
  The huge figure roared in the sky, and a slightly hoarse deafening sound wave resounded through the entire headquarters, and everyone looked shocked and disbelieving.

  "Axi! What is this!"

  "What a big monster!"

  "It blew up a battleship!"

  "Monster! It's a monster! Fight back!"


  There was an uproar full of shock one after another, looking at the huge monster with a height of [-] meters, everyone in the entire headquarters was stunned!


  I don't know who roared, and the soldiers in the headquarters immediately reacted. They picked up the firearm and pulled the trigger of the firearm frantically.

  Ding Ding Ding!

  However, the dense rain of bullets hit Godzilla.

  But like a mosquito bite, it doesn't work at all!

  Whoosh whoosh!

  The next moment, missiles that were enough to blast the [-]-ton warship, dragged the flames, and rumbled on Godzilla.


  The missile exploded and the flames shot into the sky, but Godzilla was still standing there intact. The high-energy laser beams that were enough to pierce the steel plate shot at Godzilla, but it still failed to cause damage to him.

  "how can that be......."

  Countless people were stunned. Their attacks didn't work at all against the giant beast in front of them. Their attacks were as if bamboo sticks hit the steel plate!

  And this time.

  Everyone saw that the giant beast looked down at them, and they actually saw the indifference and majesty of a god from the eyes of this giant beast!


  But before they could react, everyone present vaguely heard the sound of electromagnetic pulses, and then someone saw that starting from the tail of the giant beast, the blue light flashed one by one, and then the entire back was undulating like a mountain board. , was also turned into a faint blue by the faint blue light.

  But seeing Godzilla open his huge mouth, the faint blue light became more and more dazzling.

  "What is it doing?"

  The soldiers in the headquarters looked at each other, obviously not understanding what Godzilla was doing. They only felt that the temperature between the heavens and the earth suddenly rose inexplicably.

  Get extremely hot!


  In the next instant, a sturdy blue energy light suddenly sprayed out of Godzilla's mouth and shot straight towards the crowd.

  It is the breath of the atom!


  Countless people looked up at the blasting atomic breath, with a deep panic on their faces. At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded like a chicken.

  But it didn't move!

  It's like being frightened!



  PS: Fifth more.

  Ask for flowers for evaluation tickets! ! ! .

Chapter 39


  Under the gazes of countless horrified eyes, the blue energy light, which was like a divine punishment from the sky, wrapped in a temperature and destructive power that was so hot that even space was distorted, bombarded the military camp heavily.


  The explosion sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue, blazing flames rose into the sky, and a wave of air swept away like an overwhelming sea.

  all of a sudden.

  The dust filled the air, and the glass of the buildings around the barracks shattered at this moment. The chariots, tanks, and various types of mechas in the barracks all exploded at this moment, and were melted into ashes by the terrifying atomic breath. .

  in an instant.

  The entire headquarters of the Imperial Mecha Corps has turned into a purgatory on earth at this moment, the flames are burning, the terrifying temperature makes the space violently distorted, and the huge military camp was instantly destroyed by the breath of atoms!

  Standing in the sea of ​​​​fire, Godzilla, at this moment, in the eyes of countless people, is like a flame demon, with a huge figure, giving people an incomparable sense of oppression and fear, as if it is the god of destruction descended from the sky!

  And this scene.

  Naturally, it was also seen by the people around, one after another terrified and full of shocking voices, one after another at this moment, the scene became chaotic.

  "Axi! What is that!"

  "My God, is this a monster!"

  "very scary!"

  "The Imperial Mecha Legion was instantly destroyed!?"



  Everyone around looked at Godzilla's huge figure in horror. Who would have thought of a monster that they thought was absolutely impossible.

  They actually landed in their mud stick kingdom! ?


  In front of countless people, he sprayed out a breath of blue energy like divine punishment from his mouth, directly destroying the imperial mecha army that they were proud of, which made them feel strong fear and fear. .


  The people around the Imperial Mecha Corps headquarters fled around like crazy at this moment, and the entire port of Renshan Port became extremely chaotic.


  Godzilla roared and roared in anger, but seeing that it was spitting out an atomic breath, a faint blue energy light swept past under the night, and those warships and aircraft carriers docked on the shore immediately exploded.

  Like a bunch of fireworks in the night!

  The dazzling, deafening explosion resounded through the port of Incheon!

  Whoosh whoosh!

  Although there were still sporadic missiles, dragging the flames, and rumbled on Godzilla's body, but for Godzilla, it was ticklish.

  Can't do any damage to it at all!

  After destroying the headquarters of the Imperial Mecha Corps, Godzilla turned to Mani Mountain on the southern outskirts of Fujinshan City, a large-scale nuclear fusion reactor built by Fujinshan City. of radiant energy, which is tantamount to an excellent supplement for it!

  Bang bang bang!

  The dull footsteps echoed in the city, and Godzilla's huge figure gradually disappeared into the night under the gaze of terrified eyes.

  While sighing in relief, countless sticks also took a video and wanted to upload the video to the Internet, but they found that their communicators could not connect to the Internet. Obviously, the Internet in Jinshan City was blocked!


  Hanyang City.

  Green Terrace.

  This is the residence of the President of the Mudstick Kingdom. A middle-aged man with black and white hair wearing a suit and round-frame glasses was walking quickly to the office with a solemn expression. When he came to the door, he opened the door without saying a word.

  President Lu Tianxuan, who was sitting behind the president's desk, couldn't help but raise his head when he heard the sound. After being stunned, he smiled and said, "It turned out to be my friend Wen Zaiyi, why are you so flustered? Sit down and drink water and talk about it!"

  "Don't drink the water!"

  Wen Zaiyi waved his hand, and he said solemnly, "I have something important to tell you!".

  "......What's up?"

  Seeing Wen Zaiyi's solemn expression, Lu Tianxuan asked.

  Wen Zaiyi took a deep breath.

  He said solemnly: "Just ten minutes ago, the mysterious monster that attacked the Sky Eagle Federation logged into Renshan Port and destroyed our Imperial Mecha Corps headquarters in just two minutes, causing the legion's strength to be severely damaged. Many mechs were destroyed without even being activated!"


  He continued: "That mysterious monster is now heading towards Mani Mountain in Fujinshan City, where there is a super-large nuclear power plant that supplies energy to the entire city. If there is an accident there, Fujinshan City will be the first to bear the brunt. A thousand kilometers of land would be unfit for life!".


  Hearing this, Lu Tianxuan stood up from his chair in shock and awe, as if struck by lightning, and his face turned pale.

  The Imperial Mecha Legion was hit hard. If the super-large nuclear fusion reactor on Mount Mani was destroyed by monsters, it would be a huge disaster!

  Wen Zaiyi said: "The top priority right now, we must immediately dispatch our strongest mecha [Storm]. The Storm is a super-large comprehensive combat armor, and it should be able to withstand that monster temporarily!"


  He continued: "In addition, we also need to send a signal to the Eagle Federation for help. I am worried that our mecha will be difficult to resist that monster!".

  "Just do as you say!"

  Lu Tianxuan thought for a while, and said, "In addition, immediately block the network of Father Jinshan City, and evacuate the surrounding citizens at the same time, and report to me immediately if there is any situation! At the same time, send all the mechas that can be sent out to stop it!".

  After all, it is no trivial matter that the monster landed in Jinshan City.

  Once the news spreads across the country, I am afraid it will cause panic and unnecessary trouble in the country. Right now, we can only block the Internet in Jinshan City.


  Wen Zaiyi nodded and turned to leave the office.

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