Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 453: Senior sister?

"If Mu Fan, your eyes are fine, then Lord Black has a mental hallucination..."

Hei didn't believe Mu Fan's words at all.

"I can't take this thing back, you arrange a robot to help me transport it to a safe place." Mu Fan sighed, and simply gave it to it. Hei naturally believed it.

After a while, another unmanned suspension vehicle stopped in front of the villa.

When Mu Fan put the stone in front of the camera in the car, Hei finally closed his mouth.

"Luck is also a part of your personal strength. If you count your luck, Mu Fan, you are already at the pinnacle of this world, and you're awesome!" Lord Hei would never admit his mistake.

Mu Fan was too lazy to argue with this intelligent being, and signaled that he could go back.

I don’t know how Donald Sho will react to this scene tomorrow?

Mu Fan looked faintly through the car window, and a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth.

The first big gift has been delivered, and the second is coming soon...

The hovering vehicle soon arrived around Dingchuan Academy, and Mu Fan did not enter through the main entrance.

Under the black surveillance shield, he walked like an invisible person all the way, and now it is close to 3:30 in the morning, even if he walks on the Zhenglu University campus, there are not many people in sight.

As for the scattered people who woke up early or wandered at night, they couldn't be found under Mu Fan's deliberate concealment.

But when Mu Fan was about to enter the periphery of the research center shaped like a giant ostrich egg, Mu Fan's eyes were startled.

Because he suddenly saw a familiar shadow.

If it weren't for Mu Fan's superb vision, he would never have seen a woman in a black bow suit standing in the shade of the trees outside the dome building.

The sharp and delicate chin, the blue silk that is randomly erected behind him by a silk ribbon, that indifferent and cold temperament...

It turned out to be Lu Qingxue!

She was carrying a long silver-white box standing in the shadow of the woods, looking at the building quietly.

Her beautiful profile face was very sharp in this shadow.

And what surprised Mu Fan the most was that if he hadn't seen it with his eyes, he wouldn't even notice a person standing there.

Why would Xuejie Lu stand here while looking at this research center?

There was a deep curiosity in Mu Fan's heart, and then his face was weird thinking, isn't it just looking at himself?

Then he shook his head, how could it be possible!

Xuejie Lu has always been obsessed with kendo, why would she come to see herself...

In the end, I really couldn't think of it, and simply didn't want to. Mu Fan was now hesitating how to go back.

Others are fortunate to say that if it is Lu Qingxue, it is really hard to say. If she returns as planned, she will definitely be seen by Senior Sister Lu.

As for the consequences, Mu Fan really doesn't think this is a good idea when thinking of the huge news that will be produced tomorrow.

However, the facts will never be produced as one thought.

While Mu Fan was also standing in the shadows quietly meditating, in his eyes, the cold figure suddenly turned his head, and the pair of watery eyes spanning a distance of two hundred meters, staring straight at him.

Mu Fan instantly felt his entire body explode.

It was a feeling of being locked in by the other's sight!

Thanks to the night vision ability from blood, he only saw a slight astonishment on Lu Qingxue's cold face, and then there was a surprise in his eyes, but his head was slightly on the side.

This slightly playful action clearly doesn't match Lu Qingxue's temperament, but at this moment he feels extremely coordinated.

But Mu Fan didn't have the mind to scrutinize this action. He didn't know how to realize the fact that he appeared here at this point in time.

If things are exposed, then I am afraid I really can no longer integrate into the complete and orderly society of the Federation.

The cold and beautiful eyes are still looking at him at this moment, and they don't have the chill of seeing people thousands of miles away.

So in the end Mu Fan...

Embarrassingly raised his right hand, spread out his palm, trying to make his smile less rigid.


If this posture is seen by outsiders as low as low, what Mu Fan didn't expect is that the corner of the Qianying's mouth on the opposite side has an extremely subtle curvature.

Senior Sister Lu seemed to be laughing.

"Mu Fan, why don't you leave? There is no one else near the Biomedical Research Center. All monitoring is under my control. You can go back directly."

The black voice appeared immortal at this moment, if possible, Mu Fan really wanted to pull it out of the virtual world and give it a fat beat.

Are you blind?

The senior sister was looking at her from a distance at the moment, she also showed a nice smile.

As Mu Fan's cheeks bite hard, the sound came out in his mouth, but it didn't come out.

"Hei, you shut up, I saw Senior Sister Lu..."

"What, that cold and beautiful girl who is extremely suitable for this lord? It turns out that you are such a fan, and you can't forget the beauties that the black lord fancy, how is it possible, there is obviously no one around here, you must have an illusion in your eyes!" Hei Said categorically, there is absolutely nothing wrong, it has been seen in all monitoring, and there is no.

"Shut up." Mu Fan muffled out a word, with an awkward and stiff smile on his face, and walked towards Lu Qingxue wearing a white vest-like flexible training suit.

As for those coats that have been destroyed halfway, Solomon's hand armor has been hacked along with the star map relic Lu Qingxue's figure did not take a step, but turned around, transparent But the bright eyes looked at Mu Fan carefully, still with the slightly cute gesture of tilting his head slightly.

When Mu Fan walked to Lu Qingxue and looked at the outstanding iceberg beauty in front of him, he realized that Senior Sister Lu was less cold and more vivid at this moment.

Lu Qingxue's eyes were like a quiet valley, and she looked at him silently at this moment.

Mu Fan didn't know why he didn't dare to look directly at those beautiful eyes, and finally slapped him directly, posing like a zombie again, and waved his hand.

"Haha...what a coincidence...that, good morning."

Well, it can’t be dark anymore now.

Lu Qingxue didn't aim at the loopholes in Mu Fan's words. The slight smile at the corner of her mouth finally opened, and a heart-warming voice sounded like snow lotus:

"Is your health better?"

Mu Fan, who was about to go out of his way, was stunned. Hearing the voice of the cold woman opposite, and seeing those eyes without a trace of impurities, his heart couldn't help but warm.

All words of preparation were stuffed back, with a smile on his face, and nodded.

"Well, okay, come out for a walk. It's just... I hope the senior sister will not say anything."

Mu Fan really didn't know what language to use to deceive the woman opposite.

Lu Qingxue's eyelashes drooped and she gave a soft hmm.

Seeing the cold style of the senior sister, Mu Fan was relieved, glanced at random and smiled:

"Senior Sister looks very nice today. The bracelet on her hand is very unique. Seeing you for the first time, it looks very good with it."

His gaze fell on Lu Qingxue's wrist that raised her hand and picked up the blue silk in her ear. There was a ring that was as white as jade, like gold and not gold.

Lu Qingxue's raised left hand paused slightly.

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