Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 341: Invincible

The whirlwind car that Mrs. Star Treasurer was riding in was not opened, and no one dared to let her out. What if she was beaten to death. //78 novel network high-speed update//

Across the high-defense cyclone, the head of the star's wife was spraying wildly inside. The only child was kidnapped. Of course, she was in a hurry.

"Hurry up! What are you still doing here!"

The director of the security bureau had already rushed over, and he had been in charge of saving the hostages from behind. Now that Mrs. Star Treasurer appeared, he couldn't hide even if he wanted to, so he could only hurry up in the windmill and say, "Madam, please rest assured, we will definitely save everyone back. It's too dangerous here, please still Get back to a safe place first."

"I'm concerned about what's wrong with my son. If you can't save me, I'll send someone up!" Mrs. Star Treasurer didn't even look at him, she just kept scolding in the car 341 Invincible.

At this moment, the head of the security bureau whispered, "Madam, Mr. Fashman from the Prime Minister's house is also a hostage."

"Fashman is keeping me up there... what are you talking about! He's also a hostage?" Mrs. Star Treasurer suddenly reacted, and her attitude changed immediately.

She thought about it for a while, and instead of continuing to scold the director of the security bureau, she went directly to her man, Chief Weiss Xing.

The Director of the Security Bureau finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when he turned around and saw the mecha of the Wildcats on the battleship, he couldn't laugh anymore. He quickly spoke with a voice device: "You have to be careful of the battleship, don't use beam weapons, send mechas to deal with her. Now the hostage and her are separated from the battleship, you should attack quickly, if you let her enter the battleship, we will save her. No one is coming!"

Xia Yi had already climbed onto the back of the battleship. The position she is standing now is usually the crew room. Entering the battleship from here will not cause too much damage to the battleship, at most it is a little windier in this room.

She has a sharp weapon. Just put the hammer that devoured No. 9 on the outer shell of the ship, and the high temperature began to melt the outer shell. It's just slower, after all, this is a combat ship. Not the ordinary kind of 341 invincible, the defense is much stronger.

With a few thuds, the wind spinner flew through the air, and 12 light mechas jumped down and landed firmly on the battleship. Xia put a hammer on the battleship and stepped on the handle of the hammer with one foot, letting it continue to melt the shell. Then he pulled the Swallow 10 off his back, and the blue blade slid in front of him. These mechas are waiting eagerly.

However, in the Security Bureau and the Guard, there was a quarrel between the two sides because of the method of attack.

"Why don't you use the heavy-duty particle cannon to attack? She has nowhere to go now. If you use the cannon, you can shoot down people right away!" (] It is also for this reason that the relationship between the Guard and the Security Service is not good.

Mingming always comes to grab people from them, but he doesn't have the ability to catch people, and he looks like their immediate boss, who is a little more advanced than them. It's impossible not to be hated by others.

Especially today's matter, if it is small, it is an ordinary kidnapping case, but if it is big, it is a major terrorist activity that affects the safety of Star Weiss. If the military intervenes again at this time, it can be directly said that it is a military operation, and the identity of the kidnapper is an officer of Nada Star.

If the military appears, both the security bureau and the guards will have to stand aside, only to watch.

The head of the security bureau is very headache. If the guards pull their back legs again, the military on the road will come over, and then they will lose their share. Rescuing the kidnapped chief minister's only son and the prime minister's son, as well as a group of powerful children, this kind of credit is not on the surface, it must be deeply remembered in the heart, and the benefits are endless.

Gritting his teeth, he had to discuss with the general envoy, "Let's not make trouble. If the military comes over, we won't get any credit for it. It's better to cooperate to save people, and I'll help you get the credit. reported."

But I didn't expect that the result of my negligent negotiation was just a cold snort from the commander-in-chief, "I'll give the credit to the military, but I won't give it to you, so just die!"

"If you don't give me face, I won't give you face, this heavy-pressure particle cannon is not allowed to open! I am the security bureau, and now this person has threatened the safety of Weiss, you, the guard, have no right to exercise. Hurry up and evacuate me, and don't interfere with the people in our security bureau!" The director finally got angry, and if you are shameless, let them get out of here, don't stand here and poke the eyes!

"I won't leave. This is a city. I want to protect the safety of the surrounding citizens." He must be responsible too.

The head of the security bureau scolded angrily: "Go away, you're not trying to protect civilians, then go outside, don't stand here and get in my way!"

"Humph!" The envoy didn't continue to make trouble this time. Instead, he issued an order to his subordinates to let them all withdraw to the periphery to protect civilians. Continue to evacuate the surrounding civilians, do not allow them to be accidentally injured by the attack. This matter has risen to a level beyond their control.

Watching the guards evacuated to the side, they watched and evacuated civilians in a decent manner, creating a restricted area. The director of the security bureau did not say anything, but he was very clear in his heart. The envoy wanted to get himself out of this matter, and he just gave him a chance.

The courage is really too small, it's just a mecha, and the people from the Wildcats can't get out. Afraid of what to do like this. Is it really possible to let one person take all the hostages away, the people in the security bureau are not so stupid.

The 12 mechas that landed on the battleship had already started their work. They pulled out their mecha knives and rushed towards Xia Yi together.

Xia Yi stepped on and swallowed No. 9. He looked at them coldly with the Battle Soul Saber in his hand, waiting for them to come to the door.

Finally, the first attack came, and with a devilish smile, he slashed over. Xia Yi blocked it with No. 10 with his backhand, his body slid sideways with the strength of the attack, and then his shoulder suddenly slammed into the opponent's arm.

At this time, the second mecha also arrived and chopped her head off. Xia Yi stepped on Devouring No. 9 with one foot, the other foot immediately moved, and the whole body swiftly turned away. And the tip of the Swallowing No. 10 knife in his hand stabbed the mecha's throat.

All the 12 mechas rushed over, Xia Yi was surrounded by a group, she stepped on Devour 9 with one foot, and frantically avoided their attacks. Her speed was so fast that only shadows remained, and apart from hearing the sound of weapons colliding, she couldn't even see the figures clearly.

"What is this! Is the person inside the Nada Army God of War?" The people from Weiss Star stared at the people who were fighting on the battleship. This is too powerful, the siege of the 12 mecha soldiers on the opposite side, just stood there and resisted them.

Except for the legendary God of War, no one should be able to do such a thing, it is simply too exaggerated!

Suddenly, a mecha fell from the battleship, spraying blood on its waist, and there was a gap in the siege. Xia Yi's pressure has also been reduced by a point. She doesn't even look at it with her eyes now. There is a knife attacking her somewhere, and she is using the sixth sense.

Before the other party attacked, she swept over their trajectory, and she had already met them ahead of time. Even if one foot can't leave the battleship, it doesn't have much impact on Xia Yi's actions. She flashed quickly in the, making those mechas feel that there were more than 10 kidnappers in front of them, and they could completely resist their attacks.

If it wasn't for the mecha having a chip system, the mask could indicate that it was just one person, and they really couldn't tell the difference with the naked eye.

Xia Yi's speed was getting faster and faster, and he even took his foot away from the Swallow 9. Before it swayed, the other foot stepped back. Seeing that the hammerhead had melted into two-thirds, and was about to dissolve the shell, she roared at Mo Xiao: "Turn on the scrambling... Is your data still Justin's data?" Mo Xiao asked with a lot of tongues road.

"Of course it's mine. I've refreshed the data a long time ago, and 200% of the data is mine!" Xia Yi said angrily. Now that it's so critical, don't mess with yourself.

Mo Xiao explained:

"You're only 250!" Xia Yi was confused by its explanation, what is 150 and 250, why can't he understand. No matter how much it is, let's talk about advanced warships, otherwise the hostages will not be able to pay if they run away from the escape pod. So she yelled, "Whether it's 250 or 150, give me a few minutes first!"

The moment Moxiao answered, he started copying the data.

Xia Yi also roared loudly, swallowed No. 10 and shoved it into the scabbard on his back, kicked No. 9 up, held it in his hand, and waved it frantically. She swung Devouring No. 9 into a whirring sound, forcing the mecha surrounding her away, and then smashed the shell that had been melted for several minutes with a single hammer.

With a loud bang, the battleship vibrated fiercely, and a large hole was smashed out of the melted place. She jumped in the whole person, and the mechas followed, and a lot of them entered the battleship. rq! ! !

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