Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 426: 9 death without life

Qi Longxiang's indifferent expression froze in the hearts of everyone in the command room as the picture disappeared.

The same colonel, but the other officers in this large command room did not dislike Qilongxiang's behavior.

There is only one kind of true soldier who admires, and that is the warrior who has survived hundreds of battles.

This kind of warrior can be the power to shock the world, and even more is the strategy to overlook sentient beings.

Military **** Qi Longxiang, this is... the name secretly circulated from the capital star circle.

A military genius once encountered in the Federation in a century, a master of motive force, under his command the special service fleet of the General Staff, an invincible division cast by many major battles.

"It's not as good as seeing it, maybe I'm old." He and the colonel sighed silently. He could not match the attitude of the other side's Zhizhu alone.

"I hope people live as they say."

Major General Wang didn't affiliate with Colonel Gang, just said silently.

The situation is so bad that they will not let go of any hope that may arise!

"General, the black knight has moved!"

Suddenly the voice of the correspondent came, and a group of officers looked behind in a sudden change.

I saw in the real-time light curtain behind, that huge black terrorist mecha raised the lance in his hand high, and then slowly fell, with the tip of the gun pointed directly at the one below-Shura.

At the same time, the voice that pierced the sky continued:

"The humiliation brought to me in the past will be returned to me now. Please also the Lord of Death not hesitate to fight."

The raging fighting spirit in Rengarno's eyes almost burned.

Seventeen years, seventeen years!

He Rengarno's worst failure in history.

The humiliation of the black knight's broken spear.

Recalling the battle at the peak of White Feather Star, the terrifying posture of the gods and ghosts in the sky, the black fangs spear that had gathered the power of the empire for half a century of science and technology was cut off by the opponent.

The opponent's posture of being severely injured but not afraid of death not only remained in the hearts of the emperor who was present at the time, but also deeply engraved in the hearts of Renganuo.

Because he knew that the pilot in the opposing mecha must be the same type of person as him...

Over the years, even after taking over the empire Hawkeye, Rengarno has been searching for the scary mecha.

When the imperial royal family was in turmoil, he suddenly appeared and left. He wanted to understand the secret hidden behind him.

At the same time, the humiliation of breaking the gun will surely be recovered one day in the future.

Now, he is returning with a new weapon, Renganuo, the opening holy artifact from the relics outside the sky-the gun of Longinus!

This time, he will have a showdown with the rival that hits.

As for the other warships.

"A group of... ants."

The cold words carry an indifference that is enough to be carved into the bones.

His eyes were fixed on the tiny black figure, but there was no contempt in his heart.

Any opponent who has contemptuous mentality because of that machine's size is probably buried under that **** long knife.

It seems that there was a biting wind blowing in the sky, and the rolling red cloak rose and fell...


Rengano's brows frowned tightly.

"Broken an arm!"

Who has such power to break your arm?

There are also traces of the mottled shell, as always.

What have you experienced over the years, Ashura!

However, the Shura mech at this moment is not the heroic, passionate, and killing Shura mech that Reengano had in mind.

At this moment, Shura's consciousness has entered an unstable state of chaos.

In other words, Shura was even more unstable this time than Mu Fan.

In the cockpit, Mu Fan's face was puzzled, and even the blank, **** eyes became muddy.

Suddenly, huge energy fluctuations poured in from the metal tube behind his head.

The naked eye can see that the black metal hose bulged and calmed down, and that energy finally poured into Mu Fan's brain.


A stern roar sounded.

Mu Fan, who was on the edge of sobriety and chaos, quietly faded from the crazy killing heart that was originally affected by the **** energy, but more scribbles poured into his brain.

"Gador... Black Knight... mortal enemy, mortal enemy."

It seems that the brain is forcibly accepting certain memory fragments, but the huge and chaotic thinking body is pouring in too fast, and it has already exceeded the limit of the brain.

Painful and sweaty, Mu Fan began to swing uncontrollably.

In such a peculiar environment, in this extremely coincidental moment, Mu Fan seemed to have finally touched the secret of his life experience...

However, the harsh environment at the moment made it impossible for him to know clearly.

At the same time, the vibrating voice of the invitation to fight in the sky was also transmitted to the brain.

Miraculously, when Ren Jia Nuo's voice clearly came into his mind, the violent fluctuations in Mu Fan's mind finally returned to calm.

However, the scenes of the violent influx have completely disappeared. His arm shook unconsciously, and his fist was firmly held and released.

Mu Fan's true consciousness began to slowly wake up.

The long and chaotic dream finally dissipated.

Shura, took the initiative to cut the synchronization with Mu Fan's consciousness!

It's just that at this moment, Mu Fan, although he heard the question, didn't know the identity of the mecha on the other side, so he couldn't answer.

The sweat dripped on his feet, and Mu Fan's violent voice calmed down. After closing his eyes and trying to sort out his thoughts, he finally spoke weakly and calmly:

"Sura...who is he?"

Intermittent thought signals are transmitted along the consciousness docking device.

"Gador Empire...mortal enemy, this battle...nine dead for a lifetime."

Mu Fan's eyes suddenly rounded due to the strong will to death and fighting in that consciousness.

The invincible mecha in his mind, Shura, unexpectedly encountered its mortal enemy at this moment.

And it is the super powerful force from the far end of the starry sky-the Gaddo Empire!

"I need detailed information, Shura!"

Mu Fan suppressed his voice without trembling, and tried to speak this sentence smoothly.

"The consciousness database was hit hard, 87% of the data was lost, and the blood was inherited... dangerous... rescue."

The next few words are like the babble of a soldier who suffered a severe head injury.

At this moment, Shura didn't seem to remember its past, and only retained the core information about Mu Fan's bloodline inheritance.

"The host escapes, Shura...After the break."

This time, the astringent language has clearly expressed its meaning.

Mu Fan tried to suppress the chaotic aftermath in his mind and tried to connect all of them.

Shura is the mecha of his own destiny, the metal sign on his chest that can call it, and the wooden sign with the word "Mu" inscribed, these are faintly connected into a line.

Today these clues point directly to the Gaddo Empire.

Not seen in seventeen years?

I am just 17 years old this year...

Mu Fan didn't know why, tears flowed out of his eyes inexplicably.

His life experience, he has been searching for a life experience that he couldn't ask for for many years, and finally found a clue.

He was not abandoned by his parents back He was not abandoned, there must be something hidden in it!

Where are his parents! !

Mu Fan suddenly lifted his head, looking at the stalwart and terrifying giant figure in the sky.

His fists creaked at this moment.

You met Shura seventeen years ago, and you injured Shura badly.

A mortal enemy, nine deaths?

For some reason, the boy's teeth bit his lips at this moment.

The blood dripped along the corner of the mouth.

A ferocious and tragic look floated from the deepest part of the pupil.

"Even if there are nine deaths and no life...I will not go."

When he was seventeen years old, he finally understood one thing thoroughly.

I am not, abandoned son.

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