Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 440: The most cold-blooded opponent

Ke Qingshan, who clearly saw this scene behind the Shura Mecha, twisted the two eyebrows behind the mask.

What is it going to do!

The fleet, which is obviously not easy to provoke, rushed forward so recklessly?

Zhenhong Armed hesitated for a while, but still followed.

"Since this mecha hasn't shown hostility until now, then just rush up." Ke Qingshan finally made up his mind.

The opportunity to clear the way with the magic machine is not always available.

So the engine behind the True Red Armament also banged and flew upwards.

This moment of dancing with death is really exciting.

There was an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, and a trace of sweat appeared in Ke Qingshan's hands.

However, the scene of the magic machine he was about to see directly penetrating the fleet and breaking through the formation did not appear...

He only saw that the light-colored energy shield at the front end of the terrifying warship suddenly opened a crack.


That Shura Mecha got in!

It directly turned into a black streamer and fell on the unusually wide battle deck, the scarlet cloak spreading behind it slowly fell, and the terrifying red eyes turned his head and glanced at him.

A cold sweat floated behind Ke Qingshan.

The heartbeat and blood pressure suddenly increased at this moment, and Zhenhong Armed Forces forcibly activated the braking measures under this sudden change.

The entire mecha turned into a ball of fire in the air, and now he Ke Qingshan didn't want to face this inexplicable unknown fleet directly.

He has only one enemy, and that is the corrupt federation.

He definitely didn't want to fall under the fire of unknown enemies without knowing it.

However, a subtle change that no one had expected appeared, which also caused Ke Qingshan's pupils to shrink instantly.

The tight formation of this black fleet split for an instant.

The two wing fleets moved one point outward at the same time, and the leading terrorist giant suddenly sank.

An extremely narrow passage suddenly appeared in front of you!

The entire fleet changes quickly and uniformly, and the efficiency is unimaginable.

This is... a way of life?

This is the way of life.

The doubt became a certainty, because Ke Qingshan saw the two words floating on the communication channel: "Pass."

There is nothing else.

His eyes flicked in front of him again, and when the red eyes came into view, Ke Qingshan gritted his teeth directly.

The true red arms passed through the narrow passage as a ball of flames.

He may understand that the Demon God Shura Machine always remembers himself, this is in return for his favor that stopped Da Lei Xiao.

It's a man...

Inexplicably, the impression of this Shura mech in his heart improved again.

He originally wanted to fight Da Lei Xiao, and blocking his attack on Shura was just a casual move, but he didn't expect that the pilot of the mecha would directly return this action as a favor.

Where did Ke Qingshan know that this was not Mu Fan's idea at all, but Shura's self-conscious decision.

The Shura clan owes no favors!

Hei had no objection to this, and to help Mu Fan was to be kind to it.

Therefore, the True Red Armed Forces got the chance to pass through the formation of the Shadow Fleet in the interstellar.

Various types of hulls with pitch black on both sides constantly appeared on the light curtain.

"I have never seen a battleship before?"

When the True Red Armed Forces completely passed the fleet, Ke Qingshan was stunned. The self-proclaimed military genius did not even know any warships in the fleet.

But he didn't want to stop and distinguish these ships, because through the cracks of the Shadow Fleet, he had already seen the changes in the formation of the Special Service Fleet.

Oblique vertical array variable, this is the precursor to the attack of the Federal Fleet.

He, Ke Qingshan, didn't want to use his own red weapons to try the artillery coverage of the two fleets.

"Thank you for your kindness in life, and you will have the opportunity to report again in the future."

Finally, the true red armed forces tried to send a message to that fleet and finally sailed out of the atmosphere without reservation.

However, Ke Qingshan's gratitude may be overwhelming.

After paying back the favor for Mu Fan, Hei ignored the message at all.

The Shadow Fleet floated silently in the air. Now Shura has successfully landed inside the Battleship of Dawn. The second phase of the mission is completed, and the next step is to evacuate to Shadow Base 131.

So now the only task of the Shadow Fleet is to successfully evacuate from Landu Star under Hei's control.

However, when the Shadow Fleet made the move to accept the Shura Mech, it also officially announced its position, that it was the same force as the Demon Mech Shura.

The command room of the Federal Fleet has fallen into silence, and no one thought that the final outcome of this chaos would be against the forces behind the legendary mecha...

"The Secret Service Fleet began to maneuver and change directions, the Federal Fleet is preparing for attack, the first stage, the diagonally vertical fish school tactics." Qi Longxiang's calm and calm voice sounded from inside each battleship.

The battle between the fleets is completely different from the battle between the fleets.

The genius of Qi Longxiang lies in the heinous macro control ability that can sway hundreds or even thousands of warships at this moment.

"In the first stage, the light-strike artillery array, the spiral attack followed the squadron sequence, and the starboard flanks were hit in ten batches."

"The second stage, magnetic energy cannon array, side attack, two-way piercing."

"The third stage……"

"The quagmire disrupts the artillery array, postpone two combat instructions."

"The magnetic field nuclear energy gun is accumulating, it will be launched after the third combat command ends."

Orders began to be silently issued from the Tibetan battleships, and the federal fleet in the sky quickly began to change.

The huge war machine is finally about to start.

In the fleet duel, the opponent is absolutely impossible to dodge like a super-mobile mecha.

This will be a decisive victory between steel and artillery!

All the officers in the ships carried a flush of red on their faces. The Blue Star fleet has not experienced a real fleet battle for many years. This time they are finally going to annihilate an incoming powerful force under the witness of history. The fleet is out.

More wins less?

This is called a tactical victory!

It's just that while these ordinary warship officers cheered, no one thought...

When these commands were spread between the special service fleets in specific ciphertexts, nothing happened, but when these commands entered the federal communication channel and spread across the sky the black fleet also simultaneously received these commands!

The command room of the Battleship of Dawn... is empty, but all the combat light curtains are in the activated state, and the data stream on each light curtain is flashing quickly.

This speed has far surpassed the speed of data processing in the command room of the Federal Fleet.

And the most terrifying thing is that on the central light curtain, every command issued by Qi Longxiang is clearly listed, and under these commands, there are countless red light spots all over.

That is a map of the federal fleet of the entire sky!

No one knows that the commander Hei of the Shadow Fleet has the most terrifying ability to crack this starry sky. He is the most undisputed powerful overlord in the world formed by the optical brain network!

The federal officer did not expect, nor did Qi Longxiang.

And now those red light spots began to move quickly on the light curtain as if being pushed by a powerful force, and half of the light curtain was instantly covered by chaotic and dense light spots.

After two seconds, the light spots that moved into the red ocean suddenly stopped and resumed their previous appearance.

Strips of words different from the Federation began to appear on the command light curtain, and at the same time an icy voice sounded in the command room: "The operation is complete."

"Data proofreading..."

"Ace Empire Star Fleet special combat tactics plan T is in an executable state."

"The purpose of this battle-to retain the Dawn Warship."

The last cold text appeared, and Hei finally set the final direction.

Abandon all auxiliary ships and retain the flagship.

Robots have no life, everything can be abandoned for victory.

At this moment, Qi Longxiang encountered the strangest and coldest-blooded opponent whose combat thoughts were almost synchronized--

Smart life, black!

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