Mecha Forger

Chapter 304 A strange combination of circumstances

Professor Tao Bixi, who was sympathized by "Yin Yulan", not only remained calm in the face of this situation, but also seized the opportunity to teach Fang Yiyi the art of recognizing people.

This mentality is simply amazing!

Another half month passed, and those who took a wait-and-see attitude and waited for the price to sell have all settled down.

Anna Smith's laboratory was erected as quickly as possible.

But in Tao Bixi's laboratory, less than one-third of the people were left.

Inside and outside the school, there were many people holding small stools, waiting to see Tao Bixi's jokes.

Tao Bixi knew without guessing that there was definitely Anna Smith in it.

Even Peng Kaiyuan and Master Peng may have had a hand in it.

Tao Bixi also knew that as long as she made a slight concession and took the initiative to seek peace, Anna Smith and Peng Kaiyuan would definitely help her clean up this mess.

But Tao Bixi couldn't give in, and she didn't dare to give in.

She drastically eliminated many unnecessary projects and coordinated their work according to each person's expertise.

Even a marginal figure like "Yin Yulan" who served tea and poured water was promoted exceptionally and took over the work of data statistics.

Although women work as men and men work as livestock, and working overtime is a daily operation, Tao Bixi managed to maintain the normal operation of the laboratory with only one-third of her team. .

This kind of magical operation opened the eyes of everyone waiting to see the joke.

Everyone said: Tao Bixi just doesn't like to take care of things, it's not that she can't take care of things; if she really wants to take care of things, no one else will have anything to do with her.

But only the people inside the laboratory know how much work each of them has.

What kind of social animals from 996 can't be compared with this group of scientific research dogs.

Everyone talks less and does more things. The relationship with Professor Tao Bixi is closer, the guidance received is simpler and more direct, and the harvest is naturally doubled.

In just one month, Professor Tao Bixi's laboratory produced two small scientific research results.

After the application was submitted, the two project leaders took the initiative to treat everyone to a takeaway meal from the canteen.


Going to the cafeteria to eat has become a luxury for members of the laboratory.

The time spent going back and forth, ordering, and serving food was enough for them to complete several sets of experiments!

Seeing the bustling scene in Tao Bixi's laboratory, the melon-eating crowd dispersed silently.

After the noise outside slowly calmed down, Professor Tao Bixi decisively applied to the school.

I don’t want anything else but a few robots to do some simple work.

According to Professor Tao Bixi, "Robots can greatly liberate researchers. They talk less and do things seriously, and they are safe and reliable."

The only drawback!

Of course, the thinking is not active enough, and there is no imagination and research and development capabilities.

However, safety comes first!

It seems that this wave of betrayal is quite harmful to Professor Tao Bixi.

Compared with the frequent scientific research results produced in Professor Tao Bixi's laboratory, the laboratory next door seems a bit bleak.

In order to lure the researchers to their laboratories, Anna Smith and Peng Kaiyuan made all kinds of promises, including credit points, nutrients, research materials, experimental equipment... As long as the researchers dared to speak, these two guys dared to agree.

But when the researchers took the bait, they realized what it means to speak better than to sing.

Things are impossible to have, not even in this life.

If you are willing to lower your requirements, these two guys can still keep you in the lab to help with odd jobs.

If you are determined to fight against them...

The laboratory door is open, and you can stay wherever you like.

Since ancient times, betrayal cannot be discussed openly.

Therefore, the vast majority of experimenters signed verbal agreements with these two companies and did not have any legal effect.

When these two guys did this, most of the experimenters were dumbfounded and could only obey their mercy.

I heard that some people had approached Tao Bixi and Fang Yiyi and expressed their desire to come back.

However, they were flatly rejected by Tao Bixi and Fang Yi.

If you don't throw away such a treacherous villain as soon as possible, why would you keep it?

Wait until he finds an opportunity to betray you again?

Compared with those researchers who steal the chicken but lose the rice, classmate "Yin Yulan" is lucky.

Because she stood with the right leader and seized the opportunity, the little girl suddenly slipped into the team of researchers from the edge.

Due to his solid basic knowledge and excellent professional ability, after following several projects, he caught the attention of Professor Tao Bixi.

Despite the shortage of manpower, two less complex small projects were also obtained.

This can be regarded as... a salty fish turning over?

Classmate "Yin Yulan", who was one step closer to her goal, almost jumped with joy. Even the vacation that she had been eagerly looking forward to in the past no longer tasted good.

The whole summer vacation was spent in the laboratory.

He released the dove of "Yin Qiu" and almost made someone become a wife-watching stone.

Of course, efforts are rewarded.

The two projects handed over to "Yin Yulan" were not only completed, but also produced several results.

Professor Tao Bixi saw it in his eyes, took it to heart, and gave him two more projects.

However, the difficulty of these two projects is more than a little more difficult than what she just completed.

Classmate "Yin Yulan" happily left with the project, so that when the school came to find her, she remembered that there was such a thing as an alliance military quality competition in the world.

Yes, the annual Alliance Military Quality Competition is about to begin again.

It's a pity that Miss Elena, Song Zifeng, and Bai Man have already graduated, classmate "Yin Qiu" has become an exchange student, and classmate "Yin Yulan" is addicted to experiments and can't extricate himself... There are basically no seniors in this year's Alliance Military Academy. face.

The school leaders and teacher Pang Lei could only place this burden on Jin Ruyun's shoulders.

But no matter how hard Jin Ruyun worked, the team he assembled was in disarray, far from the temperament of the previous two years.

Alliance Military Academy is smart, and other military academies are not stupid either!

Having learned from the experiences and lessons of the last two years, other military academies also know how to integrate the best resources of their own schools and recruit outstanding students from various majors.

Therefore, in this Alliance Military Quality Competition, the Alliance Military Academy had an extremely difficult time.

I almost didn't show up for the preliminary round, let alone the rest.

After two rounds of travel, I barely managed to finish in tenth place, but failed.

When the news reached the Union Military Academy, there were cries throughout the school.

On the campus Internet, the calls for "Let Yin Qiu" return are getting louder and louder than ever.

Even Jin Ruyun clicked a like with a smooth hand.

The senior leaders of the Alliance Military Academy had to come forward to communicate with the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy and wanted to adjust the study and exchange time of the exchange students.

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