The cabinet minister nodded quickly.

  The rest of the ministers looked at each other, and then all shook their heads secretly.

  Whether Nichols underestimated the enemy, these are obviously not important, the important thing is, there is no doubt that Nichols has become a scapegoat!

  after all.

  Compared with the demise of a fleet, Or Lincoln or what they care about most is obviously the face and prestige of the Eagle Federation. This is the most important!

  The destruction of a fleet may indeed be a huge loss for other countries, but for the Sky Eagle Federation, the super-rich with huge wealth, a fleet is gone, as long as they want to.

  They can do it in just a few years.

  Rebuild a powerful aircraft carrier fleet!

  "Your Excellency the President..."

  A cabinet minister said: "From the situation we have played against monsters these times, I think... We have roughly figured out the advantages and disadvantages of monsters. Obviously, small mechas are for monsters. …”

  Speaking of which.

  He shook his head and sighed: "It has no effect!".

  Orlinn sat down, leaning on the table.

  He gestured: "Continue to talk.".

  The cabinet minister said: "First of all, the advantage of monsters is that they are huge in size, and they can easily reach dozens of meters. Moreover, their strength and defense are also extremely tyrannical, but they also have a very obvious disadvantage!"

  He said: "That is, the larger the monster, the less flexible the mecha, and this...maybe the most important thing we can defeat the monster when we face the monster again in the future. breakthrough!".

  "So what do you mean?"

  O'Lincoln's eyes lit up after hearing this.

  The cabinet minister continued: "Your Excellency, I think we can build a super-giant mecha, and this mecha first needs to have great power and flexibility, which I think is not difficult to achieve with our technology. , because looking at the world, our power engine is the strongest!"


  He continued: "Secondly, this mecha also needs to be equipped with a sharp weapon that can cut through the tough flesh of a monster, either a physical weapon or an energy weapon, but it must be able to cut through the flesh of a monster!"

  He said solemnly: "The last point is that the mecha bones and external body armor of our mecha must also be hard enough and resistant to high temperature, otherwise, it will be difficult to resist the attack of monsters!".

  After listening to this cabinet minister's introduction, O'Lincoln and many other ministers in the room couldn't help but look at each other and chatted.

  "Your plan is quite good. If you want to defeat the monster, you really need the same huge mecha to defeat it." Orlink nodded and said.

  He pondered: "This plan is also handed over to Area 91!"

  "But Your Excellency the President..."

  Someone frowned and said, "Now that monsters are rampant, do we really have the time, energy, or resources to build such a mecha?".


  Having said this, O'Lincoln could not help but be silent, but seeing him pacing back and forth with a frown and a heavy expression, under the gaze of many ministers.

  He stopped suddenly.

  But seeing his expression, he said firmly: "Pass my order that all resources in the country related to the construction of that giant mecha are prohibited from being exported to any country. These resources will be purchased directly by the country!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????


  He continued: "Any documents or processes required to build this mecha can be passed all the way through the green light, all gentlemen, please listen to me, I mean, from now on, the entire Sky Eagle Federation will be transformed. To be a machine running at full power just to build that mech that can kill monsters and even help us... rule the world!".


  As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the office was instantly suppressed, and many ministers present couldn't help but look shocked, looking at O'Lincoln in stunned eyes, obviously not expecting their esteemed President.

  How can you make such a crazy decision? !

  "Your Mightiness......."

  A minister frowned: "Are you serious? You must think clearly about the consequences of doing so. Once the plan fails, no one can afford the consequences!".

  "I will bear any consequences!"

  Orlink waved his hand, and he said in a deep voice: "Tell me the rich and people of the Eagle Federation, once the monsters land on the land of my Eagle Empire, by that time, the city, money and power will no longer exist, Under the hooves of monsters, anything will be ruthlessly trampled by monsters!"



  He continued: "But if we can build a giant mecha that protects all our citizens, then we are the patron saint of the world!"

  He opened his arms, his face full of madness:

  "Until then........"

  "We are the rulers of the world!"


  As soon as he said this, the whole room fell silent.


  The next moment, a cabinet minister stood up. He looked around and said solemnly: "I can understand your decision. After all, senior sister is undergoing great changes. There is an old saying in Daxia, use extraordinary means in extraordinary times!"

  "So I support Mr. President!" he said.

  The rest of the ministers looked at each other and whispered to each other. Then, they nodded, stood up and said solemnly:

  "We support your great decision!"

  "Let the world see our strong mobilization ability!"

  "Will do."

  Orlink said with a smile: "Gentlemen, when our mecha is built, the whole world will be shocked, and we will be famous for eternity!".

  at the same time.

  Not only the Sky Eagle Federation, but also the Western Sky Alliance, the Sand Bear Empire, the Great Xia Kingdom, or the Peacock Kingdom, they also saw the shortcomings of monsters, so they also made an almost the same decision.

  That is......

  Do your best to build a giant mech!

  When this crazy decision spread in the world, people all over the world couldn't help but be excited about it, and countless mecha followers also went crazy.

  They even clamored that when giant mechs were developed...

  That will be the end of the monster!

  this moment.

  It seems like the whole world is going crazy!



  ps: The first update.

  Say it.

  The reason why they chose to rebuild giant mechas is not because they don't have giant mechas, but because these giant mechas do not meet the conditions for fighting monsters, and they have more or less shortcomings in various aspects.

  For example, the power is insufficient, the flexibility is poor, or the armor is not enough to resist the attacks of monsters, etc., the reason why it is not introduced in detail in the article.

  I'm just afraid that you will say that I count the number of words...


  Continue to ask for a wave of monthly passes, there are a lot of monthly passes, and a lot of updates~~~ VII.

Chapter 76

  Skull Island.

  King Kong left, but in the sea off Skull Island, there were aircraft carriers burning with fire, showing that there was a big war here.

  Looking at the huge back of King Kong leaving, Irene, Jarvis and the others still had expressions of shock on their faces. Obviously, they had not recovered from the shock.

  After a long time.

  Looking at the gradually sinking aircraft carrier, Irene turned around and shrugged helplessly. She said, "It seems that we can only stay on Skull Island for the time being!".


  Julia stretched, and she smiled lightly: "Although it's a pity that I can't go back, but I don't care, after all, I've stayed on this Skull Island for so long, and I've long been used to the environment here. !".

  "Bob that bastard!"

  Jarvis scolded secretly: "If this bastard hadn't been able to take action against King Kong, the fleet would not have been destroyed, and we would have left long ago!".

  Julia spreads her hands, saying that she has no choice. Who let you have such a pig teammate?It's good that King Kong didn't take action against you!

  "Then go back."

  Julia said.

  So next.

  Irene, Jarvis and others, followed Julia Miana and others back to the King Kong tribe again, Julia said: "I will take you to the place where you live first, although the living environment is not as warm as yours. den.".

  Irene smiled and said, "We are all thankful to have a place to live!".

  to now.

  She has long seen the horror of Skull Island. Even in the daytime, all kinds of monsters are rampant. It can be seen how terrifying Skull Island will be at night!


  Irene Jarvis and others stayed in the King Kong tribe for the time being.

  Time came to the evening like a white horse, and Irene, who lived in the stone house, looked out through the window. Her angelic face couldn't help but be amazed, because she found that the night sky of Skull Island was unexpectedly beautiful. It is full of stars, the Milky Way hangs upside down, and the full moon emits bright moonlight.

  Like a beautiful picture of the stars!

  Not only that, but the golden lightning flashes from time to time in the thunderstorm illuminate the night sky, and the golden electric light flickers, making the starry sky more and more beautiful.

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