Julia looked at Miana.

  She nodded and smiled: "Of course!".

  But said this time.

  Bob naturally saw Erin Jarvis and others, but he also saw a huge chimpanzee standing in front of the wooden city wall at this time.

  A huge shadow shrouded the entire King Kong tribe, as well as Irene Jarvis and others, and even the huge chimpanzee, reaching out to Irene and others.

  The huge palm seems to flatten Erin and the others!

  See here.

  Bob's face changed, and he quickly said loudly: "Dr. Erin, don't be afraid! We are here to save you, and we are here to help you fight monsters!"

  His voice spread far and wide over the airborne radio.

  Irene and others naturally heard it, but they were dumbfounded.

  Fight monsters?

  hit who?

  Haven't all the monsters been wiped out?

  Bob said solemnly: "Everyone pay attention, immediately attack the gorilla monster in front of you with full firepower, be sure to attract its attention!".

  So the next moment.

  The dense rain of missiles, dragging the flames, rumbled on the back of King Kong in the sharp whistling sound that ripped apart the sky.



  Jarvis was petrified in shock at this moment.

  Erin was also stunned.

  At this moment, she has the urge to scold her mother......



  ps: Sixth more!

  Ask for flowers~~~.

Chapter 70


  The dense rain of missiles, dragging flames, tearing apart the sky and carrying a harsh wind whistling, exploded on King Kong's mountain-like back.

  Fire shines.

  The air waves generated by the explosions swept away, blowing the hair on the back of King Kong, and the deafening explosion sounded at this moment ~ through the sky.


  This deafening explosion could not hide the fear in the hearts of Irene, Jarvis, Julia and the others. After seeing Bob and the others firing missiles directly at King Kong without saying a word, Jarvis was completely stunned. All petrified directly.


  Irene couldn't help but scolded: "These bastards-!".

  "It's over..."

  Julia smiled bitterly: "It seems that I can't go back..."


  She continued: "I mean... your reinforcements will pay with their lives for the stupid act they just did!".

  Erin and the others were silent.

  After seeing the horror of King Kong, they deeply understand the horror of the giant orangutan in front of them. If you don't provoke it, it will of course be your patron saint, but if you provoke it, it can become the god of destruction. !

  Not only Erin et al.

  Including the hundreds of millions of viewers who watched this shocking scene through the live broadcast room at this moment.

  It is also dumbfounded, with a face full of stunned!

  "Uh... Are these people really here to save Erin and the others?"

  "God, these people are stupid!"

  "They will pay for their actions!"

  "I declare that they are already dead!"

  "If you anger King Kong, they will not end well!"

  "Hehe, what if it angers King Kong? No matter how powerful it is, it's just a taller brute force gorilla who can use some props!"

  "That is, this monkey has nothing to be afraid of in the face of super-powerful mechas? You know, Bob and the others are driving [-] Ares-class mechas. Among the small-scale mechas, its various performances can be said to be extremely excellent!"

  "Yeah, the Ares-class mecha is known as the world's first-class mecha!"

  "There is nothing to be afraid of just a monkey. The God of War mecha of our Tianying Federation is invincible, enough to destroy this monkey!"


  One by one, the pop-up screen refreshes.

  Some people feel stupid for Bob and their actions, some people gloat over the misfortune and want to see Bob and others pay the price, but some people think that King Kong is nothing more than that, a savage monkey, and cannot be an opponent of the Ares-class mecha.


  Wu'an City.

  He You looked at the panel in front of him in amazement, and then he couldn't help but chuckle: "I didn't know what reason to take action against you, but now it seems that I can let King Kong show off!".

  The character he set up for King Kong is, after all, a patron saint.

  If he hastily let King Kong attack humans, it will inevitably cause adverse effects, so he has been hesitant to find an excuse before.

  Let King Kong attack Nicholas and the others.

  But who ever thought.

  Bob turned his head and gave him an excuse!


  He immediately gave King Kong an order, so that King Kong could launch an attack on Nicholas' fleet without any scruples, and destroy the powerful fleet that the Skyhawk Federations were proud of in front of the whole world, showing King Kong's power.


  at the same time.

  After receiving He You's order, King Kong stood up and turned around to look at the hundred Ares-class mechas in the air, without the slightest fear on its face.


  But seeing it open its big mouth, it roared towards the Ares-class mecha suspended in the air, and the roar resounding through the sky spread far and wide.

  Bang bang bang!

  It beat its strong chest with both fists, and the dull sound was like thunder, banging, obviously, it was demonstrating to Bob and others.


  When Bob, who was driving the Ares-class mecha, saw this, he couldn't help but sneer: "It's just a low-level monkey, and he dares to be arrogant in front of us? See how I will beat you into a sieve in front of the whole world. !"

  He said solemnly: "Everyone launched an attack!"

  Say so.

  With a thought, the engine behind the Ares-class mecha he was driving immediately spurted out a red flame, and a strong thrust suddenly erupted.


  The next moment, his Ares-level mecha shot towards King Kong at an extremely astonishing speed, and the rest of the Ares-level mecha rushed out.

  en route.

  A variety of missiles were launched, and they were densely shot towards King Kong's whole body. The dense rain of missiles exploded after hitting King Kong.

  The rumbling explosion resounded endlessly.


  King Kong raised his hand to cover its cheek, and it looked at the densely packed mecha rushing towards itself like locusts, and kept making a low roar in its mouth.

  At this time.

  One of the mecha flew straight towards it, enough to smash the car into a large caliber bullet, forming a chain of bullets like a line of fire.

  Shoot it intensively.


  King Kong seized the opportunity and slapped it fiercely, his palm like a huge fan, wrapped in a strong airflow, and slapped the mecha fiercely.


  The Ares-class mecha failed to dodge in time, and was directly slapped by King Kong with a slap. Immediately, it was shot and flew out. It slammed into the distant mountain with a bang, and the explosion exploded like an explosion of fireworks.

  at this time.

  Another four Ares-class mechas flew towards King Kong.

  A dense number of missiles and laser beams came towards King Kong. King Kong raised his hand to protect him, and the missiles and lasers hit him.

  The four Ares-level mechas were relatively smart. When they were still more than ten meters away from King Kong, they hurriedly started to lift up, and the four mechas immediately rose into the sky.

  "See any brothers?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

  One of the Ares-class mecha masters, looking at the angry King Kong behind him, couldn't help laughing: "As long as we keep a safe distance from it, this monkey can't hit us, it can only be played by us!".

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