It is bound to be directly decomposed and exploded by Destoroyah's oxygen destruction light. It has to be said that the power of Destoroia's oxygen destruction light is currently second only to Godzilla and Ghidorah. .

  "call out!"

  More and more purple brilliance condensed into Destroyia's mouth along the surface of his body, but in the blink of an eye, a purple energy group with a diameter of several meters was condensed, and the purple energy group exuded a terrifying aura. .

  It seems to be able to break everything down!

  The next moment, a purple energy light with a thickness of several meters, in the shape of lightning, suddenly shot out from Destroyia's mouth. The purple lightning ray contained extremely terrifying power, tearing the night sky and whistling. He shot towards the mammoth-like Behemoth.


  Seeing the oxygen destruction light blasting towards him, Behemoth on the ground immediately let out a low roar like a mammoth.

  But seeing that the two thick and upturned fangs beside its mouth suddenly flashed a khaki light, and the khaki light became more and more condensed on its two fangs, and finally, in the two Behemoth's two At the tip of the sturdy fangs, two khaki-yellow energy groups with a diameter of several meters were condensed.

  These two khaki energy groups give people an inexplicable and extremely heavy feeling. In myths and legends, it is said that Bechymos can devour a thousand mountain peaks every day. Bechymos, the king of lust, is the largest on the land. Monster, and this trick of it is also the exclusive skill of Behemoth.

  It's called Heavy Energy Ray!

  The heavy energy rays have powerful gravitational energy. Any object hit by the heavy energy rays will be directly destroyed by the terrifying gravitational energy contained in the heavy energy rays, resulting in terrifying damage!


  When the khaki energy mass on Behemoth's two fangs condensed to the extreme, the next moment, two extremely solid khaki energy rays, suddenly, from Behemoth's two sturdy fangs The fangs shot out, containing the terrifying gravitational energy that is enough to crush any object, and shot toward the oxygen-destructing light that was shot.

  boom! ! !

  Under the gaze of shocking eyes, the purple lightning-shaped oxygen destruction light collided with two khaki heavy energy rays, and an energy wave containing terrifying energy swept away in an instant. The wave quickly swept past the surrounding high-rise buildings.

  Immediately, it was as if an invisible sharp blade was cut from the middle of the building, and it collapsed and shattered in an instant, countless large and small stones.

  Blaze around.

  Smoke billows.

  Whether it is the countless citizens in the City of Angels or the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, their eyes are all stuck on the collision center of the oxygen destruction light and the heavy energy ray. The energy ray of , at this moment madly erodes the opponent, and the terrifying energy wave rages with a punch, causing the space to be distorted.


  But seeing Destroyia suddenly roared, the oxygen sprayed from its mouth destroyed the light, and suddenly, as if it had been strengthened, it suddenly became thick and strong, and instantly broke the deadlock.

  The suppression of Behemoth's heavy energy ray has been defeated!

  At last.

  Under the gazes of countless eyes, that terrifyingly powerful oxygen-destruction light slammed into the huge body of Behemoth.


  After the Oxygen Destruction Light hit Bechymos, a deafening explosion sounded in an instant, sparks splashed everywhere, and Bechymos slammed to the side with a roar of pain, not knowing how much it was crushed. building.

  Everyone looked intently.

  However, the part of Behemoth that was hit by Destroyia's oxygen-destructing light was still blackened, and even the charred red snow flesh that had been beaten could be seen. It was extremely hard and extremely heat-resistant enough to resist various The fur that was bombarded by missiles obviously couldn't resist Destroyia's oxygen-destroying rays, but this was to be expected.

  after all.

  Behemoth’s fur is hard and heat-resistant, but Destoroyah’s oxygen is extremely powerful in destroying light, and even Godzilla’s incomparably hard flesh that can resist hydrogen bombs can be destroyed by Destoroyah’s skin. Oxygen destroys light damage, let alone Behemoth?


  After the Oxygen Destruction Light knocked down Behemoth, Destoroyah roared in the sky, but saw it flapping the blood-red wings that looked like demonic wings, and suddenly roared towards Methuselah from high in the sky.

  Seeing Destroya swooping towards him, Methuselah let out a powerful and low roar, and it just lay on the ground and didn't move.

  Although Methuselah's combat power is very poor, its defense power is amazing, and even Behemoth's heavy energy ray can't leave a single scar on its body, it can be described as an invincible tank!


  But seeing Destoroia roaring, from high in the sky towards Methuselah, who was lying on the ground motionless like a rock, swooping down at an alarming speed, the golden single horn above its head suddenly flashed a devastating Golden light, hundreds of millions of tiny oxygen particles condensed into a golden blade, tearing the night sky, and slashing towards the mountain on Methuselah's back, it was exactly its skill variable cutting!

  In the shocking gaze, he slashed fiercely on the mountain on Methuselah's back, scoffed, and an explosion of fire suddenly appeared.


  Methuselah immediately let out a painful roar, although Destroyia's variable cutting did not directly cut off the mountain on its back.


  The power of Destoroyah's variable cut is so powerful and sharp, even Godzilla's perverted defense is easily smashed by the variable cut, tearing a deep wound on its chest. Come.

  What's more, Methuselah?


  Although Destroyia's variable cutting could not directly cut off the mountain on Methuselah's back, it left a deep wound on it, and hot blood with dark red spurted out immediately.

  A hoarse, low-pitched roar resounded through the night sky.

  "call out!"

  And at this moment, behind Destroyia, an energy ray exuding icy blue icy cold air suddenly shot across the night sky towards Destroyia, with a bang, it hit Destroya fiercely. On Stroyia's back, Destroyah was directly knocked out, and with a bang, the huge body smashed heavily on a building, and the building, hundreds of meters high, fell to the side with a violent shock. .

  But it didn't collapse.

  Before Destroyia could stand up, another icy ray burst out and hit it. In an instant, a large piece of ice froze its body, and with Scylla From his mouth, a steady stream of icy rays emitting an ice-blue aura were ejected.

  The freezing ray hit Destroyia, and in the blink of an eye, Destroyia, along with the hundreds of meters high building behind it and the ground beneath it, were frozen into a huge ice sculpture emitting cold air!

  Seeing that Destoroia was frozen into an ice sculpture, Scylla stopped spraying the ice ray, but the next moment, it suddenly saw the horn on top of Destroia's head, flashing a devastating golden light again.

  But seeing billions of tiny particles of oxygen suddenly sprayed out from the horn above Destoroyia's head, in the blink of an eye, a golden blade was condensed, but with a screeching sound, the incomparably hard ice cubes directly It was torn apart by the golden-yellow sharp blade, and there was a crunching sound.

  Cracks appeared on the incomparably hard ice, but in the blink of an eye, the cracks covered the entire ice sculpture, and the next moment, the ice sculpture exploded with a bang.


  But seeing Destoroia spread out her demonic wings and roared at Scylla, at the same time, a layer of purple energy brilliance appeared on its body surface again, and the purple energy quickly condensed into its mouth. Go, but in the blink of an eye, a purple energy group condensed, and the purple energy group revolved, exuding a terrifying aura.


  The next moment, a sturdy energy light in the shape of purple lightning suddenly shot out of Destroyia's mouth.

  Packed with terrifying destructive power, it shoots at Scylla!

  It's amazing...

  Oxygen destroys light!



  ps: The first update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for flowers~~~.

Chapter 145


  Scylla's frozen ray only froze Destroia, known as the Devil, for a moment, and then it was cut by Destroia's variables, and it was easily smashed. .

  Countless large and small ice cubes were flying around.


  But seeing Destoroia roaring at Scylla, its demon-like wings stretched out, covering the clouds and the sun, and the dark clouds rolling over its head made it look like a demon in hell at this moment!


  The next moment, I saw layers of purple brilliance appearing on the surface of Destroyia's body, and there were lines of purple currents flowing between them.

  As more and more purple energy condensed away in Destoroia's mouth, but in the blink of an eye, a purple energy group condensed in Destoroia's mouth, with a diameter of about several meters. The energy group exudes a terrifying aura, surrounded by purple electric currents, it is Destroy's oxygen destruction light!


  The next moment, a thick purple energy ray burst out from Destroyia's mouth, exuding an extremely astonishingly terrifying aura.


  Scylla also made a sharp hissing sound, unafraid of Destroyia's oxygen-destruction light, and billions of ice-blue energy gathered in its large mouth like countless octopus tentacles, But in an instant, it condensed into an ice-blue-colored energy group.

  call out!

  The next moment, a blue energy ray emitting an extremely icy cold air burst out of Scylla's mouth and shot towards the oxygen-destruction ray.


  Under the gaze of countless eyes, the two energy rays of different colors collided fiercely, and an energy wave mixed with two different energies, like a torrent of Yiban, swept away in an instant.

  The energy wave swept out, and the smoke and dust billowed in an instant.

  The Oxygen Destruction Light and the Frozen Ray eroded each other, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Scylla's Frozen Ray was obviously not an opponent of the Oxygen Destruction Light, and was regressed by Destroyia's Oxygen Destruction Light. In the end, the frozen ray was smashed by the oxygen destruction light, and the oxygen destruction light was packed with the power of terrifying decomposition and shot towards Scylla.

  Bang bang bang!

  At this moment, Behemoth, the lustful king who had been knocked down by the oxygen destruction light, rushed over and blocked directly in front of Scylla.

  Once again blocked the terrifying oxygen destruction light!


  The Oxygen Destruction Light hit Behemoth, and it immediately exploded again. The flames shone and sparks flew. Behemoth roared and was knocked backwards by Destroyia’s Oxygen Destruction Light. Go, with a bang, the huge body fell heavily to the ground.


  Countless people were shocked when they saw this scene.

  One by one stunned!

  "Destroy is too strong, isn't it!?"

  "Yeah, even if Methuselah, Scylla and Behemoth joined forces, they were completely suppressed by Destroyah!"

  "As expected of a powerful monster that can beat Godzilla into a red lotus form! Destoroyah's strength is currently at least the third!"

  "King Kong killed the Muto couple with one enemy and two, and now Destroyia has crushed the three monsters Scylla, Behemoth and Methuselah with one enemy and three. It seems that maybe Godzilla They really beat Ghidorah!"

  "Yeah, look at the sky, even the Flame Demon Raton was beaten by Mothra!"


  Destoroyah's strength is too powerful!

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