Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 76: The melee begins

This is the first time that Mu Fan has touched a real mech, and his mood has been difficult to calm down. He stroked the metallic console and looked at the real manifestation of the virtual mech in the PO battle. Net, his fingers flicked the familiar 208 keys. , There was even a slight sweat in his palm. This was not tension, but excitement!

   "The power supply is restored!" Seeing that the voltage returned to normal, the officer hurriedly issued an order: "Mecha attack!!"

   "Start countdown, 15 seconds, 14 seconds..."

   A black voice suddenly sounded in the cockpit: "The control system of this mecha has been taken over, Mu Fan, attack!"

   "Strike!" Mu Fan's eyes revealed faint excitement, and he pressed the start button with one palm.

"The mecha self-checking program is activated, the energy reserve is 100%, the body preparation is 85%, warning: missing firepower weapons!" Mu Fan did not pay attention to this reminder, proficiently pushing the mechanical lever, and a set of action setting keys refreshed. .

The last RX-16 in the mecha arsenal actually moved one step ahead, and the countdown was seven seconds away. The maintenance technician operating on the robotic arm behind him couldn't help but stunned, and then shouted: "The gun! The gun is not installed yet!" !"

   When the officer over there heard the shout, he couldn't help looking at him, and felt his face exploded. Who is the pilot of that mecha? It will be found out in a while that the person must be confined! Now it was too short of time, so he took a vicious look and gave the final command through the loudspeaker: "Strike!"

   So in the fierce eyes of the officers and the stunned eyes of the maintenance technicians on the platform, this mech actually raised the heavy shield and stepped out first!

   The two RX-16 pilots at the front had just started, and they saw Mu Fan’s mech stepping out of the back of the hangar platform on the combat screen, and the excitement on his face could not be concealed.

"Makas, did you kid take the wrong medicine today? Where's your gun?" When the voices of the other two pilots rang in the cockpit, Mu Fan quickly reacted and said that the man was knocked out. Soldiers put into the escape pod.

   No way, Mu Fan directly turned on voice silence.

   "This kid's voice is silent."


   The two pilots watched with admiring eyes that the bare sword-and-shield mecha disappeared into their field of vision, and they also hurriedly followed.

  The exit of the mecha library has been opened, and there is a corridor ten meters high. Mu Fan carefully controlled the mecha to walk forward.

When the mecha walked for the first step, Mu Fan felt something was wrong. It was a manifestation of real gravity. When the mecha stepped on each foot, he could feel the feedback from the cockpit, even after passing through layers. filter.

   This kind of real feedback has caused the entire cockpit to be in a state of constant slight movement. Compared with PO, even if the difference is only in this subtle feeling, it has completely become two feelings.

  Virtual, real!

"Mu Fan, get acquainted with it as soon as possible. The channel length is 120 meters. The exit is on the back of the mountain. You don't have long-range firepower. You need to evade as soon as possible after you go out." Hei saw that Mu Fan's route was slightly deformed through the airborne vision. Remind.

   "Understand!" Mu Fan's powerful muscle manipulation ability was perfectly reflected at this time!

   Although he doesn't have the super-high fit in the stable situation in the PO battle network, but correspondingly, his super physical fitness can finally play a huge role.

   Each button on the console and even the feedback strength are different. Mu Fan forcibly controlled his muscles to quickly adapt to each area.

  The combat screen has shown that it is about to leave the channel.

   "Mu Fan, Educational Action 17-Attack and evade!" A black voice came.

   Mu Fan swipes with his right hand, three consecutive sets of four-key synchronization! I saw a slow sinking action of the RX-16 mech, holding the shield in front of the chest and bending the legs, but the overflowing airflow on the legs indicated that the hydraulic components had entered a 100% load state.

   squatted, slammed with a shield! Jumped out.

   The pilot of the No. 1 RX-16 mech behind him looked at him for a moment, is he still his comrade-in-arms? With this kind of consciousness and such a sophisticated standard of action when he was approaching the entrance of the cave, this kid Marcus had been hiding before?

"Kerry what are you doing? Why don't you move anymore." Suddenly the voice of his teammates came from the channel. Carey went on for a moment, and replied with a puzzled voice: "Is that kid Marcus hiding? How do I see him The action is a bit like how I felt when I saw the instructor?"

   "You are regressing, it's almost here, prepare to guard!"

   A rigorous guarding action, the two RX-16s behind them also rushed out of the tunnel, raising their shields and standing on both sides.

   "Why did Markus continue to rush down?"

   "Why didn't you even do tactical cover!?" The two pilots were a little angry and had no team consciousness at all. What happened to this kid today? This is irresponsible for the lives of his teammates.

   How did they know that Mu Fan rolled down immediately after the collision, because the black reminded a surveillance camera that the organic armor had begun to attack Villa No. 4 Jiahe Avenue, the residence of the Fuwen family!

It didn’t attract too many people’s attention when it just broke out of a mecha. When the subsequent RX-25 bombarded mecha appeared, it finally attracted the attention of the Star Pirates. So accompanied by a small frigate shelling, the military Directly exchanged fire with the star thief.

   "Fire cover! RX-33 is dispatched!" Two melee mechas concentrated their energy on the heavy shield, turned on the fire protection mode, and five RX-25s lined up directly to bombard the sky.

   At this time, the frigate had realized that it was too late for the military to officially start its counterattack. The three RX-33 fighters rushed into the sky with blue tail flames.

   coordinate proofreading, data link correction, fire control synchronization! Trinity spiral set fire! The three air combat mechas gave full play to their air combat A-level strength, and a set of military-standard fuselage combined attack skills demonstrated their existence.

The Falcon air-to-air active missile combined with the three-machine spiral burst of the beam gun directly tore the side armor of the small frigate, and after a turn, the three mechas fired again. The high-pressure internal combustion bomb directly penetrated into the frigate, and as a cloud of fire spewed out, the internal members of the small frigate were directly swept away and exploded in the air.

   Nice job! The major in the base looked at the screen with excitement.

"Huh! The unreliable writer, the cruiser is covered by firepower, and the Star Pirates Reaper Mech of City No. 2 is dispatched!" When he learned that one of his small frigates had been destroyed, the poisonous scorpion smiled coldly. give an order.

   A team of tan mechas carrying six missiles on their backs like sickle arms were projected down in the air.

Mu Fan, who was running down the hillside, had no time to cooperate with the military for the time being. A temporarily transferred scene appeared on his screen. Several mechas were sweeping in the center of the city. The sudden appearance of resistance at Fuwen Villa caught these mechas by surprise. , But soon these mechas were so angry that they began to besiege, and at this moment the firepower was leaning on the energy cover of the villa.

   The entire villa is like a leaf swaying in a rainstorm, precarious!

wait for me!

   Mu Fan said silently in his heart, adjusting the direction, like an arrow rushing straight towards the villa!


  PS: Thanks to the book friend for "Occupy her" for 200 coins reward! Thanks to book friends for "kiss everywhere ¥" 100 coins reward!

  Thanks to book friends for "Yesterday's Beauty", "Magic Clouds" and "Soviet Armored Infantry" for 10 coins rewards!

(Digression, the climax of the first volume officially begins. Is this adventure-level mecha Mu Fan's car? I don't know if any careful readers can find friends are welcome to visit and read. , The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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