Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 269: provocative

"Bastard, what is that!" Clark scolded, the starlight slid to one side in the air, and the white light wiped them away without a shadow. []

Xingguang continued to rush forward at an angle, turned around twice in the air and then flew straight again, and then he shouted: "What do we do now!"

"He uses a pseudo-cold weapon. It's really convenient to attack others in this way." Xia Yi also stood up straight with the body and figured out the opponent's weapon.

It was really a mechanical bow, the arrows used were not clear, but it was definitely not ordinary metal. Judging from the white light it carries, there should be a laser device above the arrow. These people really worked hard for this competition and came up with such weapons to deal with other contestants.

Beam long-range weapons cannot be used. If they want to attack distant opponents, they can only use cold weapons. Kinetic weapons are also banned, otherwise, if that thing comes over, any windmill will be finished.

This kind of mechanical bow is a loophole, but unfortunately you can't use the beam arrow directly, and the arrow with the laser head can't be picked up after flying out. If an automatic return system is installed on the arrow, the nature of the mechanical bow will change, and it will also be banned.

"I don't believe he can still carry hundreds of arrows on his body and keep moving forward. You should avoid these attacks, right?" Xia Yi said firmly, telling Clark to leave her alone and keep moving forward. She couldn't get rid of it anyway, there was no problem at all.

Don't worry about Xia Yi on the body, Clark increased his power to rush forward, and the rainbow-colored cyclone was in hot pursuit. Arrows with white light kept flying from behind, causing Xia Yi to squat down halfway. Maintains balance and the fling power of star dodge.

It stands to reason that this is the first race, and everyone only needs to finish the road within 1 hour. All are Nada soldiers, even if it is to win or lose. There's no need to fight to the death in the first game, and it doesn't mean that whoever runs over first will lose their place.

Look around, wherever you can see. [Ye *zi] [Yu*you] There is no whirling car at all. This made Xia Yi very puzzled, and she muttered, "This car is actually here to kill us, right?"

"I don't know, but they've been following us, that kind of weapon is very troublesome!" Clark didn't have the energy to talk to her now, he had to focus on the road ahead. Although there are no obstacles in the first road, you have to be careful.

Xia Yi stared at the car. Mechanical bows are really troublesome. So she said to Clark, "I'll go over and ask, maybe they don't know the way, so they want us to take them and fly together."

"How did you get there!" Clark asked hastily.

"Turn around and face him. There's still time anyway!" Xia Yi suddenly asked him to turn around, so that someone was following his **** all the time, and the endless attack was very annoying. This is not a game at all, but wanting to kill people. If I don't give them a good look, I really think that the Little Wildcat team is a dead cat!

Without saying a word, Clark suddenly pulled Gao Guo to the sky and rushed to the sky, and the whirling car behind him immediately followed. This is a game to go forward, not to fly higher than anyone else, even if they pull up, they have to follow behind to attack. It really answered Xia Yi's guess.

The other windmills also saw it, and most of them were hiding far away. The arrows of those mechanical bows flew out and flew towards them. When dodging, they wasted a lot of time. This 80% is some kind of hatred, even in the first game of the game. Can't wait a few days.

The people who came to participate in the competition this time are all good players of the wind spinner, and it has basically nothing to do with the contradiction between the forces. Killing them is of no use at all. I'm afraid it's a personal grievance, otherwise who would eat too much to do such a thing.

When the starlight flew to a certain height, Clark suddenly controlled the starlight and fell straight down. The two cyclones rushed towards each other without letting up.

The distance between them is getting closer and closer, and the opponent's attack has not stopped, making it the same as the desperadoes. Xia Yi waved Devour 9 in his hand, stepped on the starlight against the wind, and kept knocking the opponent's arrows flying. []

In an instant, the two cyclone cars crossed at a distance of only 1 meter apart, and it was frightening to watch.

Clark flew out and made a big circle on the spot. Instead of fleeing forward, he hovered in the air and faced the windmill. At this time, waiting to see if the black and silver-dotted whirling car could escape the pursuit of the rainbow car, they found that the mecha who had been standing on the wings of the black car was gone.

Sure enough, pretending to be cool and handsome, fall off now!

Everyone looked down and found no one. They looked up at the rainbow-colored cyclone, and suddenly saw a black mecha standing on it.

That guy jumped over at the staggered moment! Is this also possible?

"It's really interesting. Let her come to my division, and I can divide her into a few good men." Qin Lu sat in a chair and looked at the light curtain. This wonderful scene is really interesting.

At this moment, her adjutant came over and said in a low voice, "Sir, I have already checked. Second Lieutenant Xia Yi, now belongs to the Little Wildcats of the Battle Moon Regiment."

"Battle Moon Regiment? Who is the backstage?" Qin Lu asked, as long as it was a member of the War Moon Regiment, they were all people with backstage background.

"Major General Edie Yuan."

Lieutenant General Qin Lu frowned, "It's not that the Yuan family doesn't like this illegitimate child very much, why was Idila passed over? That guy's methods are very insidious, and he is the person I hate the most in the army, so unpredictable. ."

The adjutant glanced at her, and Major General Idi could be regarded as the simplest person in the army. Everyone knows that he is cold to people, very intelligent, and likes to make intrigues. With such a simple personality, why did the lieutenant general say he was unpredictable?

"Forget it, let's talk about this later. If Xia Yi actively wants to come to my division, then I have a way to get her from Idi's hands." Lieutenant General Qin Lu smiled confidently. The Battle Moon Corps is just a small group, and the environmental conditions are very poor, and even the tasks are not done by other teams. The casualty rate is extremely high, and it is only a small team in the battle group, how can it be compared with his own division.

There are only 1,500 people in a chapter, and there are 5 chapters under him. If you count the reconnaissance logistics, there can be tens of thousands of people. If such a division does not come, it really wants to ruin his life.

"Sir, now you want both men and women to eat?" The adjutant said calmly, not afraid of Lieutenant General Qin Lu's gaze.

"I'm just interested in her fighting power, and it's not a very happy thing that the first female soldier in the Angel's Tears Division has appeared. In case you all call me inhumane, the entire division is a man, not even a woman. ." Lieutenant General Qin Lu pursed his lips and smiled, the dark red lip gloss made her look particularly enchanting.

The adjutant looked up at the light curtain and said, "Sir, she is no different from a man. There are at least 500 people in the division who look more like women than her. When she comes, the soldiers will only feel that life is more tragic."

" are all mine, no need for other women." Lieutenant General Qin Lu laughed arrogantly.

While chatting happily here, Xia Yi was looking at the mecha soldier with a somewhat surprised expression, holding a mechanical bow in his hand. She was holding the Devourer 9 in one hand and an arrow with a white flashing head in the other.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" She really came to ask someone else a question. She was so close that the communication had already been connected, so she squatted on the other party's windmill and asked seriously.

The other party didn't talk to her much, so he didn't know where to sit, pulled out a short saber, and stabbed her.

"Go to hell!" Xia Yi suddenly got up and kicked the other person's face.

The mecha soldier was sitting in the car, and she was standing on the car, and the other party's head was just at her feet, which was very convenient to kick. This kick suddenly kicked over, kicking him directly against the glass of the front cab.

Then she threw away the arrow she caught, raised the hammer with both hands and swung it, swallowing No. 9's hammer head and burning, emitting a scorching, dazzling orange color.

Xia Yi heavily smashed the side of the rainbow cyclone car, and the sky was instantly broken, and the cyclone was smashed in half by her from the middle. The mecha soldier was directly smashed into the air by the hammer, and the entire windmill did not explode but turned into pieces in the air.

But she jumped up and flipped beautifully in the air a few times. Just as she fell, Clark rushed over with starlight and caught her lightly.

Carrying Devouring No. 9 on his shoulders, Xia Yi looked up at the sky. There were satellites and monitors where she could not see, and the person who wanted to kill her must be watching. So she opened the mask and exposed her face to the heavily polluted air. Against the strong wind generated by the flight, she looked at the sky and stretched out her thumb and scratched her neck.

Following this action, she showed a provocative smile with white After completing this series of actions, Xia Yi closed her mask, stood firmly on the windmill, and shook off the car behind. Chase the car running far ahead.

Xia Yi's provocative smile and actions were broadcast directly by the light curtain. This was the first game, and the entire military region was broadcasting it. Although the attack was also filmed, because it was a sensitive content, only officers above the school level were allowed to watch it.

And those big households who have voted to participate and bet hundreds of millions can also directly see this kind of picture that can stimulate their consumption.

Her provocation was seen by everyone, and immediately attracted the attention of many people. Being able to jump from one vehicle to another at such a fast speed is something that many highly skilled mechas can do.

But very few people dare to do this. As long as there is a slight mistake, they will be hit by the whirlwind car, and they don't even know what the car and the mecha will be. And her movements were quite beautiful, without any hesitation, she stepped over directly.

When the name of the little wildcat team appeared in front of the big players, countless funds began to bet here, but they found that someone had already placed 10 billion in the all-yd championship s1 gameplay. (To be continued) rq

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