Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 80: Salute to Markas

  PS. Present today’s update. By the way, I will give a vote to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes. Voting will also give away starting point coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

(Today Mother’s Day, I wish all mothers good health)

   "Pretty!" Hei rarely expressed his praise to Mu Fan.

   While Mu Fan tried to kill four mechas, the Fourth Guard encountered unprecedented fire suppression. The people in the military couldn't think of why the Broken Axe Pirates had so many standard mechas! The Reaper directly put more than twenty units nearby.

  The three RX33s of one's own side in the air were unable to carry out effective attacks after the four destroyers of the Broken Axe Star Pirates group joined the battlefield. One was even destroyed by the opposite side, and the remaining two rushed back to the ground.

   has lost the air combat firepower, 2 RX-16 sword shield mechas on the ground and 5 RX-25 bombardment mechas directly face the enemy more than 20 adventure-level Reaper mechas!

   This is an adventurous mecha, who is the regular army! Despair spread in the hearts of the pilots of the two RX-16s. Carey glanced at his energy reserve, smiled miserably, and said to the voice channel: "I have 20% of the energy reserve left. The explanation is here." He was the pilot of the first RX-16 in the warehouse. Seeing more than 20 red dots refreshed on the radar, he was ready to return to the earth at any time.

"I have 30% left. Let me die together! Killing one is enough, killing two is earning!" The other pilot was provoked, and he died on the battlefield after all, so let’s die vigorously. Raise a gun and shoot.

   The two RX-25s scattered behind them, the muzzle continued to roar. If they can't hold on here, then this base will fall.

   Being taken over by a group of star thieves, it’s a shame to think about it! When the war and death came, the Union soldiers showed the qualities they should have as a soldier. No one retreated, no one fleeed.

More than 20 Reapers are divided into two batches, one is under fire suppression, and the other is rushing. When these Reaper mechas are close behind, the specially strengthened cutting hand knives will be the nightmare of their own mechas. .

   The major in the mountain looked at the synchronized projection, his teeth clenched, and the speaker, his subordinates are incompetent, and maybe they will fight to death here with the brothers today. Putting a pistol filled with glorious bullets into his arms, the major turned around and ordered: "Tell the Speaker, the Fourth Guard is ready to counterattack!"

"Damn it!" When the speaker of Planet Loga heard the words from his cronies, he slapped on the table, "Wen Yu just ordered the army to attack, please contact him!! No. 2 City!! "

   "Report that we can't get in touch with Representative Wen Yu for the time being. Currently, we can only communicate with the Fourth Guard, and the backup channel has five minutes to activate."

   "Hold on to me!" What still echoed in my ears was the voice of his subordinates who went to death generously, and the speaker's eyes were a little red. Who is it! Who ignited the war again on this war-torn planet! Now the sound of the explosion in the mansion is still the explosion caused by the contact between the energy shield and the ammunition. I can only be suppressed here, not reconciled!


   Mu Fan learned from the black that he needed to continue to return to the location of the previous warehouse, but he didn't need to reach the mountain, but proceeded along the road down the mountain, which was about thirty kilometers away.

   So Mu Fan controlled the RX-16 to pick up the heavy shield, and left Jiahe Avenue without any extra action. Seeing the military mech's miraculous posture to solve the four mechas, they left silently, and many people even shed tears with excitement. This group of people who had been lingering at the entrance of death for a long time vented their aftermath. The joy of the rest of his life, then with a respectful look, he commented on the back of the heavy mecha on the screen. Including Wayne, also lamented his luck.

   However, everyone who has experienced life and death seems to have forgotten Mu Fan. In this overwhelming time, no one cares more about the survival of others.

   When Mu Fan drove the mech and ran backwards, he found that the number of star thief around had decreased a lot, as if they were retreating regularly, and then the sound collector also transmitted the violent gunfire not far away.

   After bypassing this area and entering an open field of vision, Mu Fan could see the scene of the battle on the hillside not far away from the battle screen.

   "The Star Thief has such a strong firepower." Mu Fan felt a little owed to him for robbing a military mech, but it is not time to help, so go to the first city as soon as possible!

   But the less you think about something, the sooner it comes!

   When the flight monitor filmed another military mech on the ground, Star Rogue quickly confirmed that this was the military mech that had rushed into the central city as reported by the people before. How come back now?

   Could it be that you can’t bear to watch your comrades die? A group of star thief laughed on the near ground frigate.


   When this sound rang out, the group of star thief unanimously put away their smiles, turned and bowed their heads respectfully, "Deputy Chief!"

"what happened?"

   "Another military mech appears, as if to be alone to rescue the trapped beasts on the hillside."

"What's so funny, order the reaper to send a team to wipe out quickly. Then, prepare to drop the thunder." There is an indescribable vicious voice in this voice, and it sounds like a poisonous snake is staring at you in the dark. The star thief on the side swiftly answered yes, the deputy leader's Thunder Thunder is about to be dispatched? The big show was about to open, and a group of star thief looked at each other excitedly and quickly carried out a maintenance inspection.

   The star thief really wronged Mu Fan. The route that the black led was here. This road was not destroyed as badly by the high-explosive bomb, so he could still go along the street.

   When Mu Fan's RX-16 appeared at the foot of the mountain, the military also found him.

"Why did our mecha rush down? This is... the mecha without guns?" After a moment of doubt, the major quickly recognized Mu Fan's mecha, because the impression was too deep. Disobey the order! If it weren't for the fact that it was brave enough to attack, it would just curse.

   "Who is the pilot of this mecha? Why did he show up at the foot of the mountain me!"

   "Report to the sir! The system recognizes the mecha driver as the non-commissioned officer Markus! Now the voice is turned on in silent mode and cannot be connected."

   "What the **** is this kid going to do! Why is he still rushing forward, he is almost unable to withstand it." Seeing that the Reaper's army and his own army exchanged a fire within two minutes, an RX-16 was seriously injured, and the major was angry.

   "If we are alive after this battle, I must shoot him!"

   "Major, the four harvesters have separated to intercept him." The adjutant reported suddenly.

On the screen, the four Reapers broke away from the large force and moved towards the RX-16, which was running forward. They seemed to have seen the fate of this mecha, separated from the support of their own shelling, without any long-range firepower. . However, at this moment, the mecha raised the giant sword in his hand, raised the heavy shield, and charged against the enemy, just like a brave knight, launching the last heroic and heroic charge.

   The lads of the federal army are all good.

   Really warrior! Seeing this mecha that was silent and generous to die, the major's eye sockets were a little moist, and then his face was firm, and he made a standard salute on his right hand and shouted: "Salute to Markas!"

   "Salute to Markas!"


  PS: Thank you book friend "leoland88" for "poetic and picturesque, Ren Xiaowei" 10 coins reward!


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