King Kong let out a hoarse roar in an instant.

  Seeing this scene, Irene, Julia, Miana and other members of the King Kong tribe suddenly changed their faces, and they couldn't help but feel nervous and worried.

  "How to do?"

  Irene said worriedly: "King Kong seems to be in danger, we must help it, otherwise, King Kong will definitely be killed by the skeleton reptile' "!".

  "But how can we help?"

  Jarvis said: "Our mechas have already been blown up by these skeleton reptiles. With these mortals alone, how dare you go forward and help King Kong?".

  In front of these monsters that are tens of meters away, they are like ants, and they will be trampled to death at any time, so they dare not go forward.

  at the same time.

  Countless viewers who saw this scene through live broadcast.

  Equally worried.

  "It's over, King Kong is in danger now!"

  "As expected, even if King Kong's combat power is strong, it is still invincible with two fists and four feet!"

  "Irene and the others are dead now!"

  "These skeleton reptiles are indeed demons. If the patron saint of King Kong is killed by them, then once these demons flood into the human city, I am afraid the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will be a nightmare for mankind!"

  "Is there no way..."


  from their perspective.

  At this time, King Kong is already in a desperate situation. After all, King Kong's two hands have been trapped tightly by the king's skeleton crawler and another skeleton crawler.

  There is simply no excess strength to resist!

  If nothing else.

  King Kong is bound to be drained of blood and die!


  [Shock value +8]

  [Fear value +4]

  [Scare value +7]


  At the same time, He You, who is located in Wu'an City, is naturally paying attention to what is happening on Skull Island, and system prompts keep appearing in front of him.

  "Open the properties panel."

  With a thought, an information panel appeared in front of him.

  [Host]: He You.

  [g cells]: 128 million.

  [Strength]: Level 5 extraordinary.

  [Skills]: Incandescent light, world shift, global launch.

  【Props】: None.

  [Monster]: Godzilla, King Kong.

  [Emotional Value]: 5985 million+.

  "Is it more than fifty million?"

  Looking at the rapidly soaring emotional value, the corners of He You's mouth twitched slightly. In less than half a day, his emotional value directly broke through to nearly [-] million emotional value, which is obviously the influence of Skull Island.

  Obviously huge!

  According to his estimate.

  In this wave, his emotional value can definitely easily break through the [-] million mark, and even reach [-] emotional value, it is not impossible.

  But now...

  In order to keep this world-famous drama going on.

  Of course he couldn't let King Kong defeat.

  "Open King Kong's attribute panel."

  So he thought silently in his heart, and the message of King Kong appeared in front of him.

  【Name】: King Kong.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Talent]: Highly spiritual, good at using various tools.

  [Skill]: None.

  [Height]: 70.8 meters.

  [Weight]: 45862 tons.

  【Form】: None.

  [Energy]: 5/100 million.

  [Development progress]: 25%.

  "Is it only 5 energy?"

  He You rubbed his chin and muttered.

  No wonder though.

  After all, King Kong is certainly a city-destroying monster, but it does not have all kinds of terrifying skills like Godzilla. Its skills or talents, at best, are more powerful, more flexible and more defensive. That's it, nothing more than being able to resist.

  And of the dozens of skeleton reptiles he exchanged, many of them were level 3 or [-] monsters, and the king skeleton reptile was a level [-] monster.

  Second only to the ruined city level!

  Facing the overwhelming number of skeleton reptiles.

  It is not easy for King Kong to persist until now, but He You obviously cannot let King Kong defeat in front of the world, so he silently said in his heart:

  "Add energy to King Kong."

  The voice fell.

  His mood value dropped suddenly, by ten thousand in an instant!


  at the same time.

  King Kong, who was on the verge of dying and was seriously injured and dying, suddenly seemed to have been injected with a huge amount of vitality, and it roared furiously to the sky.


  The deafening roar resounded through the mountain forest, the surrounding trees trembled with the strong sound waves, the leaves rustled, and countless birds flew up into the sky.

  The next moment, King Kong looked at the skeleton reptile that was biting on his left arm. In those eyes, there was a king's tyranny and anger.

  Followed by.

  King Kong came to a giant tree and slammed his left arm on the trunk of the giant tree. With a bang, the skeleton reptile roared in pain.

  Had to open his mouth wide.

  Kong Kong seized the opportunity, grabbed the skeleton reptile's neck with his backhand, and handed it to his mouth. It opened its bloody mouth full of sharp fangs and bit the skeleton reptile's neck fiercely.


  Dark green viscous blood spurted out, and the skeleton reptile immediately made a painful roar, struggling violently, as if trying to break free.

  King Kong's head was buried in the neck of the skeleton reptile and biting frantically, and it bit the most of the neck of the skeleton reptile fiercely.

  Then he yanked his head up hard.


  The neck of the skeleton reptile was directly bitten by King Kong, and the neck with its head was bitten by King Kong firmly in its mouth, and its head drooped weakly.

  Sticky green blood dripped down.

  Toss the dead, irresistible skeleton crawler on the ground.


  King Kong's left hand slammed into the head of the skeleton crawler that was still biting on his neck and sucking its blood, and his huge palm squeezed hard.

  The terrifying grip strength of hundreds of thousands of pounds suddenly exploded, and the skeleton reptile couldn't even make a scream. Its head was crushed by King Kong like a watermelon. The viscous blood was mixed with various Annoying organization of color.

  It keeps dripping down.

  It is quite disgusting!

  After getting rid of the two skeleton reptiles, King Kong finally turned his gaze to the king skeleton reptile. At this moment, the corner of its mouth couldn't help but smirk.


  At this moment, the king skeleton reptile was afraid.

  An uncontrollable fear appeared in its eyes, and the next moment it released the thick tail that was tightly entangled in King Kong, and turned around and fled away as if it wanted to escape.


  Where would King Kong let it run away?

  There was a bang, but seeing that it stepped on the tail of the king's skeleton reptile fiercely, with a click, and a terrifying kick, it directly broke its tail.


  The King Skull Crawler let out a painful roar, while King Kong bent down and grabbed its tail with both hands, folding its tail section after section.

  At the same time, the sound of cracking bones smashed through the forest at this moment, accompanied by the painful and fearful roar of the king's skeleton reptile, and finally, the bones of its entire tail.

  They were all crushed by King Kong!

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