Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 181: women's team

"Come on, you have appeared again. If you don't come, you will die again, hurry up!" Xia Yi stood outside the military building and shouted loudly.

Except for Piccolo and Nairn, everyone else ran out when they heard Xia Yi shouting outside. Deng Nan should be more elegant, leaning against the door and looking out with a faint smile.

"It's really big..." Heike opened his mouth wide and looked at the thick fog outside the barracks, where a giant 1-meter-wide worm head stuck out.

As the worm's head slowly came out, a part of its body was also exposed. Looking at the rows of feet that looked like sharp blades, Major shrank his shoulders and stomped his feet and said, "I hate it, I hate it the most. So many foot bugs. I hate all bugs, and the big ones even more!"

Xia Yi didn't have time to see Meijie Sajiao, her eyes were fixed on the big bug. As she said, the cold and humid environment of Colony 83 is very suitable for bugs to survive. There are all kinds of bugs living everywhere on the fog star. According to incomplete statistics, the number of known bugs on the fog star has reached 7591.

Because the fog persists all year round, there are still many bugs that have not been named and classified. Entomologists speculate that the number of bugs here may reach 50,000.

This is of course just their speculation. Although this is a paradise for entomologists, the insects here are too large, and they come here to conduct research purely to seek death. Now the war also gave them the opportunity to mix in the barracks to study the bugs, anyway, the soldiers will protect them.

Just sticking his head out of the thick fog, the guy called the long-bearded centipede is 15 meters tall and has a body diameter of more than 1 meter. Looking at it can make people feel numb and disgusting to the extreme.

Seeing that there are many living creatures that seem to be delicious, the 3-meter long whiskers on the head of the long-bearded centipede keep swinging, trying to get up.


When its body touched the 10-meter-high Aite current wall on the outer layer of the military camp, a huge electric current was transmitted to it, and the whole body of the worm flashed a blue electric current. The crackling of the electric sound continued, and the insects were stunned by the electric shock.

After a few seconds, it began to blacken and catch fire. A scorched stench drifted into the barracks, causing everyone to cover their noses, avoiding the wind direction and not wanting to smell the stench.

The long-bearded centipede that looked terrifying and disgusting died when it touched the wall of current, and now the whole thing is hanging on the wall and burning. Xia Yi shook his head gently, "The lethality is so low that it can't even overturn a wall. That wall-pushing beetle in the morning was much more powerful than it. It was hit by the electric shock on the top of the wall. How many minutes to die."

"This kind of broken planet, it's uncomfortable to stay for an extra minute!" After coming here for more than a week, Xia Yi finally got to know the Colonial Star No. 83.

This colony star is nothing but lush heterospore plants. Outside of rivers, ponds and lakes, there is no ocean. For some reason, the entire fog star was shrouded in fog. Except for insects, there are heterospore plants, and there are no other types of plants and organisms.

The heterosporous plants here are different from ordinary spores. They have only one type of fungus, but the small classification has reached thousands of species. There are mycelium as small as hair strands, and there are also white tree fungi that are more than ten meters high. More piled up together, large and small mushrooms.

From tall to short, from fat to thin. These heterosporous plants provide a rich food source for insects on the fog star. Small insects feed on heterosporous plants, while medium insects feed on small insects, and finally large insects eat medium-sized insects.

In this way, a biological chain is formed, which sounds very simple, but it is actually very simple. It's just that now there are a lot of human beings squeezed into their biosphere, which is very annoying and annoying.

At the beginning, Xia couldn't think of what there was on this foggy star, which was worthy of the Nada Federation and the Meras Emperor to grab here. But she knew it. Useless planets are not given to them for nothing.

If it is only based on the air and ecology here, it is impossible for both sides to fight here. At most, they will come here to fight when there is nowhere to grab. The main battlefields are on administrative stars and planets with minerals.

She thought that. Seeing that the insects here grow so big, it is possible that eating heterosporous plants can strengthen their bodies, so everyone came here to grab them. If you eat these heterosporous plants for many years, you can make a person who lifts 150 kilograms lift 500 kilograms. Of course, you have to fight hard to grab this place.

But when she heard that Major General Bowe came here and ate the heterosporum plant, and then lost 30 kilograms of weight due to poisoning and diarrhea, she knew that this kind of thing could not be eaten. But Major General Bowe has also done a good thing for biologists, as he says the heterospores taste a lot like sliced ​​meat.

So now I go to the star network to check the information on heterosporous plants, and I can see that it is written: It tastes like meat, but it is inedible and poisonous.

Anyone who sees it knows that some idiot must have eaten this thing and was poisoned. Otherwise, even if it is known that it is poisonous, it is impossible to have the information of taste.

It was only later that Xia Yi learned that what they were grabbing was not spore plants and insects, but the hot burning rock hidden deep in the ground that caused the fog. The main reason for such a thick fog here is that there are hot burning rocks underground, and their high temperature turns water into a gas, so the fog never recedes.

The ground of the barracks has been heat-insulated. As long as you walk outside the barracks, you will find that the ground is a little warm. In the fog, it was not as cold as in the military camp, and the feeling outside was closer to steam.

These hot burning stones are an energy source that can replace power crystal blocks, and their existence is only found on the fog star, so it is very rare.

Scientists are still studying this kind of hot burning stone, and what is more attractive than the heat energy it produces is the special element it produces. From it, the element code-named qh-3 can be extracted, and that thing can be used in one place. And ordinary people in that place don't know, maybe not even Major General Bowe.

The people in the Little Wildcat team knew that it was because they had Li Yi, an expert in weapon research and development. The qh-3 element is the main thing used to provide the Death Star's movement, and although it is still being researched, there are already some results.

"Are these insects useless at all?" The long-bearded centipede was burned into slag, and it was nothing to watch. Xia Yi went back with everyone, and she said while walking. I always feel that such a big man is useless like this is a waste.

"I heard that some people are studying where they can eat them. Maybe it won't be long before the soldiers here can taste insect meat first. In this way, the military can save a part of the military expenses, and the food can be self-sufficient." Deng Nan Said that he was too sensitive to business opportunities, and he made up his mind as soon as he came here to see if there was anything that could be smuggled here.

That's why he knew about it, but Dengnan has no interest in the insect meat business, and the profit is too low.

Xia Yi stuck out his tongue, "I don't want to eat this kind of food, I wish I could leave earlier. That Admiral Baof loves to eat, so it's hard to say that he came up with the idea."

Half an hour after the long-bearded centipede died, the lieutenant colonel appeared outside their military quarters last time, and this time he came to find Xia Yi.

"Second Lieutenant Xia Yi, I have a task for you now." He did not bring an adjutant, but held the screen monitor in his hand and preached.

Xia Yi already knew his name, so he asked curiously, "Lieutenant Colonel Fermi, am I going alone?"

"Yes, there is only one person left for this mission. I saw that you are the most suitable, so you go." Lieutenant Colonel Fermi nodded and said.

Lieutenant Colonel Fermi, who has been a civilian officer for 11 years, specially arranges various matters after receiving the order of the adjutant. Now that I have become a lieutenant general, I still have some tasks, and I love to assign them myself.

It is obvious that an adjutant has been assigned, but he rarely uses it. He loves to run before and after himself. Because of this, many officers at the same level or higher as him also like to leave things to him.

"What task?" Xia glanced at the screen monitor, but there was no task prompt on it. Missions are all sent out through StarNet, and there is no need for officers to come and notify them in person, except for classified missions of course.

"There is a batch of medicines and medical soldiers to be sent to other bases, so I want you to serve as an escort. I will leave tomorrow, you can prepare first, and the mission will be sent to you shortly." Lieutenant Colonel Fermi explained. road.

Xia nodded, "Okay."

Watching Lieutenant Colonel Fermi leave, Xia Yi shook his head helplessly, this guy is really idle. The task always has to be said in person first, and then slowly sent over by StarNet, obviously such a big screen monitor is in his hand.

After waiting for an hour, the task was sent to Xia Yi. She doubted whether Lieutenant Colonel Fermi had notified all the people who had sent the task, and finally issued the task uniformly.

"Lieutenant Colonel Fermi is really a considerate and good man. If there is a woman in our team, I will definitely mention her to marry Lieutenant Colonel Fermi." After reading the assignment, Xia Yi was amused. sermon.

When Major heard this, he ran over very sensitively. The three words "good man" are his weaknesses. From his point of view, men who have not been pushed by him are not good men.

"Lieutenant Colonel Fermi is a good man? He looks too ordinary, how can he be a good man!"

Xia stretched out his wrist in front of Major and let him see the contents on the screen monitor. Major stared at it for a while, and then said in horror: "It's terrible, it's all women!"

"Well, that's why I said he is really a good man." Xia Yi laughed. This time, the medical soldiers were escorted to a small base, and most of the medical soldiers were female soldiers. All the people who went there this time were women. So Lieutenant Colonel Fermi was very considerate and arranged all the escorted soldiers to be women.

I don't know why he is so considerate. Could the male **** do something nasty to these female medical soldiers in a place full of thick fog and insects?

Moreover, not all women are safe, some women are more rogue than men. It's not like everyone is like himself, and all women are gentle and considerate.

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