Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 267: ugly

"Clark, I don't want any points. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] You just need to increase the speed to the highest level. I want to win this competition with yd's data." Facing the frustrated Clark, Xia Yi Seriously preach to him.

Clark looked up at Xia Yi, his emotions are very complicated now, excitement, fear and worry are constantly pouring into his heart. He has a sense of fear of the game, and usually just drives by himself, even if he runs for his life, it doesn't matter. But when he thinks of the game, he will remember what happened when he was 14 years old, and the memory cannot be erased.

Xia Yi frowned and asked, "What are you worried about? Usually, your passion is there. There is such an opportunity to make contributions to expand the team. You don't like to rush ahead and make contributions. What do you mean by backing down now?"

"I'm just worried, what if there is an accident?" Clark answered hesitantly, even he himself thought such an excuse was too ridiculous. When I went out on a mission, there were many accidents. I liked the whirlwind car but was afraid of the competition.

What's wrong, I'm hesitant now, and I'm constantly looking for reasons for myself, just to prove that this is very dangerous.

"What are you doing, it's not like you." Xia Yi sighed and shook his head, making Clark feel even more sorry for them. There was even a bad mood, and it might be better for someone to drive the windmill than oneself.

Why don't you ask the captain to change someone now, there's still time.

So he wiped his face with his hand and said hesitantly, "Xia Yi, I think Major should drive faster than me..."


Before Clark could finish speaking, Xia Yi slapped Xia Yi on the face. This slap didn't restrain his strength much, and he was knocked out and fell directly from the open door of the warship, hitting the ground below with a slap.

Xia Yi rushed out without saying a word, jumped from the gate to the ground, and kicked Clark who fell to the ground. He kicked and howled constantly and rolled on the ground, causing the other teams around him to look at him puzzled. []

This has not even started the game, and there has been an infighting.

The other 10 members of the little wild cat. They all stood by and watched Clark being beaten. Such a fight scene. They have watched it countless times since the day they joined the team. There is a saying in the team that is this kind of behavior, beating is pro-scolding love, breaking bones is a good partner.

They just have to stand by and watch, anyway, it's usually not fatal.

When Clark lay motionless on the ground, Xia Yi closed his feet. Crouching down and turning him over, he pulled at his collar and asked, "Are you awake now?"

"Qing... awake." Clark was beaten until his nose was bruised, his cheeks were swollen, and one eye was blue. when speaking. I feel like my teeth are loose.

"That's good." Xia Yi suddenly hugged him, patted him on the back and said, "I know you are the best, let's win the championship with yd results. It's not that a woman's head opened in front of you. Flower, I can cure your disease by letting other people's heads bloom in front of you."

Letting go of him, Xia kept looking into his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. long after. She said, "Do you want to be a hero? In the previous competition of the wind whirl car, the champion of the year had the title of the prince of the whirlwind. I think it suits you very well."

Beating someone hard and then saying inspiring words is too bad. Clark's face was numb, and his body seemed to be dismantled into several pieces. He could hardly listen to Xia Yi's encouragement.

When he realized that he had waited for a long time to come up with it, it seemed to have no effect at all, so Xia Yi helped Clark to tidy up the wrinkled collar that he kicked. He said with a smile: "I thought what I said just now was too unexplainable, but it's useless if you want to escape and go back, I won't let you go. Major can only die on the battlefield, and you can only Die in a whirlwind car. If you want to run, I'll grab someone to drive and tie you to the wings."

"Come up, what are you afraid of with me here, I won't let you die, and I'll never let anyone of mine die again. []" Pat his face. Xia Yi ran to see other people's windmills.

Clark swerved back. He was beaten badly. I still don't know when the first game will start, and I have to treat the injury as soon as possible.

Only half wrapped. The light curtain in the battleship opened on its own, and the chief in charge of the competition was about to give a speech.

Clark turned over, tilted his head to look at the light curtain, and saw a pair of long-barreled military shoes appear on the screen. Then I only saw that the picture suddenly shook violently, as if I saw something, and when the picture stopped, a female officer appeared on the light curtain.

Long black hair, sharp eyes, an ultra-short military skirt, and leather **** that are faintly exposed from a bottom-up angle. The pointer, which shone with dark reflections, was gently tapped by her holding it in her hand.

The legendary female officer of the military, Lieutenant General Qin Lu of the Angel's Tears Chapter.

"Ah!" Clark sat up and pulled the injured area, grinning for a long time.

Lieutenant General Qin Lu's reputation is too loud. I didn't expect that the person in charge this time was her, which was so exciting.

Lieutenant General Qin Lu on the light curtain said arrogantly to everyone: "I am in charge of this place now. If anyone dares to cause trouble for me, you will tear down your bones. Well, all teams will come out to me tomorrow, Fly me from the front of Fengxuan Tower to the destination, then turn around and come back. If you can't come back in an hour, get out of here immediately, not even one more second!"

Immediately afterwards, she said something that made everyone speechless, "Those who are ugly don't even need to play games, hurry up and get my stuff and go back!"

"Lieutenant General..." A handsome adjutant suddenly rushed out next to him, and he quickly stood in front of the light curtain and said: "The lieutenant general joked with everyone just now, the time and content of tomorrow's game have been posted, everyone can Don't be late. If you are late, you have to leave, and the lieutenant general hates waiting the most."

Behind him came Lieutenant General Qin Lu's unhappy voice, "What nonsense are you talking about, all the ugly men should be destroyed, it's not bad to let them go back!"

"Lieutenant General!"

With the disappearance of the light curtain, the noisy speech ended, and everyone looked at each other. Lieutenant General Qin Lu likes the rumors about handsome boys, and it's true. So, handsome people are not very beneficial, even if they are slow for a few seconds, they may be counted as passing the test?

The good-looking people suddenly became more confident, while the ignorant ones glared at the handsome ones resentfully. However, there are also many people who are very confident in their speed, and scoff at the idea of ​​using their faces to please the lieutenant general.

If you can win with your face, just get a beauty pageant for the most handsome guy in the army, no need for a whirlwind car.

Xia Yi was hanging out outside. From the moving light curtain provided by the military, Lieutenant General Qin Lu had already been seen. She was so impressed with the lieutenant general that she even took a shot at her. The way she appeared at that time was very handsome. More than 3 years have passed, and now I have the chance to see her again, she must not remember herself.

"The youngest general-level female officer in the army, I don't know when I will be promoted to such a military rank." Although the military rank is not ideal, if it can be promoted, it seems not bad.

Thinking of this matter, Xia Yi continued to walk forward, and suddenly stopped suddenly after thinking of something. She clenched her fists and squeezed a sentence between her teeth, "I forgot, Edie promised to give me a promotion after finishing the task. When I came back, he didn't mention it at all, no, I have to Go find him!"

Everyone's wind spinners are hidden in the battleship, and no one will show them to everyone, for fear of being guarded in advance. Xia Yi didn't have anything to look at, and thinking about the trouble with Edie, he came back early.

When she came back and saw Clark's bruised face, she couldn't help laughing out loud, "It is said that Lieutenant General Qin Lu likes handsome guys, and he wants to make him look more pleasing. The appearance is to prevent the lieutenant general from taking a fancy to you and turning you into her skirt guest?"

"Xia Yi, is this how you fought!" Of course Clark knew how swollen his face was, and he was almost even uglier than Karic. Even now he is still laughing at himself, obviously from her hands.

"Well, you're in good spirits. I'll give you a goal. I'll be back in 30 minutes tomorrow." Xia Yi patted him on the shoulder.

Clark finally said unbearably: "Okay! Then you stand firm for me tomorrow, I don't care if you leave!"

"Bring out the ruthlessness... Okay, then you can try it and see if you can throw me off the car." Xia Yi raised his head and provoked Clark with his hips on his back.

"Wait." Clark's fighting spirit was ignited by Xia Yi, and he decided that he must dump her out of the car tomorrow, and let her fall and eat shit.

Seeing them like this, the team members who followed were very speechless. The goal is to win the race, how can it now be possible to throw the opponent off the car!

The race starts at 9:00 in the Clark went to bed early and woke up at 4:00 to check the situation of the whirlpool in the maintenance room. Seeing that most of the people were still resting, he quietly drove the cyclone out, flying over countless battleships like thunder.

After flying far away, there was a loud noise over the battleship. If it wasn't for the sound insulation effect of the battleship, everyone would have to be woken up by him.

When Xia came together at 6 o'clock, he had already overheated the car, and he held Fengxuan Station and looked at her in a daze.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yi looked at him puzzled. He only beaten yesterday, so he won't get sick again now, will he?

Clark looked at Xia Yi seriously, and said solemnly: "You will definitely be thrown off, this car is too fast!"

"Come on, Moxiao's feet have suction, and it can't be thrown out in space. At most, the ugly one climbs on the car, how can it be thrown off." Xia Yi spread his hands and smiled helplessly, how could this idiot forget this kind of thing.

Clark couldn't say a word, feeling like he was being tricked. Xia Yi's mecha has suction, and even if a person can't stand the wind of flying, she won't fall out of the car! (To be continued) rq

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