Mecha Forger

Chapter 591 Credit Bankruptcy

Song Ci sat by the window of the conference room. He did not wait for Song Yuanshi, but first waited for the news about Mr. Li Banxia.

A simple physical examination report with only a few lines frightened Song Ci out of his mind.

Not for anything else, just because the word "Tang Fan" appears on his head.


The physical examination method that was originally used as a last resort to prevent Tang Fan from being constantly nagged by Tang Gang actually had unexpected side effects from Song Ci.

Under the influence of the new physical measuring instrument that the expeditionary force had just acquired, Tang Fan's physical indicators were directly accurate to three decimal places.

Tang Fan has a special body. Since entering the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, he has been going to Mr. Li Banxia for physical examinations regularly.

Mr. Li Banxia felt sorry for this poor child, so he would inevitably pay more attention to her affairs, and he would inevitably read the report more carefully.

Several slightly changed indicators were circled by Mr. Li Banxia and not counted, and he also specially modeled and analyzed them.

The analysis results show that most of the data are considered normal, with only two values ​​slightly deviating.

Although the gap was not big, in view of Tang Fan's life experience, Mr. Li Banxia did not dare to make any judgments. While arranging further special inspections for Tang Fan, he also specially sent a message to Song Ci to inform Song Ci.

When Song Ci saw the news, he took out his mecha without thinking about anything else and rushed towards the infirmary.

As soon as Song Yuanshi got off the starship, she saw her son flying away in a special mecha, and her face suddenly grew long.

Although it was clear that Song Ci was not arrogant and domineering and had a character that ignored military rules and disciplines, Song Yuanshi's face still looked like the bottom of the pot.

He took a few hard breaths and managed to control his violent temper. Then he raised his back teeth and said coldly to his adjutant: "It's not a wartime situation. I'm flying a mecha in the camp without permission.

When this kid is done going crazy, let him come to me in the office. "

The adjutant responded obediently and immediately ran away, trying hard to keep up with Song Ci's mecha with his own flesh and blood.

Fortunately, Song Ci's mecha had a big target and its destination wasn't too far away, so the adjutant didn't lose anyone.

When he finally followed him to the infirmary, the adjutant's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but frown.

He walked a few steps quickly, stopped a military doctor inside, and said in a deep voice: "What's wrong with Major General Song?"

The military doctor was confused by the adjutant's shocking words.

He doesn’t know how to solve this question!

Therefore, the poor military doctor could only turn his head and look helplessly at the colleague who knew Major General Song's body best, Song Ci's cheap sister - classmate Song Tong.

When Song Tong heard this, his pretty face sank.

She kept Song Ci right under her nose and followed him all over the country, fearing that he would bump into him.

Forget about all the hard work.

Nowadays, you still have to guard against others suing you, right?

"That black-hearted rumor maker..."

Song Tong was halfway through what he said when he suddenly realized something and silently swallowed the second half.

"Adjutant Mo misunderstood, Aci is fine!

Just, just..."

Even after Song Tong spent a long time, he couldn't finish the last half of the sentence.

Mo Xian's expression suddenly became particularly ugly.

"Whether something happens to Song Ci is up to you.

I'll see it myself. "

Mo Xian's tone was very strong, making it clear that he didn't believe Song Tong.

This cannot be blamed on Mo Xian.

Who made Song Tong and Song Ci team up to lie to their elders so many times that their credit has been ruined long ago!

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