Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 421: Da Lei Xiao VS Shura!

The seven black afterimages merged into one when Shura's long sword returned to its sheath.

There seemed to be a sound in the air like broken glass.

Click, click.

There was no other sound, and extremely thin red lines appeared on the twisted demon snake that had not yet reacted while holding the King's Snake Spear, and one of the red lines happened to cross its chest diagonally.

Then when the sluggish air current in the air blew by, the huge machine, which was close to thirty meters in size, fell apart in an instant.

The mirror image of the yellow mecha in the sky disappeared, and people only saw the metal fragments scattered from the sky.

What reflected in their pupils was only the black mecha with a scarlet cloak like a waterfall, and...the sheathed long sword in the hands of that mecha!



All the people who were fortunate enough to witness this extraordinary blow collectively lost their voices.

On their backs and on the top of their heads, they felt all the pores exploded at that moment, and a bone of coolness poured straight into their bones.

It seemed to be under the polar glacier instantly, feeling the cold that could almost freeze the mind.

What's happening here?

That indispensable, the twisted snake that doesn't pay attention to United Galaxia Federation and the Mecha Association, Andumari, one of the seventy-two post knights.

I was still clamoring for a fight with Da Lei Xiao before.

But now, just like this, fell in front of the world with an extremely sad attitude.

"...Haha, hahahaha! Brother, someone gave you revenge! Did you know? Someone gave you revenge..." First there was a crazy laugh, then the wanton voice roared from the throat, and then It was the full choking in the voice.

In the end, Bai Mao laughed happily and cried uncontrollably in the shocked and surprised eyes of the people around him.

He laughed and shed tears.

Andumari is dead, but Mu Fan, who still owes two lives, will never come back.

Seeing and hearing the situation of Baimao at this time, several people around him involuntarily reddened their eyes.

These young people's innocent dispositions are not at all happy in this situation with a clear victory.


The audience nearby, including the fat man with small sunglasses, also shook their heads silently.

In this situation, even a fool can see that the pilot in the extremely special soldier that was previously destroyed by the twisted snake must be a friend of these people.

Otherwise, who would cry with red eyes in this situation.

"Sorrow." Finally the fat man in black patted Harry on the shoulder.


However, they didn't even know that Mu Fan, who was already dead in everyone's hearts, could no longer die, at this moment, floating in the cockpit of the Shura Mecha in a wonderful posture.

At the same time, Mu Fan's thinking is also in a very subtle state.

Now Mu Fan has completely turned into a warrior who is decisive on the battlefield!

Now all that reverberated in his mind was the shocking blow after Shura's use of it.

At that moment, the pressure exerted by the mecha on him was almost enough to cause ordinary people to die from heart failure, but Mu Fan survived it. He was feeling the pleasure of walking on the edge of death.

The restlessness in the blood is still rushing like boiling sea water.

Mu Fan opened his dead eyes and glanced indifferently at the combat light curtain ahead.

The energy progress has dropped from 60% to 53%...

From appearance to killing, Shura consumes only 10% of energy.

People naturally don't know this situation, people only see the power of this Shura mecha.

However, only Mu Fan knew the cost of killing the opponent, how high!

After slaughtering three planets in a row, countless alien blood and star beast crystal cores finally allowed this Shura mecha to be charged to 63%.

However, so far, everything is over...

The boiling blood in Mu Fan's eyes gradually faded.

After these days of tempering, his body is much better than before.

Next, what he has to do is how to evacuate from the eyes of the public.

Perhaps, his identity will eventually be exposed.

I am the owner of the Shura Mecha...

The enemies under the dual identities will all meet at one point.

In this way, I am afraid that my college life will end early.

A little return of reason seems to indicate that Shura is guiding Mu Fan's consciousness slowly back to normal.

"Cloud Explosion Bombs! Strong light cannons gather waves to attack."

A command sounded inside the Federal Fleet at the same time.


Ten huge cloud explosive bombs were fired from below the ship at the same time.

At the same time, the bottom glare cannons of more than two thousand battleships were exposed at the same time, and sections of metal barrels telescoped out from them.

"you dare!"

Ruan Xiongfeng in Da Lei Xiao saw that the arrogant Andumari was dismembered, the feeling in his heart became extremely complicated at that moment.

Andumari is dead, he should be excited.

However, this matter was not done by Ruan Xiongfeng himself.

The killing of the Devil Snake by the mecha on the opposite side had nothing to do with this incident.

He wasn't prepared to do this kind of unfavorable thing.

At this time, the voice of the headquarters rang from his communicator.

"Leader Ruan, please cooperate with the military to contain it. The cloud burst bomb will be projected within three seconds."


"Who is the cloud burst bomb thrown to, to the old man..."

He didn't need to say the following words anymore, because he had already seen the light source in the sky that obscured the sky.

Attacking like a thunderous posture has always been a fighting style that Ruan Xiongfeng highly respected, but it is rarely seen in reality.

But at this time, he saw this scene clearly.

The command from the headquarters, with the cooperation of the officers and the officers, showed amazing work efficiency.

Large-scale fleet coordinated operations, the target-the unknown four demon gods!

At this time, the Federation finally really showed its fangs!

"MD bastards, want to use this pile of garbage warships to bombard a magic machine? Is your brain flooded?"

Ruan Xiongfeng didn't pay attention to the information from the headquarters at all. The officer who was talking to him was not over thirty years old.

Is this young man who has never been on the battlefield made a decision with his butt?

Anyway, it killed Lao Tzu's enemy, and Lao Tzu should thank him.

But since he has served so many troops in the Federation, I should be hostile to him.

and so……

Up to now, I, Ruan Xiongfeng, will not interfere!

The big thunder owl surrounded by electric lights in the sky stood there without any movement, watching the sky full of brilliance shoot out.

This time, the magic machine is your own way.

So the young officer who was expecting to see fierce fighting in the field after giving the order was stunned and stood there.

"Major Zhang, your mistake is that you treat Ruan Xiongfeng as an ordinary officer."

A mocking reply sounded from behind.


With sullen expression on his face, the young officer suddenly turned to look.

He is a genuine military school top student!

An elite student of Dingchuan Academy, after graduation, with his excellent grades and performance, he directly entered the Landuxing Military Department. To this day, Zhang Chuan has become the future star of the Military Department.

But at this moment, he was ridiculed.

"With Colonel, please be careful when speaking." After seeing the person who came, Zhang Chuan frowned, and Zhang Chuan went back calmly. As the future star of the headquarters, he has the energy that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

"This order is the decision of the headquarters and me. There is no objection, but you gave it to Ruan Xiongfeng in the tone of an order. You must know that he is not under the jurisdiction of our Landuxing military department at all!"

Colonel He Gang with slightly curly hair stared angrily. He had already looked at the officer who talked about military affairs on the paper.

"With the colonel, the current situation is already under control. Even without him, Ruan Xiongfeng, it doesn't matter. The volley of 2,300 warships is ready."

Zhang Chuan sneered, remembering the command from the adult behind him, and slammed the red button on the console.


Countless rays of light that rose to the extreme temperature shot out suddenly.

Countless brilliance fell in the heavens and the earth, and the intensity of this attack has far surpassed the previous half-real and half-illusory shooting of the devil snake.

Every ray of light here represents an aura of destruction.

In the Shura machine below, Mu Fan, who was slowly waking up and returning, suddenly wrinkled his brows.

The scarlet cloak was instantly rolled up and turned into a star-like light curtain covering the whole body.

Without any action, the Shura Mecha was directly wrapped in the haze of the cloak.

The extremely transpiring energy rays roasted the air, and a large light spot fell on that area.


People only saw a blazing fireball from where Shura was standing in an instant.

However, the situation is not over yet.

Some converging rays directly bombarded the cloud bomb that was violently shot.

Groups of terrifying flames swallowed the sound, swallowed the air, and bloomed on the pure sky curtain.

Naturally, he swallowed the Mecha Shura who had just taken the knife.

This time, ten giant cloud explosive bombs and countless strong light wave-focusing weapons finally turned the sky into a **** of red lotus.

That is the whole piece of sky burning above the land of shining stars!

There are twists and turns, nothing more than that.

People's hearts ups and downs like riding a roller coaster, and with their big mouthfuls of breath, they haven't reacted to the shock just now, they fell into this greater stimulation.

Federal fleet, black mech, twisted snake, big thunder owl.

The four parties attacked each other, and the most terrifying black mecha became the target of public criticism.

"But, but, didn't the mecha just saved us? It killed the yellow mecha from what door."

A beautiful girl said in horror, and the boyfriend next to her took her into her arms and comforted her: "Only the Federation is our savior."

Yes, they are Federation members, they have always grown on the planet of the Federation, and the only thing they trust now is the fleet from the Galaxy Alliance!

As for the so-called black magic machine, no matter how many things it can do, it is also an alien!

The Federation will win!

The eyes of the girl and the boy looked at the numerous fleets high in the sky at the same time, and their hearts were surging.

That is the patron saint of their peaceful environment.

The fat man who was not far away from them turned red when he heard it, and he was about to curse, but was stopped by the white hair over there.

"I believe that among these audiences, among the people from the Sinchiro Alliance, there must be people who have heard of it's reputation. What is the devil? It is not self-proclaimed...stupid Federal Fleet!"

Yin Shuai stopped the fat man but didn't look at it. He just spoke lightly in his mouth.

There was hatred in his voice, hating those Federal fleets that turned their faces and directly attacked Shura.

He doesn't have the so-called ridiculous sense of belonging.

When the fat man heard this, he calmed down, his eyes staring at the sky.

This is the invincible mech that has saved his lives twice in a row!

This time, avenge his best friend and brother, so he didn't want it to be destroyed.

Among the huge spectators on the Sky Mothership, countless gazes with deep meanings of various colors looked at the burning smoke cloud at the same time.

do you died?

Is it finally over?

The rumbling sound came only after a few seconds, and until then, people did not see anything unusual in the huge red smoke cloud.

"Hahaha, did you see that with the colonel, it's just a mere expression, I can shoot it down without the Thunder Owl! From now on, our fleet will be the real Demon Slayer Fleet!"

Looking at He Gang's face like the bottom of a pot, Zhang Chuan didn't hesitate to mock himself.

He will not be afraid of non-general officers outside the headquarters!

His talent, he himself is the hardest confidence.

At this time, the terrifying black-red smoke cloud finally dissipated, but Zhang Chuan turned his head to look at He Gang, and did not notice the picture slowly emerging on the screen.

"Major Zhang, open your dog eyes and see for yourself."

He Gang, who had been ignoring Zhang Chuan, suddenly showed a horrible and horrible sight in his eyes, and cursed mercilessly.

What is your Zhang Chuan dare to say to me?

Open your eyes and look at the back, look at the red glow!

Zhang Chuan turned his head in amazement, and then happened to see a cloud of red stardust shadow after the smoke dissipated...

In the Shura cockpit, the energy indicator on the light curtain has become 49.7%...

The cloak of unknown material entered a state of empty shadow, allowing Shura to instantly form an energy immunity-like effect in an energy depletion mode.

Except for the high temperature all over the cockpit...

However, Mu Fan's constant return to a state of waking was interrupted instantly, and the extreme high temperature not only interrupted it, it directly caused Mu Fan's blood to boil after he had just recovered.


There was a non-human roar from the boy's chest and throat.

"The Shura factor is in disorder!"

This message just flashed on the light curtain.

Consciousness was once again swallowed by the flames of blood.

The closed eyes opened again this time, but they turned into that extremely coquettish blood!

"Ah! Death, death, death!"

The hoarse and terrifying sound of killing came from Mu Fan's mouth.

At this moment, Mu Fan's sanity was swallowed up, and only one signal in his consciousness sent out——

Kill...all hatred!


The red cloak instantly retracted back to its original shape ~ ~ after the stardust dispersed.

A mottled black figure stood fiercely, and the blazing flames in his eyes looked straight up to the sky.

The four engines crashed!

The trail of black and red meteors hit the sky at this moment with a crazy and cold "kill" character.

Countless people's jaw dropped, and Zhang Chuan sat on the ground in amazement.

This blow, to no avail.

"Ruan Xiongfeng, when are you going to see it? Seeing your comrades-in-arms, is your Tongze slaughtered by that black mecha? Are you still the glory of those countless soldiers killed in the Union!"

The angry voice of the colonel and the colonel came from the communicator.

When he heard the word Tongze, Ruan Xiongfeng's eyebrows twitched. When he heard the countless soldiers killed in the battle again, Ruan Xiongfeng let out a roar:

"I never wanted to be honorable, but since you mentioned the word Tongze, it's my fault, Ruan Xiongfeng...!"

There was a deep memory in his tone. It was the comrades who had died with him in the infantry regiment.

I have finished revenge for my apprentice.

You are not dead, and you want to continue to kill Lao Tzu's comrades in arms, then Ruan Xiongfeng can't agree.

The fluttering purple-blue scarf of the big thunder owl in the sky finally stopped, and his huge head lifted up to see the figure that turned into a **** lightning.

The thunder and lightning all over his body were instantly violent, and the circles of lightning began to condense in his fists.

The plasma generators on the limbs showed azure blue light at the same time. After the entire mecha stepped on the void for a few steps, a huge wing suddenly flew upwards.

"Your opponent is Lao Tzu!"

The fists in the sprint slammed out countless afterimages.

A series of rushing ball lightning flashed in the air, actually trying to intercept the sprinting Shura machine.

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