He was looking forward to what these people would look like when they saw Godzilla's skeleton?

  He didn't think much about it.

  Continue to start building monster ruins.

  "First, construct a hall. The style of the hall needs to be similar to the ancient civilization that was discovered. Every pillar in the hall is engraved with the mysterious words of this ancient civilization. The specific content of the words is... ."

  At this moment, He You is like the god of creation, he speaks the law and moves his hands and feet, and all the surrounding scenes change with his words.

  Originally it was all underground with damp soil, and an incomparably magnificent hall appeared out of thin air. Inside the hall, there were sturdy stone pillars.

  The stone pillars are engraved with mysterious characters.

  The content recorded in the text is mainly about some important events that occurred in this ancient civilization. Of course, all of these important events recorded are naturally related to monsters, such as Godzilla, King Kong or Raton.


  There are also many bronze wares placed around in the hall. The appearance of these bronze wares is more or less related to certain monsters, or similar to some monsters.


  He You came to the wall of the main hall: "There are also lifelike murals on these walls. The content of the murals is that these ancient civilizations sacrificed monsters, regarded a certain monster as a god, and worshipped monsters day and night."


  He did not give complete details to the contents of these frescoes.

  Because of this.

  Haven't monsters lost their mystery?


  Of course, he wanted to make the contents of the murals intermittent and incomplete, so as to ensure the mystery, and at the same time tell the world that these monsters do exist.

  "This ancient civilization enshrined a certain monster as its own god, and received the gift of the monster, so that the clansmen of this ancient civilization had extraordinary power, and the ancient civilization with extraordinary power began their expeditions everywhere. , the fire of civilization burns everywhere."

  Every time He You said a word, a corresponding mural appeared on the wall of the hall, but at the same time, his emotional value was also rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he had no intention of stopping.

  Continue to lay out the ruins.

  [Emotion value -1000]

  [Emotion value -3000]

  [Emotion value -4250]


  Ten minutes later, the walls in the hall were already covered with dense frescoes. He You stood in the middle of the hall, and he looked at the hall and fell into contemplation.

  He always felt that something was missing.

  If the ruins were completed like this, it would be too boring and wasteful. After thinking about it, he felt that he still had to leave a clue.

  Only in this way can he pave the way for the next time he builds monster ruins.


  What kind of clue is he going to leave behind?

  He rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then said, "Why don't you leave a map?".


  With another thought, in the center of the hall, a bronze cauldron with a height of one person appeared. On the outer wall of the bronze cauldron, there was still a sculpture of Godzilla, while on the inner wall of the bronze cauldron, he left a map.

  As for where this map leads...

  He thought about it, or would it lead to Atlantis civilization?

  after all.

  In this world, the Atlantis civilization is still one of the most mysterious civilizations. Many historians and archaeologists yearn for the Atlantis civilization, but they have been unable to find civilization sites.


  If he remembers it well, in the setting of the movie Godzilla vs. Ghidorah in the previous life, it seems that the underwater ruins where Godzilla lived...

  Is it the Atlantean civilization?


  He You put his arms around his chest, he looked at the masterpiece he created and nodded secretly: "This is almost the same, although the emotional value wasted is a little bit, but it is worth it, and then wait for this ruin to appear in the In front of the world, I hope the world will not be too shocked!"

  After a pause, he couldn't help but said painfully: "I hope that I will try my best to get this site, so I don't disappoint me too much, otherwise it will be a big loss!".

  To make such a civilization ruins, he wasted a full [-] to [-] emotional points, which were used to upgrade Godzilla.

  It can improve a lot of development progress!

  But he thinks it's all worth it. When the ruins of the Atlantis civilization later come to life, I'm afraid that...the whole world will be scared, right?


  He You left here and waited for the good news.



  PS: Fourth more.

  Kneeling and begging for flowers, the data is too pitiful! !

  I feel that the code words are not motivated o(╥﹏╥)o.

Chapter 28

  The discovery of the ancient ruins of the Tianxingdui civilization not only caused huge waves in the country of Daxia, but also caused a lot of attention abroad.

  Like the comments made by netizens of the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance or the Sand Bear Empire, most of them tend to praise, sigh, or envy and so on.

  For example, "Unbelievable!" "It's so beautiful!" Or "Wow! The archaeological technology of Daxia is more advanced!" Or "I really envy Daxia, they are indeed the oldest civilization in the world! "and many more.


  Compared with these comments, the comments of many netizens in the Red Sun Kingdom and the Mud Stick Kingdom are sour and malicious.

  "Hehe, this ancient site of Tianxingdui, maybe it was made overnight by the Great Xia Kingdom? The purpose is just to prove that your civilization is more ancient?"

  "Yeah, yes, Daxia Kingdom is really amazing, and it has created an interesting story for the whole world, continue to make up, I want to continue to listen to it!"

  "Eighty percent of it is fake!"

  "Ah, this... It's very likely that the people of Daxia deceived people, right?"

  "I don't look like it is from the Great Xia Kingdom!"

  "I can really make it up, hehehehe!!"

  "Obviously, these are not from the Great Xia Kingdom! They are from our Mud Stick Kingdom! Mud Stick Kingdom!!! After all, our Mud Stick Kingdom has a long history!"


  These comments are obviously full of sourness, as well as malicious and hostile slander. Many netizens in Daxia Kingdom are naturally indignant about these comments. They did not expect that the people of Mudstick Kingdom would be so shameless.


  After all, these comments are petty troubles. The excavation of the ancient ruins of Tianxingdui civilization is still proceeding in an orderly manner. Around the ancient ruins of Tianxingdui civilization, a large number of reporters have already gathered, but they are all blocked outside. Here All the work will be broadcast live nationwide.

  Chen Jiaqi came to the scene early and took a good position.

  She looked at the camera with a sweet smile and said, "Hello, audience and friends, I am now at the archaeological site of our Tianxingdui ancient site!"

  She pointed to the front: "Now we can see that our staff is carrying out careful excavation work. According to what I learned from an expert at the scene, the part to be excavated today is very important. To what extent is it important? So please wait and see!".

  The excavation of the ancient ruins was broadcast live nationwide, and many people in Daxia expressed great concern about this matter. Therefore, the popularity in the live broadcast room once reached hundreds of millions. Although the popularity is generally false, the real number of viewers.

  But at least there are as many as three or four million!

  "So excited!"

  "Hopefully I can find something good today!"

  "Aren't you curious? Why do monsters suddenly appear? Why are there no monsters recorded in our human history books?"

  "Yeah, not even a word!"

  "Let's not talk about this first, let me ask, the group of sticks in the mud stick kingdom is here to blackmail our Tianxingdui culture again, so I will ask if we can bear it?"

  "Be patient! Fuck your mother Xipi!"

  "Hehe, the clown doesn't need to be ignored!"

  "That is, if we want to, our mecha army is enough to sweep the entire mud stick kingdom. If his thief father, the Eagle Federation, is there, he can still jump like this? He would have slapped him to death!"

  "It's so boring. I watched it for a long time, and I didn't watch them dig out a good thing!"


  The pop-up screen in the live broadcast room is swiped.

  at the same time.

  As the full person in charge of the excavation of the ancient site of Tianxingdui civilization this time, Yun Fanlong is carefully excavating with a group of experts. He also reminded the other staff in the pit:

  "Be careful, don't be rash, these are precious cultural relics, if something goes wrong, none of us here can afford it!"

  Say it.

  He turned his head and continued his work.

  An expert on the side said: "I said Laoyun, how long do we have to dig? It's been three or four days and I haven't seen a single thing, is it digging wrong? Or is it just an empty space here? ruins?".


  Several other experts nodded in agreement.

  They have been digging here for three or four days, and they have indeed dug up some architectural ruins. It is already certain that this is indeed the ancient ruins of the Tianxingdui civilization, but so far, they have not dug up a single thing.

  This makes them suspicious.

  Wouldn't they be excavating an empty site?

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