Mecha Forger

Chapter 393 Response

The seven masters of pharmacy, whom he regarded as idols, had become other people's experiments because of their own greed, and they were lying there quietly at this moment.

Song Tong's sadness turned into a river.

How to describe that kind of sadness?


I heard that the house over there collapsed, so I went over to watch the excitement.

I didn't expect that my house collapsed.

All of a sudden my tears came down...

It really makes those who hear it sad and those who listen to it cry.

However, Tao Qingxi, who is also a pharmacist, does not feel this way.

Whether it's Jim Field, Ulikummi, or Solomon Burke, which one is not a master in pharmaceutical genetic research?

But didn't they also conduct such inhumane living body...experiments on her, Tang Meng, and even many women they didn't know yet?

A person's moral cultivation has nothing to do with his achievements in the professional field.

What does the collective destruction of the seven great masters mean?

Seventy danas lay in front of her, and she did not even frown.

The young lady is so domineering!

However, when this young lady saw through Song Ci's lens, she saw those masters in the mecha casting industry lying quietly in the treatment cabin of East District 1.

Listening to the glasses-covered Chen Yifan's introduction, one title after another, he looked at Tang Fan's face getting darker and darker behind him.

The young lady felt that she might have spoken a little too early.

At Tang Fan's insistence, Major General Song Ci took the ten brothers who had worked hard all the way and took the photography equipment to visit the South 1st District and the West 1st District.

This time, the introducer was Major General Song Ci.

Because the people lying in the South and West Areas are all mecha pilots and starship pilots who have been "missing or dead" for more than thirty years.

As a professional who had accompanied Ms. Yao to major banquets for a long time more than thirty years ago, Song Yuanshi was a career successor deliberately cultivated by Marshal Song. Major General Song, who had shown amazing talents in these two aspects since he was a child, was better than anyone present. Everyone knows them.

The figure who astonished the Alliance more than thirty years ago did not die on the battlefield against mutated creatures, did not die on the way to defend the country and wipe out the star pirates, but was lying in a treatment cabin that was no more than three feet away.

It's their loss and the league's loss.

What’s even more shocking is:

What they saw and knew were only a very small number of the "human beings" imprisoned in the East, South, West, and North Districts, who retained a large number of ontological characteristics.

But the entire laboratory has four parts, each with eighteen areas!

What about those "human beings" who have lost their human characteristics and are not recognized by them?

Where did they come from?

What was their original identity and experience?

Major General Song Ci, who had always taken it as his duty to protect the rights and interests of the people of the Alliance, could not help but shudder when he only thought about this direction for a moment.

Tang Fan, who was standing in the command center, didn't look good at all.

She looked at the picture on the surveillance screen and touched her chin.

After a while, she patted Tao Qingxi on the shoulder, pointed to a small and clean area in the middle of the screen, and said, "Can you go down and have a look?"

It was obviously a question, but when it came out of Tang Fan's mouth, it carried a meaning that could not be rejected.

Tao Qingxi looked at the screen, then at her, raised her molar teeth, and nodded.

Tang Fan couldn't help but curl up his lips.

She grabbed the microphone and said loudly: "People below, please rush to the gate of West District 1 in time and be ready to respond as soon as possible."

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