Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 416: Stop me and die

It turned out to be you! ?

When Da Lei Xiao looked at the black figure that suddenly lifted into the sky behind the Devil Snake, Ruan Xiongfeng's eyes widened suddenly!

There are few things in this world that can shock this bald man.

However, when the Amethyst was fighting against the Layele clan, the black mech that he encountered was imprinted in his mind like a stone carving.

The **** thing was directly slashed through the existence of the protective cover of the ancient **** worship altar, and what was even more terrifying was that the mecha directly reopened the closing door...

The surging power that is seriously inconsistent with the body shape, that body shape is like a ghost that cannot be perceived at all, and it almost exists as a natural enemy of the Layela tribe.

That is... the mecha of one of the unknown four demon gods!

Damn it, Lao Tzu is avenging his apprentice, what are you coming to join in the fun!

This time you are considered a twelve magic machine, as long as you dare to maintain that twisted snake, I will fight with you.

Teeth creaked, Ruan Xiongfeng's chest began to rise and fall rhythmically, and the sound of terrifying air currents came in and out from his body.

"Mother, this kind of stuff, there is a kind of one-on-two! I'm afraid you are not Ruan Xiongfeng!"

Ruan Da's bald head roared like a thunder in the air.

Naturally, the countless spectators outside the venue could not hear this sound, but the people on the Sky Mothership looked down in amazement.

What's the matter, this mech that just appeared is another Solomon mech?

Da Lei Xiao is going to 1v2! ?

"Grass, what about your mechas of the Mecha Association? There are two mechas on the opposite side, don't you support them? Are those spaceships used to watch the show!"

"Your father, I will lose you a geoduck, don't push your face!"

There was a lot of curse in the audience, they were questioning the warships in the "bystander" mode.

But how do they know that if Da Lei Xiao is not allowed to inflict heavy damage on the opponent first, those ships may not be able to stop the traceless snake shadow!

However, unlike those scolding people, in the audience, the seats of Baimao and others showed two kinds of gods...

White Mao's eyes were terrifying and scary, and his figure stood upright staring down, and beside him, Li Xiaoxi and Chu Chu both showed distraught gods on their faces, and tears still hung on their faces.

They don't have the white-haired demeanor of being in danger, they just can't accept that their friends die in front of them.

When seeing the black machine breaking through the black smoke cloud and rising into the sky, Li Xiaoxi bit her lip, and said angrily: "It's not enough to come one, but two more. Do you want to keep us here?"


The cold voice came from Yin Shuai's teeth, and now his hideous face looked even more terrifying against the white hair!

At this time, no one noticed the face of the little fat man beside them.

On the left side of the little fat man was the hideous white hair, and on the right was the fat man in black who still hung a geoduck on his lips.

The sadness and resentment on his face were directly frozen, and then turned into an indescribable shock!

This familiar scarlet cloak, this familiar black appearance, why is it the same as what I saw in Planet Loga... in Amethyst...


Finally, when that machine body suddenly stopped and stood in the air, when the familiar appearance stood in front of him, the fat man's eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes.

That's right, that terrifying mecha!

That mech that had saved his life many times in the past.

"It... absolutely cannot come from Solomon!"

Finally this sentence was slowly uttered from the fat man's mouth, and when this sentence was said, several audience members around looked at Harry at the same time.

It's not Solomon, why is it so sure? !

On the viewing stage, the gray-hearted girl looked like a fat man at the moment.

Among them are shocking, unbelievable, and the incompressible in my heart... look forward to!

Is it you, savior?

The black savior, this is the mech that saved the amethyst, the title given to it in private.

Wang Nuonuo is one of those grateful.

Back then, the black mecha that was as powerful as the sky descended lightly to tear open the scene of the surging beast tide, always keeping it in mind.

Jiao Chu couldn't help shaking, his arms twitched uncontrollably.

The elf-like girl wiped her hot tears hard and looked down with her eyes wide open.

Savior, I beg you...

Revenge for Mu Fan!

The stage is full of strange things in the world, and in the sky full of steaming flames, the body of the s-level pinnacle snake slowly turns.

After hearing Ruan Xiongfeng's voice, Andumari was taken aback, and then a sneer came from behind the metal mask.

Haha, I didn't expect to be caught up by Andumari on such a lucky day.

It seemed that it was not a federation mech, whether it was on the stage or this tattered shell.

"Hahaha, it turns out not to be your friend, thank you for reminding, Madman Ruan!"

The wanton laughter resounded across the sky, and Andumari just felt that he was in a great mood now.

It looks like a friend but not an enemy, but what can such a broken mecha do, still so small?

When the black Shura machine slowly stood in the air, Andumari flashed by with disdain.

What can this mecha that is less than one-third of the size of the twisted snake?

Are you afraid that the battle will affect it after flying up like this?

The ignorant is fearless. Does it know what level of battle this is?

But since you are looking for death, it's okay.

Andumari's indifferent gaze shifted from the light curtain.

The twisted devil snake retreated a short distance after making the sky-shaking laughter, and the King Snake Spear in his hand pointed towards the black Shura who was standing in the sky.

"Why, this friend, do you want to take this muddy water too?"

The majestic voice didn't mean to take the Federation and Mecha Association to heart. After speaking, he laughed loudly: "But are you sure that a mecha like you came here to die? Don't say that such a small machine, yours What about the weapon, is it the knife in your hand? Hahahaha"

Andumari laughed loudly, but the pilot among the two mechas in the distance, Black and White Silver Wing, fell silent at the same time.

"Ranjia, how many mechas have four-engine modules assigned to the body below ten meters?"


"and so……"

"Watch the change."

The two s-class mechas that were originally going to attack to contain them are silent again. The three parties in the field are facing each other. They will not attack until they understand the form.

Where did that silent small mecha come from? Why is it so worn and broken an arm.

However, when people looked at the dilapidated mecha in a daze, they did not expect that the black mecha's right hand was placed on the handle of the knife, and then gently lifted.

Two kilometers apart, the tip of the knife handle pointed to the large mecha with a height of 30 meters on the opposite side.

On the black head, those two flame-like **** eyes stared indifferently, and the arduous voice clearly spread across the sky. The tone of the voice caused the hair on the back of people to explode instantly, cold and lifeless.

"... So... Luo... Gate"

In the cockpit, Mu Fan's eyes were already open, but the **** eyes were hollow and indifferent.

At this moment, Mu Fan once again entered the world that seemed half-dream and half-awake.

And this voice, to be precise... is Mecha Shura's consciousness!

When this sound sounded, those who were watching here were stunned at the same time.

What, this mecha actually went to that twister snake?

Ruan Xiongfeng had already prepared for one enemy two, but after hearing this sound, he was stunned.

This weird mecha is not directed at me, but the twisted demon snake?

"This friend, it seems that there is nothing wrong with me, Lao Ruan?"

After retreating silently for two steps, Da Lei Xiao made a verbal and action temptation at the same time.

As long as there is a slight change in the opponent's actions, he will respond immediately.

However, the scarlet cloak was still spreading behind his back, and this broken mecha, only six meters tall, still held a knife with one hand at the twisted snake.

He ignored the sound of the big Lei Xiao next to him, and didn't even move his head.

"It looks like I was wrong, Andumari, this seems to be aimed at you? Someone robbed Lao Tzu against the opponent, yes." Ruan Xiongfeng sneered, his eyes began to refocus on the twisted snake.

"Huh, the unknown..."

Andumari let out a cold snort, "Are you here to die?"

After hearing the answer from the dark yellow mecha, a violent bloodthirsty killing intent slowly floated from the black mecha.


"Hahahaha, this is simply the biggest joke I've heard in Andumari's interstellar for decades. What qualifications do you have to say to me! You should fix your mecha crippled arm first."

Behind the metal mask, the voice of anger and laughter sounded coldly, and the king's snake spear in the hands of the twisted devil snake turned slightly, and the two metal pythons were simultaneously out of the winding state.

The dark yellow flames began to flicker on the body.

When the black mecha heard Andumari's words, especially the last sentence, the blood and flame in his eyes jumped violently, as if something stimulated it, and then the whole mecha ignited a raging flame.

And at this moment, Li Shen in the monitoring room suddenly burst out in his eyes: "Good opportunity, the magnetic energy array guns of the Hundred and Seven Ships cover a salvo!"

In the high altitude, in the originally quiet floating fleet, suddenly there was a dazzling light.

Then hundreds of beams of light from this water crashed down from the sky.

Those were the 137 Tier 6 battle cruisers in the fourth coordinate area. After the Shura mech appeared, the twisted snakes that faintly began to guard against attacks on both sides finally showed a defensive loophole.

Just now, Da Lei Xiao had just escaped from the covered shooting range.

Li Shen grasped this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and gave the order to fire.

The energy storage of the magnetic energy array gun has reached 2 minutes, as long as it hits one shot, the mobility of the mecha will be greatly reduced.

As long as one hit, he Li Shen is the hero of the Federation.

Thank you for the new bait.

Li Shen looked at the black mecha with scorching eyes, and his face showed the pleasure of a successful strategy.

He doesn't care what mech you are, and if you appear on the Blue Star without permission from the Federation, there is nothing wrong with shooting you down.

So, you accompany me to **** with that twisted snake!

Mu Fan, the young man in the cockpit of Shura, who was breathing like a beast, suddenly raised his head to look at a high altitude.


The fierce roar came from his throat instantly.

The beam of water swept down in an instant, and people saw that whether it was the tiny black figure or the huge dark yellow mecha, it was swallowed by the beam of water almost instantly.

The beam of light blasted the ground unabatedly, and even blasted the black clouds below into countless holes at that moment.

"Insidious enough for the Federal Army, but I like it! This is a decent opponent!" Andumari's evil laugh came out.

On the outside of the surging water beam, a dark yellow figure slowly emerged from the air, solidifying from the void.


The audience was dumb. How did the dark yellow mecha avoid the attack just now?


At this moment, those hundreds of blue water beams changed from deep to shallow, and disappeared straight away.

A figure surrounded by countless red dust and fog stood quietly in it.

The cloak wrapped in front of him swayed randomly and turned back into a hideous red.

On the combat light curtain in front of Mu Fan, the progress of representing energy only dropped by .2!

That black mech... actually, actually resisted?

Shura's head suddenly raised!

The blood flames pulsating in his eyes stared at the roaring fleet in the sky.

"What do you mean? Look at the Federal Fleet again. What the **** does this special mecha come over for? Neither side knows it. He obviously wants to do Solomon. Now that the Federation has fired it, do he still want to do it back? "

A nervous audience can't stand this uncomfortable The feeling of own life in the hands of others is really not good.

His anxious heart needs the attention of the game.

However, this scene made him even more anxious.

"The Hundred and Forty One Fleet, the beam energy cannon is ready to target the black mecha."

"The Hundred and Sixty-two Fleet, prepare for the restraint force field gun, the target is to twist the magic snake."

Li Shen gave the order in an orderly manner. Since the fire has started, he will no longer hesitate. Two uninvited guests, please enjoy the federal hospitality!

One hundred and forty-one small gunboats pointed their energy muzzles down at the same time, and began to accumulate energy quickly.

However, when Shura, the war ghost from hell, got serious for the first time, Li Shen's throat was like a rooster strangling his throat, and he couldn't make a sound.

Mu Fan, who has completely entered the state of primitive instinct and subconscious control, is like the most fierce and sensitive humanoid beast.

At this moment, he felt the surging wave of energy in his heart, and the scorching heat burned his blood to boiling.

In his **** horizon, the only enemy was the dark yellow mecha.

However, before this goal, there is a premise

"Today, those who block me... die!"

The roar like a beast resounded across the sky.

Shura suddenly swept the dark red scabbard to his side, and the four engines behind him banged loudly.

Four ultra-long energy beams with a length of almost five meters are sprayed out!


The white air wave blew up.


The air wave turned light red.


An ultra-long red wave directly ignited all the air behind him.

Upanishad Shura breaks the world flash!

In the shocked and stunned eyes of Andumari and Ruan Xiongfeng, the **** meteor that exploded three times and rushed straight to the friends of the high-altitude fleet, you can search for "", that is You can find this site for the first time.

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