Mecha Forger

Chapter 556 Gossip

Song Ci took a deep breath, stared into Zhao Qian's eyes, and said, "It probably doesn't exist anymore!"

Zhao Qian looked at Song Ci's already ugly face and felt that if he continued to do this, the picture would be beautiful.

Therefore, this girl also restrained her bad temper and said sincerely: "If the news is true and the Guang Nao No. was found in the garbage recycling center, then Gao Heyun should be dead if nothing unexpected happens."

Song Ci frowned and uttered two words: "Reason!"

Zhao Qian looked around for a while, and when he saw no one around, he lowered his voice and whispered: "Do you really think that a nephew can let Gundam take out such a valuable thing and expose it to so many people?" In front of you?"

Zhao Qian's way of talking like squeezing toothpaste successfully wore away Song Ci's fairly good patience.

He gritted his teeth and said two words again.


Zhao Qian shook his head and proudly revealed the answer: "Gundam's nominal nephew is actually his illegitimate son."

After listening to the first-hand gossip, Song Ci reasonably expressed his doubts about this conclusion, "Did Gao Gao admit it himself, or did Gao Heyun tell you?"

Zhao Qian shook his head and whispered, "No.

However, such a big thing happened to Gao Heyun, and his so-called father never showed up once. Only Gao Heyun and his mother were busy.

Besides, since the birth of the alliance, how many people have been born with extremely mismatched mental and physical strength?

And unfortunately, I also heard a rumor from Jim Field that when Gundam was doing research in this area, he was genetically infected to a certain extent. "

Combined with these scraps of information, Zhao Qian's unreliable speculation really makes some sense.

However, Song Ci would not admit it happily.

"Your conclusion is a bit far-fetched.

Besides, even if Gao Heyun is Gundam's only biological son, what does it have to do with Gao Heyun's life and death? "

Zhao Qian chuckled, "It doesn't matter.

I'm just gossiping with you. "

Facing Zhao Qian's answer, not only Song Ci was dissatisfied, but Tang Fan's face was also a little ugly.

As the target of public criticism, Zhao Qian quickly changed the subject, "No matter what the relationship between Gundam and Gao Heyun is.

There is no doubt that Gundam attaches great importance to Gao Heyun.

With how much Gao Heyun attaches importance to Gundam, it is absolutely impossible for Gao Heyun to let the important items around Gao Heyun fall into the hands of others as long as Gao Heyun still has a glimmer of hope of living. "

Regarding Zhao Qian's explanation, Song Ci and Tang Fan can accept it.

But Song Ci didn't show it at all on his face, and even provoked Zhao Qian's thorns in a serious way.

"Can't it be that Gundam was negligent?

Or maybe he has too much time to take care of himself now? "

Will the principal of the first college in the Alliance be negligent and have too much time to take care of himself?

Zhao Qian really hasn't thought about this matter.

However, he would never admit it.

Zhao Qian had a flash of inspiration and responded without hesitation.

"If the other party can get Gao Heyun's optical brain number and related information, how can Gao Heyun end well?"

Seeing the two big guys pecking each other, Tang Fan felt his head hurt.

Before the atmosphere became awkward, Tang Fanji quickly interrupted the two of them.

"Since the first generation of special nutrition cabins basically no longer exist, what about the second and third generations?"

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