Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 40: white dress

After the gossip was over, Mei Jie instructed Xia Yi a few times and found that she was learning very fast. He is very responsive and has strong combat effectiveness. He can learn what he does, which makes him feel very stressed. Continue like this, and it won't take long before you can't beat her.

After guiding Xia Yi for 4 hours in a tangled state, Mei Jie finally proposed to go back to rest, saying that it was a battle that would break his bones if he was not careful. I have been in the army for many years, and I have never seen such a guide. This is a life-threatening situation!

He protested, Xia Yicai agreed to go back to rest today, and the three returned to the base. Major went back and took off the mecha and got into the room. After washing up, he fell on the bed, and suddenly felt sore all over his body. After a closer look, I found that the body was blue and purple, all of which were punched out by Xia Yi's fist.

There was no other way, so Major had to run into the medical room and rummaged for some medicine to spray. "This **** is obviously a guide, so what are you doing with such a heavy hand!" He secretly slandered here, but he forgot that he aimed the knife at Xia Yi's key points, and showed no mercy at all.

Xia Yi didn't go back, she still had to discuss with Piccolo how to equip Moxiao with a beam weapon. After only drawing a sketch, he was ruthlessly driven away by Piccolo. The front foot was driven out, and the back foot Piccolo erased the pattern on the light and shadow board. If Xia Yi's requirements were to make beam weapons, then Moxiao would not be a light mecha, but a small turtle-shaped mecha.

Xia Yi, who was kicked out by Piccolo, walked to the medical room clutching his waist. He didn't meet Major when he came, and he had already gone back. After turning over some medicines, she couldn't help muttering, "Really, why can't these two nurses go to the main base and can't come back, is there some handsome guy who can't be?"

The two nurses at Base 22 have not returned since they were transferred to the main base a year ago to help. I feel sorry for the people at Base 22. They have become junior doctors on their own. They can handle minor illnesses and injuries by themselves, and they can also deal with each other if they accidentally have an accident. Although the chances of surviving after the war have been greatly improved in the future, no one wants to be grateful.

"The chief of the base doesn't ask for people. He just drinks coffee and pretends to be a good guy all day." Xia Yi walked out with the potion and planned to go back to take a bath first, when a call came from the voice device, "Xia Yi, you are satisfied. What Da Xing sent you, come and get it."

Someone actually sent something to you? Xia Yi was a little surprised, who was so bored and sent something to himself. She felt that Uncle Yin and the others would definitely not have contact with her after she left. After all, they were sent by those people. No matter how well they got along, they would definitely disappear from her sight after their identities were exposed. Others seem to have no acquaintances.

Bewildered, Xia Yi went to the warehouse of the base, where all the supplies of the base had to be sent here, and found his belongings among the piles of supplies.

It was a beautifully packaged box, wrapped in pink cellophane with a heart-shaped pattern, and the item was sent from Nada Xingnuotai City. Suddenly, she thought of a possibility, which may have been sent to her by Yizi. Except for her who is so feminine, no one I know in Nuotai City can use pink heart-shaped things.

Speaking of which, I sent her a letter from Xingwang last time, but she didn't reply at all. She thought she didn't want to be friends with her, but now it seems that she sent something directly.

Xia brought a box back to the room, opened the cellophane outside, and inside was a reinforced plastic shipping box. Open the box, there is a pink sheet of paper folded in half, and something is packed in a black bag underneath.

"It's too extravagant! To write letters with paper, there's really no way to get these rich people." She picked up the piece of paper and looked at it. It was full of words, and the sign was really Yi Zi.

Thinking about how wasteful these rich ladies are, this pink stationery should cost at least a thousand Nada coins. It is completely pointless to spend money in such a place. It is better to send it directly through the star network, which is fast and free of money. .

There was nothing written on it, just talked about what he had done in the past few months, and finally mentioned it, and gave Xia Yi a birthday present. Although this cargo took the interstellar jump route and could reach the Giant Space Station in 30 days, it was thrown there for a long time before being brought over by Colonial Star No. 52, and finally threw in the main base, and it was only transferred to today. Base 22.

Yizi thought that she had inquired, so she sent things out in advance so that they could get to Xia Yi before her birthday. It was only then that Xia Yi remembered that his 19th birthday was on June 1st, it was only April, and there were still 2 months left. This Yizi really has a heart, and even noticed this kind of thing. She was a little embarrassed because she hadn't paid attention to Yizi's birthday at all, and after recalling it, Yizi didn't seem to have said when she was born.

He didn't say his birthday, did he notice it when he came to see him in the ward?

So Xia Yi planned to go to the Star Network military system to find out when is Yi Zi's birthday, so that she could also prepare a birthday present for her. If it has already passed, there is no way to make up for it after the 20th birthday. She took out the black bag and wanted to see what kind of birthday present Yi Zi, a rich lady, had prepared for herself.

"What kind of good stuff would it be?" Xia Yi held the bag. It was definitely impossible to hold jewelry in such a big bag. It was soft to the touch, so it should be clothes or something. When she opened the bag and took out the contents, she became dumbfounded.

A white skirt fell out of the black bag. Xia Yi felt a little dazzled, as if he saw something like lace. She picked up the clothes and shook, and a white evening dress unfolded in front of her, with a low cut, a fluffy skirt, and gold embroidery on the skirt.

"What is this! Who would wear it!" Xia Yi looked at the dress, and suddenly had the urge to give Yizi a muscle strengthening training machine.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened to the side, and Clark appeared outside the door covered in sweat. Without even looking, he said, "Xia Yi, teach me to kill!" Yes, the room was dead silent.

His expression was more frightened than seeing the corpse. Major was holding a skirt and Clark wouldn't be surprised, but Xia Yi was holding a low-cut evening gown now, which made him almost die of shock. As a result, he stared at the skirt for a long time and couldn't recover, as if seeing Li Yi or the captain planning to wear a skirt, his expression was extremely exaggerated.

Xia Yi also looked at him, his eyes were so cold that he wanted to kill, the two of them stared at each other. Finally, Xia Yi broke the deadlock first. She casually threw her dress on the bed and said to Clark, "Want to learn to kill? Well, I'll teach you now."

"No, I see you're busy, I'll just go and practice first." Clark was such an uninterested person, he felt that he had inadvertently seen other people's privacy, and naturally wanted to run away quickly. Moreover, when Xia Yi was pestered and asked her to teach herself to kill, she said that there is no need to learn that, just carry a weapon. With such an enthusiastic promise today, it's hard to say that the one who killed him was himself.

He showed a handsome smile, took a step back, and ran away quickly. Xia Yi didn't chase after him either, just looked back at the skirt on the bed, wondering how to write the reply letter for this gift.

Within an hour, the entire base knew that Xia Yi was hiding in the room, trying on a low-cut evening dress. Everyone was shocked at first, and then laughed wildly. This is the most enjoyable thing in recent years. However, Shan Yuan sighed deeply. Although Xia Yi looked like a boy and had a flat chest, she was still a girl after all, and she must have a love for beauty.

Now hiding in the room and secretly wearing a skirt, and still low-cut, it really makes people feel sad. Seeing that everyone is a woman, Shan Yuan felt that Xia Yi could not continue to be thin, and planned to open a small stove for her. She wants Xia Yi to eat more protein so that her **** and buttocks can grow out earlier, and whether she can wear a mecha is not something she will consider.

Xia Yi inexplicably found that his life had changed for the better. In addition to those bread, mashed potatoes, stewed beans and meat, there were a lot of things he hadn't eaten before. And Shanyuan looked at his expression, full of weirdness, "You try it, this is the sweet and sour fish I made."

"Where's the fish?" Xia Yi asked in confusion, looking at the red-colored dish in front of him.

"Li Yi's pet disappeared a year ago. I deducted one of his children and cooked the rest for everyone to eat. I originally wanted to eat this one for Now it's just right It came in handy. Eat it quickly, it tastes very good." Shan Yuan spoke quietly, fearing that Li Yi would overhear him and share the meal.

Xia Yi stared at the fish that had been dead for more than a year for a long time, and finally started to eat it. The sweet and sour taste was good. She had never eaten such a dish, and she felt that the taste was very fresh, so she ate all the sweet and sour fish. Shan Yuan was very happy to see that she had eaten it all, and felt that Xia Yi could like this taste the best, which was an unpopular dish she had specially learned.

On the second day, Xia Yi saw what was placed in front of him and asked again, "This color looks like sweet and sour fish."

"This is the sweet and sour pork ribs. I deducted it from the length of the base. You can eat it quickly. Eat a little more to make it bigger and give us women a chance to win." Shan Yuan encouraged.

Xia Yi looked at her speechlessly, "Sister Shan, it's just the two of us here, who are we going to see."

"Of course those stinky men! You can't do this. If you want to wear a low-cut evening dress, you have to eat more and grow bigger." Shan Yuan shouted loudly, slapping the table, seeing that she was confused.

Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, only then did she understand why Shan Yuan was giving herself extra meals every day. It turned out to be sympathetic to himself, and wanted to feed himself as choppy as her. She had to shake her head and smiled, eating the white sweet and sour pork ribs.

After that, Shanyuan changed the dishes for her to eat every day. The meat strips, beef tenderloin, chicken nuggets, and diced meat were all sweet and sour flavors, and Xia Yi frowned. In the end, under her protest, Shan Yuan was aggrieved and changed to boiled pork ribs with potatoes.

After eating like this for more than a month, Xia Yi also had a birthday meal on June 1, and Shan Yuan didn't notice any improvement in her figure. By the time the muscles on her arms seemed to look more beautiful, she was completely defeated, and there was no effect at all.


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