Mecha Forger

Chapter 23 Settlement of Accounts

Although he had already received full marks in theory, Tang Fan, who always pursued perfection, even specially prepared women's products before setting off.

Psychologically, especially after weaning off the medicine, he knew that this day would come sooner or later.

But when his aunt came to visit, Tang Fan was still panicked.

Weight gain, abdominal cramps, bad temper, lowered body temperature, weakened metabolism, dull, obscure, lack of luster... these are all, Tang Fan can tolerate them.

But Tang Fan couldn't bear the physical exhaustion and weakness of his body, as well as the decline in strength.

Tang Fan could only exert 80% of his strength, even for only three days, and felt extremely insecure.

Under this double psychological and physical torture, Tang Fan had to work hard to conceal his gender.

This inhuman torture made Tang Fan so angry that he cursed the culprit Tang Gang countless times.

Anyway, in his opinion, if Tang Gang hadn't sought death, he would never have been in this situation.

But Tang Fan didn't know that Tang Gang did it on purpose.

Even if he didn't provoke Zhang Aiwei, Tang Gang would find a way to cut off her drug that delays female growth.

He is raising a girl, so even if she dresses like a boy, how can it be okay if she drinks a potion that delays female growth all day long?

It's a medicine that's three parts poisonous, especially a medicine that delays female growth and has many side effects.

If something happened to him while drinking, how would he explain it to Tang Fan?

No matter how fiercely Tang Fan scolded him, Tang Gang just rubbed his burning ears and did whatever he had to do.

Anyway, it was far enough away that he couldn't hear it.

After scolding Tang Gang secretly, Tang Fan still had to live a cautious life.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao Ziyang concentrated on research, and the two young boys Brad and Zhao Fan knew nothing at all. It was not difficult for Tang Fan to hide it.

The assembly masters in the workshop were busy making money and had no time to pay attention to Tang Fan's unusual idea.

The problem lies with Mr. and Mrs. Bu who live next door and often visit.

Lao Bu was a careful observer, and he could tell the clues from Tang Fan's awkward walking posture with just one glance.

Fortunately, Tang Gang had already said hello to Lao Bu, and Lao Bu did not make a big deal about it. Instead, he went home to find his wife to come over and give Tang Fan a menstrual hygiene class.

The moment he saw Lao Bu's wife, Tang Fan knew that he had been exposed, but he had always managed his expression successfully and could still pretend to be calm.

But as Lao Bu's daughter-in-law became less and less reserved, Tang Fan's face gradually turned red, and he couldn't calm down, leaving only shyness.

Seeing that Tang Fan finally managed to look like a girl, Lao Bu's wife was so happy that she wished she could turn on the optical brain and record Tang Fan.

It’s a pity that I don’t have a daughter!

Although the process was awkward, Mrs. Bu's answers to questions still made Tang Fan relax a lot.

In just three days, for Tang Fan, it seemed like a century had passed, and the three days passed peacefully.

Except for Lao Bu and his wife, no one noticed anything unusual about Tang Fan.

This made Tang Fan breathe a sigh of relief, and felt faintly lucky.

It is much better to come now than during your own exam period.

Lan Haixing's teachers, classmates and candidates may not be as easy to hide as those in the factory.

Even if he managed to hide it, Lan Haixing still had many star beasts and star plants, and their sensitivity to smells was much higher than that of humans.

Thinking about the legendary inhumane selection method of the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, and thinking about the fact that if his strength dropped by 20%, he would encounter more star beasts and star plants, Tang Fan couldn't help but shudder.


Now that my aunt is here, can anything else be far behind?

Gradually, Tang Fan noticed the changes in his body. The lines became more rounded. The tight lines of the protective clothing could not perfectly conceal his gender.

Tang Fan was not feeling well. He could only use the excuse of growing taller and fatter and changed into a set of loose work clothes to cover up.

People who lived in the same apartment and worked in the same workshop found nothing unusual about Tang Fan. Only Lao Bu and his wife would smile with unknown meaning every time they saw Tang Fan's work clothes.

What else can Tang Fan do?

Of course, just be patient and get over it!

This forbearance is Xiao Shitian.

Just when Tang Fan couldn't bear it anymore, Sangzi Star Port, which had been quiet for a month, finally welcomed the starship from Capital Star bound for Blue Sea Star.

When he heard the notification sound of the starship arriving at the port, Tang Fan ignored the semi-finished mecha in his hand and pushed it directly to the master who had just assembled a mecha at the next work station. He shouted, "It's yours!" and jumped out. Just run.

The assembly master was stunned for two seconds and pinched himself hard before he dared to believe that he had really taken advantage of Tang Fan.

Although he was so excited, Tang Fan did not forget to say goodbye to Mr. Zhao Ziyang, nor did he forget to pack his luggage.

From the dormitory to the laboratory, not a hair fell from anything he touched.

Especially the corner of the laboratory belonging to Tang Fan. Mr. Zhao Ziyang had never seen it so clean before, as clean as if it had never been used.

When Lao Bu heard the news and rushed over, Tang Fan had just finished it.

Seeing Lao Bu coming over, Tang Fan greeted Lao Bu with a smile. Before Lao Bu could respond, Tang Fan started calculating wages with Lao Bu.

Old Bu thought he was a good settler, but in front of Tang Fan, Old Bu fell behind.

Tang Fan laid out the contract signed between Lao Bu and Tangshan Iron and Steel, detailing it word by word. He waited for Lao Bu to nod and added every credit point before giving up.

Although when calculating income, Tang Fan was a bit cautious about spending money, when calculating expenditure, he didn't suffer too much.

At least, this includes the living expenses for him and Brad, the material expenses for the materials he used during this period, and all the other bits and pieces.

Although, his calculation method is different from others.

The cost of nutritional supplements is calculated based on the manufacturer's wholesale price, and the material cost is calculated based on the price of recycled metal from metal dumping pits, but they are also included in the calculation.

In this regard, it is slightly different from Tangshan Iron and Steel.

Although he suffered a slight loss, Old Bu still touched his nose and admitted it.

Because Tang Gang and Lao Bu had spoken beforehand, Tang Fan knew that he would not get too many credit points.

Tang Fan simply didn't want a single credit point and offered to exchange it directly for physical items.

Don't want anything else, food, drink, mecha materials. As long as it is calculated according to the cost price, or even the price of recycled metal in the metal dumping pit, Tang Fan will not refuse anyone who comes.

This 'generous' appearance gave Lao Bu a headache.

Just now, he praised Tang Fan for being better than his father, but now it seems that this girl is even more ruthless than his father!

But who told her to be Tang Gang’s daughter!

He can send her away if he suffers a little loss, he admits it!

Lao Bu gave Tang Fan enough nutritional supplements for him to take for half a month, and also gave him a lot of basic ingredients. This confusing account was finally "cleared up"!

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