"That's right! Flesh and blood are bitter, machinery is eternal!"

  "That's right! Mechas are the invincible existence!"

  "But judging from the results of several collisions between our human mecha and the monster, it seems that our human mecha was rubbed on the ground by the monster!"

  "Cough, that's just because we haven't dispatched the most powerful mecha!"

  "Shit! The monsters are too scary. If one day the monsters land in our city, wouldn't I be dead?"


  This news is undoubtedly explosive. Netizens from all over the world are talking about it, and countless people are scared by the destructive power displayed by Godzilla.

  no doubt.

  this moment.

  Monsters are in the eyes of people all over the world, and they are the first to let the world feel the horror of monsters and let the world know that mechas are not invincible!



  ps: Fourth update!

  There is one more update, the author will write it immediately.

  Cough, ask for another wave of flowers and evaluation tickets, after all, the data is really pitiful.

  cry o(╥﹏╥)o.

Chapter 47

  [Host]: He You.

  [Strength]: Level 1 extraordinary.

  [Skill]: The universe moves, and it is launched globally.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monster]: Godzilla.

  [Emotional Value]: 2250 million+.

  "This wave has earned..."

  Looking at the more than [-] million Emotion Points, He You's mouth could not help twitching slightly. Although yesterday he used more than [-] million Emotion Points to restore Godzilla's atomic energy, he attacked his father in Godzilla today. When the news of Jinshan City spread around the world, it only took less than half a day.

  His emotional value directly exceeded [-] million!


  The emotional value is still skyrocketing at an alarming rate. It is roughly estimated that it will rise to at least [-] million, or even... it is possible to break through to [-] million emotional value!

  "It's better to put monsters in the city, so that the efficiency of the emotional value during the harvest period is strange, and it can also let the world know how terrible monsters are."

  "And then let the world have doubts about mechas. When I give a little guidance, I can make the world believe in monsters and speed up the efficiency of my transformation of the world of mechas into the world of monsters. I don't have any more consumption in the world!"

  He had to hurry up.

  He didn't want the alien civilization to arrive on Earth, and he was passively beaten.

  Think so.

  He opened Godzilla's properties panel.

  [Name]: Godzilla.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skills]: Back cutting, tail flicking, biting, tearing, atomic breath, incandescent light, back radiation.

  [Height]: 85.3 meters.

  [Weight]: 60125 tons.

  【Form】: None.

  [Atomic Energy]: 326 million/502 million.

  [Development progress]: 48%.

  After the first battle in Jinshan City, Godzilla absorbed the nuclear radiation of the Storm and Battle Angel mechas, as well as the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

  And this also allowed Godzilla's atomic energy to break through from the upper limit of 358 million to 502 million, which in turn made Godzilla's development progress to [-]%.

  "The system says that when the monster's development progress reaches 50%, I can use the monster's skills. If that's the case, then let's increase the development progress to 50%."

  Thinking like this, He You said silently in his heart:

  "Upgrade Godzilla."

  The next moment, he saw Godzilla's atomic energy skyrocketing at an alarming rate, and in an instant, it reached 502 million atomic energy from 727 million.

  And Godzilla's development progress has also increased from 48% to 53%!

  【Ding! 】

  [Congratulations to Godzilla's development progress reaching 50%! 】

  [Congratulations to Godzilla for unlocking the skill: Internal Radiation]

  [Detailed skill explanation: After Godzilla compresses and condenses the terrifying heat energy in the body, it is released from all parts of the body in the form of shock waves, thereby forming a [-]-degree devastating blow with no dead ends and no difference! 】

  [Congratulations to the host for being able to use Godzilla's skills, but the applicable conditions are that the host must reach level 5 extraordinary. (Note: Otherwise, there will be fatal injury to the body]

  After Godzilla's development progress reached the conditions, a system prompt appeared in front of He You's eyes, but what left him speechless was that he still needed to reach a level 5 extraordinary.

  He asked in his heart, "How can I improve my strength?".

  [At present, only G cells are fused in the body of the host, so the host only needs to increase the number of G cells in the body to increase the corresponding strength]

  [The host can absorb nuclear radiation to enhance its strength]

  [Or directly use the emotional value to convert into g cells]

  "Is that so..."

  It seems that everything needs emotional value, and then He You looked at his attribute panel and found that his attribute panel had also undergone some changes.

  compared to before.

  His attribute panel has an additional [g cell] column.

  【g cell】: .

  Not only that, after using all of the more than [-] million emotional points to upgrade Godzilla, the original emotional value returned to zero in just a short while.

  It was raised to 5822560 again.

  So he thought: "Convert G cells!".

  next moment.

  He saw the number of G cells skyrocket.

  And with the increase in the number of G cells, he can clearly feel that huge changes are taking place in his body. Obviously, the G cells are strengthening his flesh, bones and cells, and the G cells are strengthening and sublimating his body.


  G cells stop growing.

  Stop at 582866!

  "Five hundred and eighty thousand?"

  He You groped his chin and muttered: "It seems that the conversion ratio of emotional value and g cells is ten to one, but, according to the urine performance of my system, I am afraid that when I upgrade, the conversion ratio will definitely increase again. Less!".

  thought here.

  He couldn't help but sighed secretly. It seems that he has to continue to frantically harvest the global emotional value. After all, his strength and Godzilla's strength are waiting for the emotional value to increase, and he has to exchange the first Two monsters, and more monster ruins and wonders to be created.

  He looked at the column of his own strength.

  [Strength]: Level 4 and 5-star extraordinary.

  He You murmured: "It seems that there are still more than five million emotional points away from the fifth-level extraordinary person, but there is no hurry, tomorrow morning should be more than five million!"

  Thinking like this, he lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

  As for now.

  Of course, sleep first.

  By the way, think about the next step, and which second monster will he exchange for?



  ps: The fifth update!

  The [-]-character outbreak was completed.

  Ask for flowers and ask for evaluation tickets~~~


  In this book, the protagonist must rule the world, and the author thinks that the human beings all over the world will be implanted with monster cells. While they have some abilities of the monster, the protagonist can also control the human beings all over the world.

  For example, if the protagonist has a single thought, he can turn all the people in the world who have been implanted with monster cells into monsters. What do you think of this ability?

  If yes, deduct 1, and the author will write it in the follow-up article.

  If not, forget it. .

Chapter 48

  Early the next morning.

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