Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Hell ghost

what! ?

Mu Fan suddenly raised his head and looked at the red light curtain that flashed in front of him in disbelief.

Until a second ago, Mu Fan didn't know what core consciousness box still existed in the Shura Mecha.


What is the Blood Succession Mode!

However, a flame of fighting spirit that started to burn rose in the eyes, it was a light that broke through the shadows in the desperate situation!

"Sura, can this make us stronger?"


Shura's cold voice answered truthfully.

"Turn on!"

Mu Fan's voice was like a mingling of gold and iron, so he ignored the consequences.

He only knows that this can make him stronger.

As for why, how, what will happen?

He need not worry.

"Obviously, the core consciousness box is turned on, the blood relay mode is turned on, and the body is forcibly entered into a 30-level overload state!"

Level 30? !

As soon as this number appeared, Mu Fan's consciousness was stunned.

This is a number that the entire Federation has never heard of.

Does it mean the physique level 30? What kind of state is that!

However, just as he was thinking, Mu Fan only felt that the energy pouring into his body stopped instantly, and suddenly an empty feeling came.

At the same time, the flickering red light curtain in the entire cockpit went out simultaneously.

Then it lights up again less than half a second later.

However, at this time, Mu Fan found that these lights were no longer the bright red that used to be.

It is a kind of precipitation purple like a sea of ​​blood.

Fuchsia, the color formed by layers of fresh blood that are constantly padded.

Just looking, there is a **** smell floating from the tip of the nose.

No, it is the real smell of blood!

Mu Fan's head suddenly turned to his side.

A dense layer of black needle tips floated in the air, behind the needle tips, countless thin metal wires were constantly twisting.

Under his talented night vision ability, he could clearly see that there was a round drop of blood on the tip of the needle.

When did these needle tips appear? Could the blood beads on them belong to them?



Just as Mu Fan was thinking, the needle tips stopped dancing at the same time, and then suddenly withdrew.

Mu Fan's eyes opened in anger, and his body couldn't move.

The dancing needles on both sides suddenly pierced into the body with a drop of blood.

At this moment, Mu Fan seemed to be pierced by a needle.


It was the general pain of piercing the whole body's cells, and the intense pain caused Mu Fan to twitch uncontrollably.

After the dense needle tip pierced with blood beads, the metal hose behind Mu Fan finally began to pour in energy again.

This time, Mu Fan, who was in severe pain, did not realize that the energy poured in this time no longer felt that the body could not bear it. On the contrary, his body was like a bottomless pit, beginning to accept all the energy transmitted from the metal hose. .


The confinement of the limbs finally disappeared at this moment, and Mu Fan in the cockpit suddenly raised his head, closed his eyes and let out a thunderous roar.

A violent sea of ​​blood in his consciousness drowned him, constantly breaking up, tearing apart, and then regrouping.

The pain in it was the pain that could pierce the soul, until in the end he was weak and unable to speak.

In the end, Mu Fan only felt that in his mind, that sea of ​​blood condensed into an endless space

"The core consciousness box is docking."

This was Shura's voice in the cockpit, but Mu Fan couldn't hear it.

All his five senses were immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness. He only felt that he was standing in a fiery battlefield, surrounded by a sea of ​​corpses and blood, but there were indeed countless terrible shadows on top of his head.

Those shadows look like warships but not warships, and there are even some dragon-like beasts.

He couldn't call out the names of these terrifying visions, but he knew that these were enemies, enemies from the terrifying land of endless galaxies.

Mu Fan seemed to be the only survivor who was walking on the ground, searching for a way out on the ground below when countless enemies were floating in the starry sky.

When Mu Fan felt like he stepped on a valley where blood converged into a river under his feet, and then climbed over a hill.

His body suddenly stopped.

Because, in front of his eyes appeared a majestic man with his upper body exposed, his muscles were like a tomb of stainless steel, and it was like a rock with sharp edges after thousands of years of weathering.

The scars on his back were vertical and horizontal, and he held a long **** knife in his hand in one hand.

When Mu Fan appeared, he happened to see a drop of blood dripping from the tip of the knife.

Then this stagnant space seemed to start to come alive since he saw this figure from behind!

Just as Mu Fan wanted to ask questions, the entire space, and in his entire mind, a sentence rang out loudly--

"I was born in a troubled world... I don't want to go with the flow... I would like to use my own power... to cut through the dust and create the future of my race... a thousand-year-old grand view!"

This time Mu Fan heard a man's shallow whisper very clearly.

The shallow whispers floated in his mind, although the sound was not loud, it suddenly tore Mu Fan's mind like a lightning thunder.

This voice...

Not from Shura!

This voice...

Mu Fan's blood was about to explode at this moment.

In that shallow whisper, he seemed to see a bold and unruly man facing the universe proudly.

In that man, he saw a heart that seemed to be wider than the sky and the rushing blood that was as vast as an endless galaxy!

Shura is immortal, invincible at all!

For some reason, there were tears in Mu Fan's eyes at this moment, even out of control, he couldn't control the tears from the corners of his eyes.

It is a feeling of blood It is a kind of kindness that is born in the bones.

That is blood is thicker than water, that is a kind of indelible blood relationship.

This man...

Who is he?

Mu Fan tried to see the proud man's face clearly.

Finally in the vaguely **** world, the man pierced the long knife into the ground, and then turned his head little by little.

When that face appeared, Mu Fan's originally violently compressed heart even stopped instantly.

He seemed to see... himself!

It's just the vicissitudes of life and the green stubble on the opponent's face, and the vertical and horizontal knife marks on his face are something that I have never had.

Moreover, the most striking thing was that Mu Fan saw the vastness of war in the man's eyes.

The world began to twist a little, it seemed that this vague space was about to disappear.

Mu Fan tried hard to speak, but there was no sound.

He only saw the other person grinning, exactly the same as himself, but his voice was vicissitudes and heroic:

"My name, Aga Shura... Kai!"

The blood-colored world shattered in an instant, all the scenery disappeared, and Mu Fan's consciousness returned to reality.

Tears had already covered his bloodstained face.

The boy's lips trembled, and finally mixed with tears and blood with difficulty, and said:

"Father... is that you?"

Then a terrifying force that Mu Fan could not understand began to float from his body. The surging force seemed to shred his body and soul, and then urge him to shred everything he saw before his eyes!

In his ears, a cold electronic voice sounded:

"The blood following mode started successfully."

"Asura's second-order posture is on-hell ghost!"

A light purple-red light flame floated from the long knife that Shura was holding.

Shura hell, life and death disillusioned.

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