Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 372: 1 way




Looking at the crowded playground in the distance, Lieutenant Colonel Laurie, who was standing by the lake, felt very good. //The fastest update 78 novels//Although he has never dated, this situation should be an ordinary date now.

In the distance is the playground, and the amusement ride that flew vertically into the air and then fell straight down made him feel very good. If one of Xia Yi's hands was cut off in it, blood would splatter beautifully under such a fierce vertical flight.

This is the violent playground next to Chihuahua City. All the adults come to play, and every amusement facility is very exciting. Lieutenant Colonel Laurie, who always only abused others directly to find excitement, stared at these things, constantly thinking about the effect if they were processed and played again.

In order to meet Xia Yi, he ran out quietly and only brought two soldiers with him. He was not afraid of Xia Yi coming to attack him. Last time, he let her succeed because he was naked and naked. This time I brought people, although I didn't wear a mecha, but it was impossible for her to kill.

And as soon as he saw her, he would catch her with the guards, tie her up and take her away. Hehehe... Then you can do whatever you want!

When Lieutenant Colonel Laurie had a wicked smile on his face and looked at the playground in the distance, his nose bleeds, suddenly a gust of wind appeared behind him. He felt it immediately, that someone was approaching quickly!

finally come.

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie squeezed his fist and turned to hit him, ready to strike first, but something unexpected happened to him. A man moved along with his body, and hugged him from behind at once, and then a long-missing voice came over. "Don't move, let me give you a hug."

"You finally showed up." Lieutenant Colonel Laurie was stunned by Xia Yi's actions, but it just happened to follow his wishes, and that's what he wanted.

Xia Yi followed his words very cooperatively and said, "Yeah. I'm here to see you."

Although he didn't understand what he was trying to do, Lieutenant Colonel Laurie would not let go of this rare opportunity. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he wanted to hold Xia Yi's hand. But the moment he started. Xia Yi, who was hugging him, slid back and directly avoided it.

When Lieutenant Colonel Laurie turned around, Xia Yi was already standing 6 meters away, looking at him with a happy smile, "I have completed several tasks, when will I be able to return to you, I can't wait any longer."

"Huh?" Lieutenant Colonel Laurie was somewhat inexplicable. It's very strange to say this, the task is none of my business. Suddenly, he realized that the words Xia Yi said were all in Melastian.

Seeing him, he just hummed and didn't answer his own words directly. Xia Yi was in a hurry. She immediately put away her smile and said angrily, "What do you mean, don't you want me to go back? I've had enough of this life, and I can't stay for a minute, so let me go back!"

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie was a little confused by her abnormality. Suddenly, he realized something, "You want to **** me off!"

"Ah! Someone is here, let's meet next time." At the same time, Xia Yi left the sentence and turned around and ran to the playground.

Although I can't see anyone else. However, Lieutenant Colonel Laurie knew that he was a jerk. This guy wanted to take the blame for himself, and wanted to destroy their cooperation with Weiss!

He quickly gave an order to let the two soldiers who were ambushing around him block Xia Yi. But at this moment, Xia Yi turned back and shouted, "Lieutenant Colonel, you can't expose yourself. Hurry up and let them go back, I'm fine!"

When the two soldiers heard this, their rushing figure suddenly stopped, and they looked at Lieutenant Colonel Laurie subconsciously. This can make him angry, see what he is doing, go after people!

But Xia Yi ran too fast, and there was only a small black spot left in the blink of an eye, and it was useless to chase after him. As long as you drill into the crowd, it is impossible to find her.

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie felt a chill on his back, and he didn't need to look back to know that there must be someone from Weiss star hiding in the corner. ? Update for the first time? The problem he faces now is not to find Xia Yi there, but how to deal with the distrust of the Weiss government and the military.

"Didn't you say you wanted to kill him, why did you come back so soon?" Paddy was sitting beside the whirlpool in the playground with two ice creams in his hands, eating and talking to Xia Yi who had come back to find him. asked.

Xia Yi took an ice cream from his hand, licked it, and said, "Just say a few words and come back, otherwise I'll let you buy the ice cream and wait for me to do something."

"What did you do?" Paddy asked in confusion. He looked up the mountain. There was no commotion there. It seemed that Lieutenant Colonel Laurie had no plans to come to them.

"Let's go, I really just said a few words to him. But he should be thinking of a way now, how to make himself look innocent, and it has nothing to do with these events, and the people of the Weiss star government should also change their views. Yes." Xia Yi said with a smile.

Paddy didn't know what Xia did to Lieutenant Colonel Laurie, but it was definitely not a good thing. I really sympathized with him. But now I am also going to be a pitiful person. Every step is wrong, and every step is wrong. He glanced at Xia Yi's back, who was walking in front. After living for so long, he finally knew what was difficult.

What is the person I've seen before, this is the person who gives me a headache.

Unexpectedly, the members of the Vessian Guards received a piece of information that the person who had been destroying the important facilities of Vessian was targeting the largest hospital in Chihuahua this time. If the hospital's system is destroyed, all patient data will be lost, and when there are many major surgeries, the surgical instruments will not be able to cooperate with the operation.

The guards are gearing up, and this time they finally got the information. Although the source of the information is not clear, it is better than before. They had to be destroyed before they knew that when they went to chase, they could only follow behind to eat ashes, and it was good to be able to capture a figure.

They defended at the hospital, and after waiting for a long time, they finally saw the suspicious person. But the man left suddenly before he started, and when he was leaving, he heard the other party leave a message saying that he would come soon.

It seems that there is a temporary situation, and I have to connect with other people.

Thinking that the other party destroyed so many facilities in Weiss Star, but could not catch anyone at all, someone must have done an internal response. Otherwise, how can it be done so beautifully? We must find out this inner response, and we can't startle the snake.

So the members of the Weiss Star Guard quietly followed Xia Yi to this playground, and then saw that she was in contact with a man. Seeing that their relationship is very good, there is an excited hug when they meet, and finally they want to stop them and let them escape.

They didn't know Lieutenant Colonel Laurie. Only when Major Jamie was around could he guarantee his welfare and status on Weiss. So when they saw the people who had been following them running away, they quickly blocked Lieutenant Colonel Laurie, afraid that he would resist, so they beat him in the face, and wanted to give him a uniform first.

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie didn't want to kill the people of Weiss, because his mission has not been completed, and it is not good for him to kill now. But they couldn't let them fight, so the two soldiers rushed up to protect them, and they ended up fighting together.

When Major Jamie found out, someone from the Guard came to contact him, saying that he had caught a spy, but the spy said he was an interstellar diplomat.

In the end, Lieutenant Colonel Laurie, who was imprisoned for 2 days with injuries on his body, was released. Although Major Jamie didn't say anything, he had a close relationship with the person who was destroying Weiss Star. And the military knew.

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie explained why he was there for two days, but he couldn't explain why he hugged him when he appeared, but he didn't push her question away.

It shows that the Stars of Weiss believed him, but kept an eye on him in private, and after analyzing what Xia Yi said, the conclusion was that the Emperor Meras might have sent agents, and then Lieutenant Colonel Laurie Come here as a diplomat and visit the facilities on Weiss. Quietly notify the people outside and let them do more damage.

Thinking about it this way, the unreasonable things are clear before. Why is there a situation where facilities are destroyed as long as Lieutenant Colonel Laurie appears. And in the first sabotage, he has to help the man stand next to the artificial intelligence.

All of this was planned. The Nada army was given the black cauldron, and they secretly undermined the stability of Star Vess in preparation for their next attack. When their attention was on the Nada Army, the collaborating Melas Imperial Army made another surprise attack, which directly caught them off guard.

Of course, maybe the Nada Army did this deliberately, so that they would suspect the Meras, but it was just who did it, in order to deal with Star Vess. These despicable guys really think Wessing is a piece of fat.

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie's current situation is very embarrassing. The Weiss military doesn't trust him, but he didn't drive him away immediately. When it was time, another team of soldiers was sent over, saying that the situation was not good to protect him, which meant that he was well aware of it.

"Xia Yi, you're so rare for me." Lieutenant Colonel Laurie stood by the window with his hands on his stomach and looked out quietly, and suddenly said to a bald soldier, "Show me the dark line you arranged. Come out, I want to find this woman!"

"Lieutenant Colonel, those people can't be exposed." This soldier is different from the others, not only is he bald, but he has never spoken. Now that he heard such an order, he finally spoke.

Lieutenant Colonel Laurie sneered: "Just looking for someone, no need to expose. Let them stare me around the important facilities, and she will definitely go to the scene to check the terrain. Don't stare at people who seem to have problems, but Pay attention to those who are not a problem at first sight.”

"..." The bald soldier looked at him silently, obviously a little dissatisfied with the mobilization of personnel, who were used to gather intelligence.

"Also, you go to prepare. As long as there is an accident, we must be able to leave here as quickly as possible." Even if the Weiss Star government doesn't fully doubt itself now, the cooperation with Weiss Star has broken down. The other party will not readily agree, as long as something is wrong, he may be killed or taken hostage.

The preparations for leaving should be made early. If you cannot make arrangements when you have to escape temporarily, it will be too late. It was the habit of Lieutenant Colonel Laurie to ensure a quick and safe escape route. rq

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