The earth shook violently.

  Godzilla roared.

  At this time, the male Muto, who had seized the opportunity, hurriedly fluttered his wings and flew into the sky, while the female Muto let out a strange low roar before rushing towards Godzilla again, and the ground trembled with a thud on.

  Like an earthquake!

  Because when the female Muto walks, the earth trembles, and even when she destroys the city, it will be accompanied by thick cracks.

  So Muto also has another name.

  Earthquake bug!

  But seeing Godzilla just stood up, the female Muto, with a tyrannical impact, came to Godzilla and rammed towards Godzilla.


  Godzilla roared in anger, but saw that it stretched out two thick and short claws, resisting the female Muto who was charging fast.


  The powerful collision force contained in the female Muto, or the colliding Godzilla, retreated again and again, taking a few steps backwards, and Godzilla held steady.


  The male Muto, who was flying in the air, seized the opportunity, flapped his wings again, and swooped towards Godzilla. Break the speed of sound.


  Godzilla roared, but seeing it opened its mouth, a thick atomic breath burst out from its mouth, containing a terrifying power of hundreds of thousands of degrees, towards the male Muto, who swooped towards it from a high altitude. shoot away.


  The atomic breath hit the male Muto directly, and the tyrannical impact contained in the atomic breath directly pushed the male Muto to the sky.

  At last.

  The male Muto let out a painful roar. It stretched out more than fifty meters high, and was directly hit by Godzilla's atomic breath like a bird with broken wings, forming a parabola in the air and hitting the city heavily. middle.

  After knocking out the male Muto, Godzilla turned his head to look at the female Muto in front of him. His face was actually a humanized grin.

  But seeing it opened its mouth, the faint blue light quickly condensed in its mouth, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a faint blue energy group.

  Just when it was about to spit out its atomic breath and shoot at the female Muto in front of it, it saw one of the female Muto's forelimbs hit the ground heavily, and with a thud, the electromagnetic pulse wave instantly swept through. diffusion.

  And Godzilla's atomic breath, which was originally ready to go, seemed to have been cut off from energy, and was instantly misfired, with a faint blue light flashing on its backstab.

  All extinguished at this moment.

  Godzilla froze for a while, but then saw its huge body that was pushed by the female Muto in anger and retreated back and forth like a hill.

  The ground rumbled and trembled.


  In the end, Godzilla pushed the female Muto to the ground with a sudden force, and the huge body collapsed. Then, Godzilla lifted its big foot and moved towards the female Muto, who had not yet finished giving birth. Egg-supporting belly.

  He stepped down hard.

  But before its big feet fell, the male Muto once again slammed into Godzilla from the sky at a terrifying speed that was several times the speed of sound, containing a powerful impact, and slammed into Godzilla with a bang. On Ra's right cheek, Godzilla, who was instantly hit by the tyrannical impact, fell to the left, slammed into a building with a loud bang.

  The building collapsed with a bang.

  The male Muto roared at Godzilla, but saw it fluttering high and rushing towards Godzilla again, the thick and sharp barb pointed directly at Godzilla's heart.

  But right now.

  Behind the billowing clouds, there was an ethereal and melodious monster sound. Then, hundreds of millions of divine rays of light ripped apart the billowing clouds. Space whizzes down towards the male Muto.


  But seeing Mothra's relatively thin body, it slammed into the male Muto's body, like two meteors colliding.

  A tyrannical shock wave swept all around in an instant.

  The shock wave blew the smoke and dust around.


  The male Muto was directly knocked out by Mothra's fierce collision, and with a bang, he slammed into a [-]-meter-high building like a meteor, and the building was hit by him. Collapsed suddenly.

  Numerous large and small rubble buried the male Muto.

  The male Muto struggled, but couldn't get up again.


  This sudden scene suddenly surprised the countless artisans in the East Imperial City and the countless audiences in the live broadcast room.

  Followed by.

  Countless people watched.

  But I saw a butterfly-like monster flapping her beautiful wings exuding a dreamy brilliance, quietly suspended in the sky, and every time her beautiful wings flapped, there was endless holy light sprinkled.

  This scene.

  It is so beautiful!


  It's Mothra!

  But Mothra let out an ethereal and pleasant roar, and then she fluttered her wings and rushed towards the female Muto, like a streamer.

  But right now.

  In the dark clouds on the other side, there was suddenly a sharp and low monster roar like a pterosaur, and the sky over there was reflected in a crimson red. Countless people looked for the sound, but saw a monster like a pterosaur. , tearing apart the thick dark clouds, exuding volcanic fiery temperature all over his body, and rushing towards Mothra at the same amazing speed.

  Wherever he passed, there were dense sparks behind.

  It's amazing...

  Balrog Raton!



  ps: The third update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~~

  Click on the lower right corner to view the picture of the filial son Erwuzai. .

Chapter 123


  And just as Mothra swooped towards the female Muto at a terrifying speed that was several times the speed of sound, suddenly, there was a low roar similar to a pterosaur in the sky on the other side, and countless people couldn't help but look for the reputation. .

  But the sky over there was reflected in a crimson red.

  Followed by.

  A monster with a shape similar to a pterosaur, with two horns bent backwards on the top of its head, and the whole body is a red monster. It tore through the red cloud that was reflected in it, and from the other side of the sky, it swooped towards Mothra. .

  On its body surface, there are crimson red lines that meander like lava flows, and the volcanic fiery temperature radiates from its body surface. .

  There will be hot air sweeping the city.


  It has surpassed the terrifying speed of several times the speed of sound, tearing apart the space and flying rapidly, towards Mothra, its huge fiery body, as it swept over the city, the fiery strong airflow swept past, hitting On a high-rise building, there are countless glass of high-rise buildings.

  It exploded with a bang.

  The strong and incomparably hot air flow even swept the car mechas or human beings on the street into the sky. This scene was like a fiery tornado passing through, making all the craftsmen in the city terrified one by one.

  It's Raton!


  But seeing Raton's roar, it flapped its wings and roared towards Mothra, leaving dense sparks behind it wherever it passed.

  Mothra also apparently sensed Raton's presence.


  After Raton galloped towards her, Mothra also turned her target and slammed her wings. Her relatively thin but huge body, like a cheetah, shot towards Raton instantly. .

  There was a sound of explosion in the place.

  this moment.

  Mothra's speed surpassed the speed of sound, reaching an astonishing speed of Mach [-]. At this moment, she seemed to be transformed into a blue streamer radiating blue light all over her body, shooting towards Raton rapidly. go.


  Under the gaze of countless eyes, these two giant flying monsters collided in the sky above the Eastern Imperial City like two meteors.

  The deafening sound of the explosion resounded, and a wave of air that seemed to be overwhelming, swept away in an instant, and the world seemed to be shaken.

  Bang bang bang!

  The tyrannical air wave shock wave swept out, and the surrounding high-rise buildings were violently shaken by the air wave, and countless glass windows were directly shattered.

  Fragments of glass were scattered.

  And the countless panicked pedestrians on the street were blown away by the shock wave of the air wave, and the sound of broken bones could be vaguely heard. Obviously, their bones were directly affected by this tyrannical shock wave. , if it is directly smashed, it is obviously impossible to live!

  Under the gaze of countless eyes, the two flying beasts in the air separated after they collided, but when they saw Raton's wings, they rose directly into the sky.

  "唳—' "—"

  But seeing it roared at Mothra, then you could see that in its large mouth full of rows of spiky teeth, suddenly there was a crimson light condensing, and finally the crimson energy condensed into a mass like magma. The fiery energy, the fiery temperature radiates out, distorting the space.


  In the next instant, a crimson energy ray like a condensed magma burst out from Raton's mouth and shot towards Mothra below.


  This flame ray of Raton clearly shows the appearance of a flame jet from a flamethrower, but the fiery temperature emitted by this flame ray still causes the space to be slightly distorted.

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