Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 428: The flower of victory grows undefeated

(The Year of the Rooster is a blessing and good fortune, and I wish you a long blessing, good luck, and good health in 2017!)

When the giant gun tip appeared, the clouds and air at the top of the sky seemed to be wiped out.

The atmosphere seemed to be completely penetrated at this moment.

People raised their heads and even directly saw the dark and silent scenery in space.

But that kind of black is different from real space, it is a kind of pure to extreme black, black that swallows all light.

At the same time as this black came an endless sense of oppression of death.

People even saw that before the fleet group at the top had time to disperse, there was a group of warships directly touching the huge gun shadow.

Then these warships did not play a blocking role at all, and directly turned into fires and disappeared in the air.

The falling giant gun shadow is so fast and so powerful that it directly penetrates the outer defense line of the Federal Fleet before people's brains seem to react.

Upright strike, underworld-gun flash!

This is a terrifying move of the Black Knight that can destroy a small planet in one blow, directly overshadowing the sky with supreme pressure.

A huge sense of crisis emerged in his heart. At this moment, even surpassing any time when danger struck in the past, Mu Fan's heart suddenly shrank to only half its original size, and then suddenly opened.


The heart beat suddenly surpassed four hundred times at this moment, and there was a horror between life and death, and Mu Fan, who was unexpectedly injured, directly entered the state of grace and liberation.

And the time just reached twenty days yesterday, I have to say that this is a coincidence miracle at a point in time!

Mu Fan, who had entered a state of grace and liberation, was finally able to withstand the pressure from Shura's violent violent moments.

No one knew that in that tiny mecha, there was a young man entering an extremely violent posture.

People only saw the phantom that had been chopped off all over the sky disappear in an instant.

The whole mecha was blurred for a moment when it exploded, and seven clones were suddenly separated.

The remaining right arm was also held on the handle of the knife again, and there was a roar of **** flames around the room, the thunder and clouds moved, and the blood prison knife was unsheathed again.

The seven mechas drew their swords at the same time, and in an instant, the huge **** sword glow reappeared in the world.

Only Mu Fan knew that it was the time of Shura and its life and death crisis!

Offensive and defensive integration-Upanishad · Ten Thousand Prisons!

Seven figures rushed to the sky with an extremely fast attitude, and the blazing blade light over a hundred meters greeted the giant gun shadow with a sharp edge to shred everything.

First cut!

Bang, the Scarlet Sword Mang was directly smashed into fog with the mecha.

The second cut, the third cut...

The afterimages were greeted at this moment like moths to the fire.

A series of blade shadows annihilated in the air with the body.

However, when the sixth afterimage was shot out, people actually saw that giant gun shadow seemed to freeze in the air for an instant.

Seventh knife!

The long knife in the right hand tore through the space, and even people saw that the seventh knife cut through a **** wave of air, and the sky was cut with **** wounds by this knife.

The seven figures finally reunited with the last Shura's body.


The giant gun shadow falling in the sky finally stopped.

There was a hint of hope in people's horrified eyes. Compared with the demon **** Shura with clear goals, people were more afraid of the huge and terrifying black knight.

After all, it was the Grand Marshal from the Kador Empire, and in his eyes, everyone in the field was unkillable.

However, now the opponent's thunder blow seems to have finally been stopped.

Hit it!

A uniform crack appeared on the giant gun shadow and spread from bottom to top.

However, just as people thought this way, the giant gun shadow that was lightly blocked came crashing down again.

Mu Fan, whose muscles were exhausted in the cockpit, spit out a mouthful of blood.


Mu Fan's body was hit hard, only the huge roar remained in his ears.

The broken gun shadow split into two halves and slammed into the black Shura fuselage.

Shoot down the earth like a black lightning!


The huge smoke and dust covered the sky at this moment.

Mu Fan's consciousness was forcibly knocked out of the combined state under this heavy blow.

When he finally reacted, only a vague and stalwart figure flashed across his mind to resist the radiant light.

Then the whole body was blasted directly into the ground.

The black knight in the sky quietly looked down, Renjianuo frowned more and more, and he muttered to himself with doubts: "This can't be you... Asura, how can your strength suddenly change? Being so weak, what have you experienced all these years?"

"Well, since you are defeated, let me stay with you. From now on, there will be no more unknown four demon gods..."

The burly body wrapped in the hand armor leaned forward, arms stretched out.

The huge black knight in the air raised his lance to one side, one palm stretched out directly below, and the surging engine behind him banged. The entire mecha had to fall directly to the ground, and then grab the downed mecha Shura.

The major general who saw this scene in the monitoring room twitched unconsciously, his five fingers stuck in his palm.

It is so easy to defeat the other invincible killing machine, is this the power of the real magic machine?

When people saw the giant mecha with the appearance of a real devil, a deep despair emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

The state of being almost immune to the attacks of ordinary warships, the ultimate speed, the ultimate strength.

The ace mecha of the Gaddo Empire has the power to truly crush a planet.

At this moment, a word flashed in the minds of those officers--


However, this is a vocabulary for the enemy, and they only feel a bitterness in their mouths.

The fighting seemed to have stopped at this moment, and as the killing machine was blasted into the ground, there was dead silence in the audience.

People can't see the unbridled killing by the killing machine, but they don't even want to see the black knight, but now it's too late.

In the black knight cockpit, Reengano, who was in a state of full coordination, stared at the bottom indifferently.

The pilot of that mech, after seventeen years, seemed to be able to meet again.

"Let me see who you are? It's a shame that I have regarded you as an opponent for so many years..." The words were filled with indescribable regrets and regrets.

However, no one knew that a wave of waves suddenly flashed in the distant sky.

A giant battleship with a mottled case suddenly appeared, and a faint plasma barrier spread from the hammer-shaped front end of the battleship to both sides, behind it...

It's an entire fleet with the same mottled shell!

"The long song of determination-chasing the light."

The calm tone sounded in the communication channel of the entire fleet at the same time.

All the ships are quiet, without any noise.

All the officers were in their positions, staring intently at the data commands flashing in front of them, and began to synchronize their hands.

The entire fleet merged into a whole at this moment, like a huge sharp knife, cutting into this battlefield fiercely.

The timing happened to be the moment when the engine tail flames gushing from behind the Black Knight and the body leaned forward.

"Coordinate vector correction, data docking, thirty-six ship spin ejection, a long song of determination-the wind breaks the waves!"

The calm voice that simultaneously spread throughout the fleet sounded, finally with a hint of coldness in the last sentence.

Shit, Shit, Shit!

Behind the largest warship, thirty-six smaller silver-blue warships suddenly flashed a light blue brilliance. It seemed that something was emitted from it, but no obvious reaction was seen.

However, when the thirty-six giant vortex blades appeared ten kilometers away, people seemed to have just thought of the light-colored brilliance.

The intertwined whirling light blades tear the space and disappear again...

The figure of the black knight who had just entered the speed-up and down-shooting state 20 kilometers away suddenly stopped at this moment.

The huge lance turned into several afterimages and suddenly protected the whole body.

The clouds in the sky seemed to be gently moved by a breeze at this moment.

Then the next moment, people's eyes widened.

The giant whirling light blades each over 20 meters suddenly appeared from mid-air, like thirty-six sterns coming from the wind and waves, and dashing straight into the huge mecha with indomitable determination.

Boom, boom, boom!

Thirty-six whirling light blades flashed past, and the huge black knight mech was blasted sideways for more than three kilometers at this moment!


The last light blade was stuck on the giant Longinus' spear, and his hands slammed forward. Black flames ignited on the black knight, and the light blade was finally annihilated.

Renganuo's eyes glared sharply, revealing an extremely cold fierce light, and the majestic voice that pierced the sky sounded:

"Where did the bugs come from, are they really impatient?"

The black flame once again ignited at the moment when he was riding a gun in his hand, and Ren Jia Nuo's attitude towards ants had never been patient.

The provocateur can only crush it.

Except for the excitement of some people in the special auditorium, more people are still at a loss.

Where did the sudden attack come from?

Could it be that the Federal Fleet that had been scared into Mianyang even launched another attack?

Hope began to light up in people's eyes.

The spindle-shaped head suddenly smashed through the clouds, and the shallow and long energy shield outlined a huge front arrow. At this moment, it crashed through the clouds, and it really appeared in front of all the sky mothership crowd.

People looked up blankly at the silver-blue fleet in the sky with a strict frontal formation, and a thought came up in their hearts:

"Who is it this time?"

This is definitely not the Blue Star's Federal Fleet, the painting is different from the thousands of ships in the sky, and the mottled appearance is obviously after countless wars.

However, in the ordinary auditorium, a fat young man with glasses involuntarily sat up straight, his lips moved slightly without making a sound.

Of course he knows that this is already the first level goal of the empire Hawkeye...

This fleet is clearly the Secret Service Fleet of the Federation Staff!

Its commander is the Federation general who jumped into the top ten assassination list of the Empire from a few months ago-Colonel Qi Longxiang!

With a quick turn in his eyes, Ren Xiaowei put his right hand into the left cuff calmly, his index finger and **** were hidden in the sleeve and touched the watch, and then he began to touch the watch.

A small piece of information was republished this time, and it was also a normal communication request, and it was also passed out, but this time it did not enter the Marshal's line. Instead, he passed it to their real leader with only one opportunity a month—

Prince Xuyang!

"The Marshal encountered the Federal Special Service Fleet. The current situation is unclear, and support is recommended."


Just when people were curious about the identity of that fleet, a clear and flat voice sounded in the sky.

In this zone where signals are turbulent and war is ignited, his voice will play a key role in the battle.

"Your Excellency Marshal, it's been a long time... Qi Longxiang led the Third Special Service Fleet of the General Staff to pay a visit."

It was twice as big as the Falcon-class battlecruiser that had been revealed on the Amethyst. It had a larger magnetic field nuclear power gun and the iconic eight engines on the rear.

The staff in the Mecha Association couldn't help but stare.

"This is an eighth-level special battle—Tibet! All behind you are...a seventh-level special battle! Oh my god, the equipment of this special service fleet is so terrifying."

Contrary to them, in the Federal Fleet's flagship command room, the colonel Kazunori who clenched his fist tightly.

"Colon Qi, you are finally here!"

At the age of 27 that has not yet been established, he tops the federation. The position of colonel leads him to concentrate the elite of the federation.

Although there is no earth-shattering feat, its name is widely circulated among the high-level federal military.

Good fighters have no great achievements.

Worthy of being known as a military god, a true war genius-Qi Longxiang!

Finally, waiting for you.

With hopeful eyes in his eyes, he and Major General Wang who had just glanced next to him, picked up the communicator:

"Colonel Qi, the Fleet in the Land of Bright Stars, request the Colonel to take over."

"Thank you and the colonel for your trust." A gentle voice sounded in the flagship command room.

At this moment, He Gang seemed to see the confident and calm gaze of the gentle and elegant young man who was always dressed as a nobleman.

Soon the countless light points of the combat light curtain in front of him were extinguished and then turned on again.

This is a sign that the system displays to change the battle sequence and reorganize.

Just when those who don't know the inside story are still wondering about the name Qi Longxiang, and even worrying about this fleet.

No one expected that the black knight in the sky would actually stop, UU reading and the horror lance in his hand no longer pointed down, but pointed to the silver and blue fleet that had returned from the ashes.

Reengano's eyes showed deep gazes, and there was a storm of depression in his voice.

"It's not that the enemy didn't get together and met again... Colonel Qi. The only soldier in the Federation who can be admired by this commander! Come to my Jiaduo Empire, and His Royal Highness can make you hereditary duke!"

Licking his lips, Ren Gano felt that things were getting more and more interesting, and today's harvest was exceptionally great.

This is inside the atmosphere, and there are many civilians here. At such a close distance, he doesn't believe that the other party will dare to use that terrifying magnetic field nuclear weapon-the Yamato cannon!

It is undeniable that he has a passion for talent.

"Thanks to the marshal for his kindness, and Qi is here to stop the marshal."

In the command room of the eighth-level flagship-Tibetan warship, a tall young man quietly suspended in the air, with his eyes closed, but as if looking ahead, he said calmly.

"Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it. Is it possible that your Excellency dare to use that shelling this time? Are you trying to penetrate this planet?"

When the voice fell, the fierce light in Renjianuo's eyes was cruel, and his hands suddenly skyrocketed.

The black knight actually ignored Shura below, but clasped the gun of Langinus with both hands and suddenly jumped into the top of the clouds.

A giant cross light blade tore through the sky in an instant!

Cross of Hell!

How can you hide in such a short distance?

With so many people and ships, I think you dare not open fire!


However, no one knew when that close-range terrorist attack occurred.

In the quiet fleet, a cold but indifferent voice sounded:

"The flower of victory will bloom undefeated, and the glory of the Federation needs our blood to irrigate."

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