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"What?" Mu Fan asked in a low voice while separating from the crowd twisting with the music. Hei this deliberately stopped making Mu Fan's teeth tickling, and now where did this guy learn to hang his appetite.

"The weird codes mentioned by Matthew must represent a certain area. I first checked and scanned various maps that can be found on the administrative network, and did not find the corresponding area code. Then it explains what it said. It is a type of cipher text, and the 37 types of cipher text in the administrative network on this planet and the military network were scanned, and nothing was found."

Mu Fan listened attentively, pushed away a dancer who wanted to squeeze over, and listened to Hei continued to say in the earphone: "But these people must check the cipher text to confirm the area. It is impossible that there is no trace on the Internet. ."

   "Huh, then?" Mu Fan said very cooperatively.

Hei was very satisfied with the feeling of being questioned by Mu Fan, and continued: "So I searched along Matthew's birthplace and found that Wen's network firewall was different from the several federal general algorithms that existed in Planet Loga. Of course, this is not a problem for the talented Black Lord, but it takes a little longer to decipher, so I disappeared in your headset for a while."

  The black triumphant voice really dilutes the tension in the current situation. Mu Fan has almost moved to the door of the style bar, and whispered: "Hurry up, I'm leaving here."

"Okay, I haven't gotten enough of my presence! After deciphering that strange firewall, the scan found that there was a large number of induced honeypots in the Wenjia network. This is obviously to remind my lord to look here. It's ridiculous, it's a product of an era, so I not only read it, but also copied it..."

   "What?" Mu Fan put his arm on the glass door to touch the handle, his eyes drenched, and in the inadvertent reflection, he noticed that someone behind him was looking behind him.

   Where is the problem?

   "Reproduced...the third-level cipher text of the Gaduo Empire parallel to United Galaxia Federation!" The black voice finally ended, and Mu Fan's voice just came.

   "There is someone behind, plan the route." Mu Fan pushed the door naturally.

"Are you going to die if you exaggerate my lord?" Hei irritated and said first, full of resentment for the person who interrupted him to call for credit, "You go around five kilometers and return to the villa. Now there is a laneway 320 meters on your right. After entering, there are six roads to change directions. Choose the road at nine o'clock. You have to throw off that little tail before entering this road."

   "Understand." Mu Fan took a deep breath, and the dark breath started!

   Thinking spread, thinking began to perform repeated calculations with a high level of calmness, the whole person's pace accelerated, but there was no sense of disagreement with foreign objects, and the pedestrians who came and went became Mu Fan's best cover at this moment.

The street in front of the    style bar was bustling and bustling at night, but it became Mu Fan's best cover. Big steps, small leaps, changing steps... Mu Fan walked out of the crowd that seemed to be chaotic, but moved quickly forward.

   The person behind realized that the little yellow duck mask man had disappeared in the blink of an eye, rushed forward, and soon passed an alleyway, looked forward and hesitated, then got in.

   When he walked carefully over ten meters and then walked to the fork, his eyelids tightened and his eyes fixed on the ground.

   A large blanket was laid on the ground, and the ridiculous little yellow duck mask was placed on it quietly.

   I lost it! Organization members don’t show their true colors, and tracking others is a taboo. Seeing the current scene, he didn't know that he had been discovered long ago, his heart was awe-inspiring, and he had no doubts. People with this kind of ability have absolutely higher status in the organization than themselves, so don't be accountable, otherwise they will really have trouble.

  Mu Fan, who merged with the dark night, stood on a protruding eaves quietly watching the deer-masked man who was leaving below, convinced that he had successfully got rid of it. The last move of this man was obviously to give up tracking, and he was a little frightened.

   Mu Fan squinted for a moment, then muttered to himself in a low voice, "Hei, continue to tell me what you just made."

"I have seen that little crawler go. Continue to say that when I put those codes into the third-level cipher text of the Gaddo Empire, all the codes were successfully unlocked! These codes represent a certain area and are distributed in In the first ten districts, there are six districts in the No. 2 district where you are now. Combined with the speech in the bar..."

   "These six locations are tomorrow's safe places!" Mu Fan made a firm decision.

   Mu Fan needs to explain these things to Fatty as soon as possible. Although there are a lot of things tonight, the information he received is too important.


In the private meeting room of    Villa, fierce quarrel is breaking out at this moment.

   Harry and Wayne stood at one end of the long table, and at the other end sat a middle-aged man with a mustache in a tuxedo, and beside him stood Shirley, who was as clear as a hibiscus. In the side row of seats, a few elderly people are sitting, watching the confrontation between the two sides.

The Patriarch of the Fuwen Foundation, Wayne, held the Red Valley wooden table with both hands, leaned forward, and said in a serious tone: "You are here, I welcome, and I will be responsible for your safety. However, the Fuwen Foundation is still there. In your hands, please don't interfere with our family's internal affairs, you are still here, let alone try to influence my family's plans!"

   The fat man on the side flushed red, this time he was angry. Shirley's father, the man with the mustache on the opposite side, laughed unexpectedly after hearing the news that he ran out of breath for the announcement. What do you say, "Star thief also exists on a barren planet like yours now" "This kind of thing, or a civilian told you, do you believe it?"...

   The fat man exploded when he thought of those ridicules. My father steadily asked his own story. When he learned that Mu Fan discovered that there might be organized intruders in the villa, he meditated and spoke to the other side, saying that the established plan needed to strengthen the safety level of family members, but he invited the other party. Nearly insulting resistance.

"Wayne, Wayne, how about your courage and courage when you brought my sister to such a planet where birds don't shit? Now an ambiguous news of a star thief attack made you a frightened bird, hehe, it's ridiculous. Now you are getting alive and going back!" The mustache sat gracefully on the cork red chair, looking at his nails casually.

Shirley on the side of    looked quite embarrassed, cast her sorry eyes at Harry, but found the anger and hatred in the fat man's eyes! She now regretted following the application and came to this strange planet. What has happened so far is very different from the harmony and friendly atmosphere she imagined.

   should be regarded as a cousin of the Now she is glaring at herself, thinking of the smoky eyebrows here, it feels uncomfortable for a while, so she stood silently aside.

   "Mu Fan rescued me once, he killed Star Pirates!!" the fat man shouted angrily.

   "What kind of star thief can a teenager kill? It's the little thief blocking the way. Don't make a fuss. Some common people can approach the nobleman, my good nephew." Still dismissive of it.

   Wayne said in a deep voice again: "You don't have to believe it, but you are not allowed to leave here until tomorrow, and you cannot leak any news."

   "What are you kidding?" The face of the mustache flushed suddenly, "The second son of the Gaoling family of the dignified blue star, can he still be restrained in a shabby place like you? Are you trying to rebel!!!"

   Although she felt that her father's behavior was inappropriate, Shirley also felt that being restrained was a bit too much.

   "Just wait until tomorrow, I will personally apologize!" Wayne said in a deep voice, and the fat man on the side also clenched his fists. For your good, he even made his father so complacent!

   "No!" The mustache over there refused.

   "Dip, there is an incoming call, is it connected?" The Tianxun in the fat man's pocket suddenly rang.


  PS: Thanks to the book friends "Gentleman, Cannon" and "Poetic Painting, Ren Xiaowei" for 100 coins reward! Thanks to the book friends for "yesterday's no" 10 coins reward!

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