, and he finally found the poisonous snake hiding in the sky.

At this moment, Da Lei Owl's limbs flashed with faint blue ionized electric lights at the same time, and the whole machine seemed to be bathed in wild thunder.


A thunder and lightning flashed across the cloudy sky, and the big thunder owl turned into a thunder and shot out.

And this time, on the afterimages left along the way, it turned out to be a different posture, and that posture seemed to be...a map of moves left by a martial arts master.

Da Lei Xiao's super-order offensive-war spirit posture!

"I will be afraid of you?"

After Andumari saw the violent offensive posture of Da Lei Xiao, the tip of the spear in his hand lit up with a dark yellow brilliance, and a real laser lighted up from the tip of the spear and raised it again.

With a heavy swing of the King Snake Spear, the Twisted Demon Snake Mecha split into three in an instant, and then rushed towards the Thunder Owl.

The mechas on both sides broke through ten times the speed of sound at this moment.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Countless afterimages of fierce fighting appeared in the sky.

Kuang thunder began to explode in the air, and the people on the Sky Mothership stared blankly at the thunder light that flashed under the distant clouds.

Now they only pray that this terrible battle will not affect them.

It must not be affected!

The dense black fleet began to emerge on the horizon.

Moreover, it is strange that this time the Federal Fleet has deliberately vacated a blank space in the East.

"Huh? What are they trying to do in the Federation? Did they deliberately open a way for Solomon's mecha?"

In the monitoring room of the Sky Mothership, a man wearing a silver uniform and a weird eye patch frowned and said, as one of the chief deputy referees, Mo Yunfu chose to guard the mothership.

"Master Yunfu, there is a federal communication request to connect, do you want to connect?"

At this time, the staff member next to him suddenly turned around and said, hearing his report, Mo Yun nodded: "Connect."

"This is the United Galaxia Federation Blue Capital Third Fleet. I'm Colonel Bai Hua."

"Hello, Colonel Bai, it just so happens that we have a question to ask. Why did your fleet deliberately open a hole to treat the S+ pinnacle mech? Does it use the ancient method of confining three ques? With all due respect, I think yours Seriously underestimated the strength of this mecha, and also seriously overestimated your own strength."

"I came here for this reason. I just received instructions from the Headquarters and Staff, that the Federal Fleet will have strong foreign aid to arrive. This gap is also the request of the responder." Bai Hua saluted and replied sternly.

"Strong foreign aid? Do you have a fleet capable of contending with the S+ class mecha? Could it be that the four major border fleets have returned?"

"No, this is a secret of our side. It is not convenient to disclose the details. I was only ordered to act, and I have now relayed the incident. Please the Mecha Association to cooperate with our actions!"

A salute, the image of the white birch freezes on the light curtain.

This made Mo Yunfu's face clearly angered, "He said that he had made a special opening to tell the support fleet that came!"

"It's not the four assault fleets of Lei, Ming, Snow, and Wind. Then which fleet dare to boast such a seaport? It's... these **** federal bureaucrats."

Mo Yunfu punched the metal table in front of him. This was not part of the Mecha Association's territory. After all, they were just guests.

You guys have never seen an army with top combat power, do you really think that S+ class mechas are so restrictive?


In the outer space, 70,000 kilometers away from the land of the Land of the Star of the Blue Star, there is a shell full of bullet marks. At first glance, the war-torn fleet is moving fast.

The reorganized fleet of more than one hundred and twenty ships is arranged in a regular arrow-shaped formation. The most frightening thing is that at the arrow position, that huge flagship with a huge gun at the bow is as wide as the ship's body.

If there are regular high-ranking fleet soldiers appear, then they will be able to recognize that this is the ultimate weapon of the United Galaxia Federation fleet, the magnetic field cannon!

And this kind of weapon is only installed in the formations of border troops and core ships in the Capital Star District.

At this moment, in the flagship command room, there is a young man with indifferent eyes and a tall figure standing in front of the huge holographic light curtain On his shoulder, the federal colonel's epaulettes are striking.

The picture on the light curtain is divided into hundreds of pieces, each of which is a different picture, some of which are two mechas fighting.

But even if he saw the power of destroying the world in the confrontation between Da Lei Xiao and the twisted snake, this young man didn't have any extra expressions.

There is no surprise, no shock, only a kind of calm when being serious, a kind of peace of mind when facing danger.

When the eyeball moved from the bottom right of the light curtain, the young man's lips finally moved.

"Lin Hao, the engine room power is turned on in the 17th sequence, and the fleet formation is adjusted to a two-stage fast forward vector array, ready for an ultra-short jump."

"Yes, Colonel Qi!"

Behind this man, there is a soldier Mu Fan who is very familiar with now shows enthusiasm, stomping and saluting!

(To be continued.)

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