Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 69: Precursor

   On June 2nd, early in the morning as usual, sparse pedestrians began to appear on the street. As the most comfortable and pleasant city in Planet Loga, there are many tourists from other cities here every day.

But what disappoints them is that most areas with excellent ecological environment are not open to the public at all. They are reserved for the nobles. Therefore, tourists from the outer city can only walk and play in the open areas of the city. The flow of people on commercial streets has gradually begun. increase.

   The retro-style clock in the living room showed that the time was 8:00. Mu Fan slept until eight o'clock for the first time, and walked out of the bedroom refreshedly. Five minutes after the fat man knocked on the door, Mu Fan gave up.

   Forget it, let him be here today.

   "It's dark, what's the matter?" After washing, Mu Fan put on the headset and asked.

The black voice sounded punctually, "The government network suddenly changed the encryption method at 6:00. It is really clear that there is going to be something today. Is this a provocation to this lord?" The voice was filled with resentment and held back for 2 hours. , Finally able to pour out.

   "Can you decipher it?" Mu Fan didn't talk nonsense with it, and couldn't follow the black line of thought, otherwise he would definitely be distorted.

"Yes! But there is no abnormal data flow yet, and there is no abnormality in the second urban area in the monitoring. It is very evil." Hei also concluded with a questioning tone: "Unless there is a possibility that all actions have circumvented the monitoring. ."

   "What about now?" He noticed the prompt next to the closet and learned that there are clothes for guests to change temporarily. He couldn't help but become interested. Today, he really can't wear the formal uniform that is inconvenient to move.

   Mu Fan opened his wardrobe and chose a set of the most casual linen clothing. The loose feeling made him like it at first sight. The rough and clear texture made his palm quite comfortable.

"It is recommended that you move to the northwest city area for a while. Now this adult can't give a definite time. You can move around there today. If there is a situation, you can directly take emergency measures." Hei said the emergency measure is to seize RX. -16.

   "Okay." Mu Fan put on loose linen clothes and trousers, moved his hands and feet, very comfortable, and pushed out the door after leaving a message for the fat man. This set of clothes was obviously prepared for guests for walking in the villa. Mu Fan was sentenced to the fate of becoming a combat uniform.

Huh? Mu Fan and Gao Lingsen's father and daughter, who were surrounded by a group of armed guards not far away, looked at each other.

   "Morning!" Mu Fan waved to that side friendly, of course he waved to Shirley, still ignoring the mustache.

   Gao Lingsen's eyes looked a bit unforgettable. He didn't speak, and dragged Shirley away, who was about to wave hello, and the group left the guest room area.

   Mu Fan shrugged and went down to dinner under the guidance of the waiter. Along the way, he clearly felt the tension in the villa today. Although the service staff are still working diligently as always, it is difficult to see family members in casual clothes along the way. It seems that Wayne's ban has been completely implemented yesterday.

   It was the first time that Mu Fan revealed his appetite outside of the martial arts hall. When he smelled the tempting fragrance, he tried to restrain himself and took two bites. Then, he paralyzed himself and started to eat special food. The chef in the breakfast buffet area was numb, and he made 20 of them in 15 minutes... They all entered the teenager’s belly in the blink of an eye, except for a long hiccup at the end. The slightest reaction.

Half an hour later, when Mu Fan finished drinking the pot of health-preserving porridge, the service staff had to report to him. They had never seen such a person after working for so many years. If it weren't for that costume, it was indeed a special tribute to the guests. Yes, I'm afraid I've called the guards long ago.

   Mu Fan was eating out, and suddenly heard a familiar and surprised voice: "Master Mu Fan?" The high cheek gang looked up, Uncle Wu!

   said hello with difficulty, Mu Fan drank two glasses of water and finally washed down the food.

   "Hello, Uncle Wu! I haven't seen you since I came yesterday." I was finally able to speak normally.

"It turned out to be Young Master Mu Fan. Who is the distinguished guest I said the next person came to report to?" Uncle Wu replied with a smile, "That's right, the master specially notified me just now and asked me to go to the housekeeping department to find you. Now it happens that I and you Speaking of, the master has ordered martial law in the villa, but Master Mu Fan can move around freely. This is a pass."

   After finishing speaking, he handed a plaque in the shape of a scale, three-finger size, exquisite workmanship.

   Mu Fan took it and nodded, "Understood, thank you Uncle Wu. I have left a message, but please tell Harry again, I will go for a walk today, and don’t forget what I said yesterday."

   Uncle Wu responded: "Okay, then I won't bother you, the master has something to do." After speaking, he turned and left.

   Mu Fan nodded, and immediately plunged into the elimination of food. After another half an hour, the contented Mu Fan walked out of the restaurant as everyone looked up at the villa.

   It was nine o'clock now, and he glanced at the Tianxun, but had not received a reply from the fat man, Mu Fan decided to leave for the northwest area.


When Mu Fan was walking leisurely in the criss-cross streets, the administrative network of Planet Loga fluctuated. The data appeared from the central database. After several jumps, it was scattered to several public interfaces. The stone sank into the sea, silently. He who has been closely monitoring the network hastily deciphered it and found that it was normal public information. The government's instruction document aimed at promoting the development of tourism culture. There was no abnormality in the logical judgment of the tracking program, so he did not receive an abnormal reminder here.

   I can often see people wearing different styles of clothing holding cameras and holding flags in their hands, lingering in the streets and alleys. I have to say that the scenery here is indeed good. There is a central forest park inside the city, and even the greening of the neighborhood is done in Sure enough, there will be a paradise in barren places.

   At the same time, the staff of the Urban Traffic Monitoring Bureau in the 2nd district scanned the multiple simultaneous display screens inside the house, where they monitored various intersections and busy points.

   A man in a police uniform was chewing gum, switching back and forth with relish, to see if he found a beautiful girl. This is also daily work, there is no way, or life is too boring.

   A man with a police cap also leaned over and stared at the screen together. After looking at it for a while, he shook his head and said disappointedly: "There are so many tourists recently, why the quality is getting worse and worse."

Yes, the chewing gum person quickly switched the video on the screen. I really didn’t find a few beautiful beauties. The tourist crowds in several places were all big men, cursing: "What kind of photos are the big men taking? Don’t come here for the turtles."

   The man with the police cap clicked his finger continuously, and also looked at the recent traffic data, and complained: "There are a lot of people, there are more people today than yesterday."

   "I look at those park areas, there may be girls running in the morning." The man in the police cap immediately leaned over to look at it.

   "It's another group of tourists, it's so unqualified! The garbage is littered, and so is it over there, even throwing it away!"

   The green light of a recorder behind them flickered, and a burst of recording analysis came from the black mass data in the planetary network. Several keywords triggered the alarm it set.

   "Today, yesterday, many, a bunch, throw"...


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