In terms of mecha development and other strengths, the Great Xia Kingdom may not be as good as the Sky Eagle Federation, but in terms of hydrogen bombs, the Great Xia Kingdom is enough to be proud of the world!

  Although Daxia State has never disclosed how many hydrogen bombs it holds in its hands, despite facing inquiries from all over the world, Daxia State has always responded enough.

  But in fact, everyone's heart is very clear.

  Clear what?

  Know the meaning of the word "enough" (is it good), that is, the hydrogen bomb they hold in their hands is completely enough to destroy all countries in the world, including the Sky Eagle Federation, and this is obviously the Great Xia Kingdom The meaning is enough. After all, we don't know who of you will be the enemy of our Great Xia Kingdom in the future. In this case, let's make it vigorously.

  Until every country can share the hydrogen bomb!

  What is this called?

  It's called rain and dew!

  As for the Western Sky Alliance and the Sand Bear Empire, these two old-fashioned empires obviously needless to say, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, once these four immortals fight.

  The whole world has to suffer!

  Maybe these four immortals are fighting each other.

  A chirp.

  A hydrogen bomb fell on their heads, killing them.

  I wonder if they can panic?

  As for the doubts and inquiries from various countries in the world, the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance and the Sand Bear Empire also gave their explanations.

  when their explanations spread.

  The world was in an uproar, and everyone was stunned!

  "Inner Earth World..."




  ps: The second kill.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 114

  "Fuck! Really fake?"

  "Is there really a geocentric world?"


  "Idiot! How could it be fake? Do you think that the four countries of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation or the Western Sky Alliance, and the Sand Bear Empire are all idle and have nothing to do, and make up a lie to deceive us?"

  "I can't believe it! Under our feet, there really is a mysterious inner world? Could it be that there are monsters everywhere in the inner world?"


  "I think it's better for us humans not to explore the inner world. If all the monsters in the inner world come to our human world, it will be the end of mankind. Moreover, the Great Xia Kingdom and the Eagle Federation These four countries are the culprits who opened Pandora's Box!"

  "But the recovery of monsters is the general trend. We humans can only have a chance to ride the wind and waves when we take the initiative to attack, right? It's better than passively waiting for death!"


  When the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance, and the Sand Bear Empire announced that they were suspected of finding the inner world, the whole world was in an uproar in an instant!

  Actually in the beginning.

  There is no doubt that everyone has a three-point belief and seven-point skepticism about the existence of a geocentric world. After all, if the earth really exists in a geocentric world.

  How could humans have not discovered it for thousands of years?

  but now.

  When Daxiaguo and the others said that they suspected of discovering the inner world, it was undoubtedly like a blockbuster that fell into the lake of the world, which shocked everyone and made it hard to believe, but following the world, they were afraid .


  No one knows what is in the inner world, in case there are really powerful monsters like Godzilla, Destoroia, and Scylla, and when these terrifying monsters enter the human world.

  That is for all mankind.

  A disaster without a doubt!

  People are always afraid of the unknown.


  Many countries or organizations have begun to protest against the Tianying Federation of the Great Xia Kingdom to actively explore the inner world, but it is a pity.

  Their protest...

  The four countries including Daxia Kingdom are completely regarded as farts.


  You said that if you don't let us explore the inner world, don't we just stop exploring?

  Who do you think you are?

  Don't look at who is the overlord of this world?


  During these five days, the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance, and the Sand Bear Empire selected their own expert team and sent several mecha legions to join them at the location they negotiated.


  2021 6 Month 20 Day.

  Eight in the morning.

  The unusual clouds and mists curled above the boundless sea, and in the rising clouds, the four powerful mecha fleets of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance, and the Sand Bear Empire four countries converged mightily.

  This time, the Daxia Kingdom sent the fourth and fifth mecha fleets led by Cai Limin and Shi Xiang to protect the safety of Yun Fanlong and other experts.

  The Sky Eagle Federation sent the second mech army of Ares, known as the God of War, led by Valentin Osman, the God of War Admiral of the Sky Eagle Federation.

  This time, the Eagle Federation sent a total of three experts, including Irene, who is known as the most beautiful doctor. I have to say that even if she is standing beside the big guys, her face is as beautiful as an angel and her elegant temperament.

  Make her a star of the show!

  The Western Sky Alliance dispatched the Royal Mecha Corps, which was definitely one of the most powerful elite fleets in the huge West Sky Alliance, while the Sand Bear Empire dispatched the [Great Emperor] Mecha Corps, which was also one of the elite imperial fleets.

  This is the end.

  The four most powerful countries in the world have sent their four most powerful and elite fleets to gather together at this moment under the watchful eyes of the whole world.

  This scene.

  Obviously it must go down in history!

  "Since everything has arrived, let's set off."

  Valentine is a middle-aged man who is only [-] meters tall and has a big belly, but at this moment, no one dares to look down on this mediocre man, because his title of God of War is not for nothing. , The most important thing is that he led the Ares Second Mecha Corps.

  In the whole world, it can be said to be outstanding in military exploits and fame!

  Cai Limin and others naturally have no opinion.


  These four powerful mecha fleets, under the watchful eyes of the whole world, sailed towards the huge vortex in a mighty manner.

  After half an hour.

  Four mech fleets arrive at their destination.

  on the deck.

  Valentin, Cai Limin, General Arthas, the captain of the Royal Mecha Corps of the Western Sky Alliance, and Varosky, the captain of the Mecha Fleet of the Great Emperor of the Sand Bear Empire, all looked at the generals with shocking expressions. The vortex in front of it is hundreds of meters in diameter and looks extremely huge!

  The whirlpool rumbled, and the surrounding seawater was sucked and swallowed by the whirlpool, as if the depths of the whirlpool was a dark bottomless pit, endlessly madly swallowing the absorbed seawater.

  This scene.

  Seeing countless people's scalp go numb, their hearts are shocked!


  Valentine couldn't help but sighed: "I really didn't expect that even such a calm sea area, such a magnificent and even frightening gigantic vortex could appear out of thin air. The vortex seems to be able to swallow everything!"

  He exclaimed again: "This is simply the handwriting of God!"

  Say so.

  He turned around and said to the team of experts sent by Yun Fanlong, Irene and other four countries: "I won't say more nonsense, since everyone chooses to come, you should all know what you will face. Danger!"

  He said: "You can rest assured that we will definitely do our best to protect your lives, but if... I mean if, if we encounter a monster attack, even we can't say that we can absolutely protect your lives. !"

  He looked around and said, "If you don't have any opinions, prepare for it, and then take the Tsar submarine of the Sand Bear Empire to dive!".

  Cai Limin pointed at Yun Fanlong and other experts and said, "You must take good care of the alarms we gave you. If there is any danger, immediately send a signal to us, and we will immediately send our Weilong mecha to rescue you!"

  He said solemnly: "Remember, your mission is to explore and not really go deep into the center of the vortex. That's not your mission, do you all understand?"


  Yun Fanlong and others nodded.

  at this time.

  Irene and other experts from the other three countries were all ready at this time, so when Irene Yunfanlong and others entered the Great Emperor submarine of the Sand Bear Empire, they looked down in the eyes of countless expectations. dive.

  Soon it disappeared into the sea.

  Inside the submarine.

  Irene, Yun Fanlong and others were a little nervous. After all, no one knew what was unknown in the center of the whirlpool deep under the sea.

  Once you do encounter monsters...

  to be frank.

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