Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 167: blossoming flowers

Nien sat lazily on the chair, looked at Karic's back and asked, "Kalich, how is the situation?"

"I just cut into the communication of Star Network, and all received from Le Kai. Can he hear it alone?" Karic was already sitting in the control room, tossing around in the communication area.

And Haike was not on the battleship. He was in the rest area of ​​the Stardust Space Station, casting a spell on a vending machine. Just to buy something, Hacker has already broken this vending machine, and is still doing more terrible things.

Because the vending machine was directly connected to the Stardust Space Station, under his spell, the ring on which he was located was completely black. Everything stopped working, the emergency lights were all on, and no one knew what was going on.

While the flowers were blooming at this time, Dunnan came to Heike's side and pulled him. Haike didn't know what he had done to become like this, he just kindly came to buy some drinks for everyone.

Deng Nan shook his hand gently, and he stuffed a small device into the vending machine that he wanted to repair after being broken by Haike.

"Let's go Haike, we have other things to do." Then he patted Haike and led him back to the battleship.

The device that Dunnan had stuffed into it started to work. After 10 minutes, not only the rings on this layer, but all the rings suddenly darkened, and the entire Stardust Space Station stopped luck. After 30 seconds, all the rings light up again.

The brief darkness did not cause everyone to panic. Although the power outage of the space station is rare, it can happen. After only half a minute, everything returned to normal, and everyone continued to do what they were supposed to do.

In the poisonous bee battleship, Karic was yelling at Li Yi: "Hurry up! The things you designed are too ferocious, the data can't be received, I want a better StarNet processor!"

"No, I didn't buy this kind of thing." Li Yi touched the crumb rat on his shoulder. Preach calmly.

"This can't be done. If 167 Huaduoduo didn't have a better processor, the battleship's system would explode!" Karic scolded, his fingers quickly moving on the light curtain. The lights on the Poison Bee battleship were all flickering constantly, and the entire system was about to be unable to handle the amount of data from the Stardust Space Station.

It is a whimsical thing for them to use the system of a small battleship to take over the system of a space station. The two are not the same level at all. Countless data were squeezed out of the system, trying to squeeze in desperately, the battleship system was about to explode.

"Use this." Li Yi looked up and saw that the lighting system was flickering like a haunted ghost, and finally took out a palm-sized chip from his body.

"What?" Karic asked, taking a look. If it's ordinary stuff, it's useless at all.

Li Yi grinned fiercely, "Death Star System Processor."

"..." Everyone present looked at him in astonishment, and even Nian stared at him. By the time Li Yi was very calm, although his face already looked like he was going to eat people.

Death Star System Processor...

If it is such a thing, then the system processing of the Stardust Space Station is really not a problem at all. Without saying a word, Karic inserted the chip into the chip slot, and the system, which was about to burst, suddenly got through.

The data flows into the Death Star system like water. Just like a small stream that merges into the sea, it doesn't take up much space at all. The entire Poison Bee battleship stabilized at once, and the Stardust Space Station returned to normal. No difference at all.

The 1,000 Melastian soldiers, apart from the 30 seconds of darkness, did not find anything unusual. In the control room of the Stardust Space Station, the technicians inside did not find anything wrong, and the control system was still running automatically in their hands.

It's just that they don't know that the control system has already been transferred to the poisonous bee battleship, and all they have are fake images. After all the orders given were processed by the Death Star system, they came back to them.

In addition to the control of the radiation defense layer, the entire Stardust Space Station is already in the hands of the Little Wildcats.

Nairn asked Lucky to connect Xia Yi's voice device. Inside he asked, "What's the matter, have you killed that lieutenant colonel?"

Xia Yi's voice came from the voice device, "Captain, there are 50 guards here, who can kill them in just a few minutes!"

"Is that so, let me find out. Are there any automatic weapons in it? Let me help you." Nien said casually with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Come on! These guys are still wearing mechas!" Xia Yi cursed angrily.

Nairn said to Karic, "Look to see if there are automatic weapons in that room."

Karic checked the system, then frowned and said strangely: "There are no weapons, but there are very strange machines in it, which may be used for punishment."

"Xia Yi, I didn't find any weapons here. There are useful things. I'll open them all for you, and make good use of them." Nain glanced at the light curtain and suddenly wanted to laugh.

Xia Yi didn't know what the captain was talking about. She was facing a group of mechas, and she didn't bother to ask what kind of machine he was talking about, "Hurry up and open it if it's useful!"

Taking advantage of the 30 seconds of darkness, she and Major had already killed several people very quickly, but Lieutenant General Laurie didn't expect the voice device to be ineffective. He retreated to the door. If he wanted to go out from here, he had to find something to wear with his bare bottom.

But when he got to the door, he found that the voice device had lost its effect, and now he couldn't even open the door. The killing was earth-shaking inside, but the four mecha guards outside knew nothing. It's just that the high-tech sound insulation effect is too good, and the star network is controlled by Karic again, and all the guards do not know that their superiors are facing life and death.

They are devoted to their duties and honestly stay in their respective positions.

At this time, a ship came to the outside of the Stardust Space Station, and the Death Star system put them in and pulled them to the docking position according to the normal procedure. Thirteen people descended from the battleship, led by a man in a trench coat.

His eyes were like electricity, and he swept the surroundings quickly, then called up the map of the Stardust Space Station and walked towards the Wind Whisper Hunter Company.

Jay is sitting in the company, waiting calmly. This has been his habit for the past year, and he just needs to wait.

Suddenly, someone appeared at the door. He was in business, so the door closed automatically. As long as a guest comes to the door, the door will open on its own.

After the door opened, what appeared in front of him were 13 guys who didn't seem to be easy to deal with. His murderous aura was unbridled, and his eyes swept sharply on Jay's body.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" Jay stood up calmly and asked with a professional smile. Although he was very surprised, he couldn't show it, and he lost the initiative of the businessman.

"Very good, well behaved. Close the door, let's have a good talk." The man's eyes swept over Jaylen with a look of approval. If it is an idiot, then there is no need to talk about the matter explained by the chief, and just pick one from the backup company.

Jay looked at them in surprise. He was a businessman, not a soldier. He couldn't escape when these people blocked the door. Anyway, I still have an ant device on my body. I can die if I die, and I can't drop the price before I die. With a smile on his face, he unlocked the door to prevent outsiders from coming in, intending to hear what these people came for.

On Xia Yi's side, Nairn had already had the things in the room activated, and Lieutenant Colonel Laurie, who couldn't escape, sat on a machine that looked like a chair. He was holding the chains around the necks of the three women tightly in his hands. As long as Major attacked, he would throw them out to block them.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the room, which seemed very slight in this room that was beaten and smashed. Lieutenant Colonel Laurie looked around vigilantly, trying to find the source of the sound, when suddenly there was movement under his buttocks.

"Ah!" Lieutenant Colonel Laurie let out a scream, attracting the attention of everyone present. Everyone only saw that his expression was in pain, his legs were shaking uncontrollably, his eyes were wide open, and his teeth were clenched. That pretty face turned out to be especially scary.

"What's wrong!" Xia Yi looked at him inexplicably, he and Mei Jie were blocked, and he was the only one hiding there. Could it be that he was stabbed by 3 women around him?

At the same time, the machines in the room, which were full of shelves, suddenly began to move. There were still a lot of women **** on it, and when I saw something sticking out from the machine, it started to move violently towards the place where I usually go.

The woman who was scared to move by their slashing and slashing couldn't bear it anymore, and the voice that made the man blushed and his heartbeat kept coming. Among them, it was accompanied by the screams of Lieutenant Colonel Laurie.

Finally, Lieutenant Colonel Laurie held back the pain and jumped up, seeing blood running down his ass. And he was clenching his teeth and bending over, his **** clenched so where he was sitting just now, there was a huge thing with a thick wrist full of soft thorns, which was moving up and down quickly .

And that thing was stained with blood...

"Are you provoking me?" Xia Yi suddenly got angry and punched the mecha's chest in front of him, knocking him to the ground. Ignoring the broken and bleeding wound on the mecha with her fist, she pointed at Lieutenant Colonel Laurie and said angrily, "Are you despising me!"

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie is the one who has nowhere to go. What **** started these machines! I was stabbed, and my **** hurt to death, and it was all blood. What else did this woman provocatively say, sitting here hurt and provoking her!

"I'm hacking people here, but you actually exploded over there to play, it seems to be too idle!" Xia Yi stared at him, thinking that this guy's behavior made her too uncomfortable.

The fight between me and the mecha was not for him to show, but he could still see the sexual interest, and he sat next to him and played. This kind of contempt is unforgivable. I wanted to keep him until the end to ask about the control card, so let's get rid of him now.

Ignoring the mechas surrounded by him, Xia Yi's killing intent was burning extremely vigorously. ! ! !

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