It can be said to be an extremely abnormal defensive skill!

  But a pity.

  Now Mothra is still in the growth stage, and her Lin powder, or the ability of the Holy Light, only has the most basic ability to resist rays.

  The three lightning rays and the divine brilliance eroded each other, but in the face of the powerful three lightning rays, the divine brilliance was obviously unstoppable.


  But seeing Batra suddenly roared, the three lightning rays suddenly became thicker and their power increased, and the next moment, the three lightning rays directly penetrated the sacred radiance, and hit Mothra with a bang.

  Three lightning beams suddenly and violently exploded.

  Electric light shines.

  Mothra let out a painful roar, and was directly knocked out by the three lightning beams. With a bang, it smashed heavily on the street in the distance.

  She struggled to stand up, but the two wounds in her abdomen that were pierced by Bartra's barbs kept flowing out of bluish blood.

  Especially her chest and the fluff on her chest were completely blackened by the three lightning bolts just now, and the severe pain under the lightning current made her growl.


  Bartra flapped his wings and rumbled, landing directly in front of Mothra. His scarlet eyes looked down at Mothra like a victor. The next moment, the golden horn on top of his head, unexpectedly Condensed golden electric light again, violent thunder and lightning breath.

  Spread out at the moment.

  The golden electric light became more and more powerful, and the golden electric current crackled and squeaked, and the violent thunder and lightning breathed undisguisedly.


  Bartra let out a sharp roar, the golden electric light on its head and feet condensed to the extreme, and it just wanted to shoot golden lightning light to kill Mothra.

  But right now.

  humming sound.

  An incomparably thick blue energy column slammed into Batra's body at a lightning speed in the pitch-black night sky, instantly spanning a distance of several thousand meters.




  The sound of the earth shaking came from the mountains in the distance, as if there were some huge creatures approaching. The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was a huge figure with eyes, mouth and back, all of which were blue rays of light.


  The next moment, there was a roar like a king.

  Suddenly it sounded in the dark!

  this moment.

  The whole city could not help but quiet down, and everyone couldn't help but think of a monster, a monster that destroyed a super metropolis.




  ps: Fourth update.

  Three thousand character chapters......

  cough cough.

  It was only four shifts today, and I couldn't open my sleepy eyelids.


  Go to bed after asking for a monthly pass and a reward, and get up early tomorrow morning to continue working!

  Click on the bottom right corner to see a picture of Godzilla's motherfucking. .

Chapter 84

  Under the night.

  The originally relatively prosperous Fengyang City, at this moment, the fire is shining into the night sky, and large areas of the city's buildings have been reduced to ruins.

  The flames were burning in the city, and the thick smoke billowed into the sky like an angry dragon, and the neon lights on the surrounding high-rise buildings radiated brilliant light.

  Dreams and destruction fill the city.

  But seeing Batra's ferocious huge wings spread out, like a demon monster in the night, the single horn on top of its head is condensed with golden lightning light clusters, golden electric currents raging, and violent thunder and lightning aura emanates.

  "It's over, have you even defeated this monster?"

  "This evil monster is too strong!"

  "Yeah, that Meili monster that looks like a butterfly is no match at all!"

  "Who will save us..."


  Seeing that Mothra was also defeated by Batra, the tens of millions of the citizens of Fengyang City, who had hoped, immediately had a gloomy look on their faces, and the faces of countless people showed thick fear and fear.

  They didn't expect it.

  Even this Mei Li butterfly-like monster was defeated by that evil monster, and his life was hanging by a thread, which made them feel endless despair.


  But at this moment, a sturdy blue energy light suddenly burst out from the distant mountains, tearing the night, and instantly crossing a distance of several kilometers, containing terrifying power, and bombarded the area. With a thud, a tyrannical shock wave swept away from Batra's body, and Batra's body was directly blasted out.


  Bartra slammed into a building, and buildings dozens of meters high collapsed in an instant, and countless large and small stones fell rumblingly.

  The thumping sound resounded incessantly.


  But Bartra couldn't care about the severe pain on his body, but when he saw his wings propped up on the ground, he stood up with difficulty, opened his mouth and moved towards the mountains shrouded in darkness in the distance. meaning.

  "what happened?"

  "Did you see it? Just now, a faint blue energy ray suddenly hit, and it directly sent the evil monster flying away!"

  "Why do I think that faint blue light looks familiar?"

  "I know! I remembered it! Isn't that faint blue energy ray an exclusive skill that landed in the Mud Stick Kingdom a while ago and destroyed the big lizard-like monster in Jinshan City? It must be so!"

  "How is that possible! We are inland here!"

  "Yeah, there's no way that big lizard monster traveled thousands of kilometers from the coastline to our Yunshan Province, right? Didn't the country discover it in advance?"

  "What lizard, is it called Godzilla?"


  Countless citizens who saw this scene talked a lot, thinking that it is very likely that the monster that destroyed the city of Jinshan came to their Fengyang City.

  Many citizens were suddenly full of fear!

  after all.

  The terrifying scene of Godzilla destroying most of the city of Jinshan, the father of the city of mechas, which can be called a first-tier international metropolis in the world.

  Still vivid in my mind!

  If Godzilla really came to their Fengyang city...

  The consequences are unimaginable!




  But at this moment, in the mountains shrouded in darkness, there were suddenly dull sounds like thunder, and as each dull sound fell, everyone only felt that the ground under their feet also trembled.

  Like an earthquake!

  "Look at that!"

  I don't know who suddenly shouted in surprise, and countless people immediately followed the sound.

  next moment.

  They were stunned.

  Because they saw that a huge figure with blue eyes, mouth and back was slowly walking out from behind a big mountain, walking towards the city, and finally appeared in their sight.

  It was a nearly [-]-meter-high, fat-looking monster that looked like a giant lizard standing upright. Its hard and sharp backstabs were like undulating mountains, shining with a charming blue light.

  Those mind-blowing, king-like eyes were blazing with a faint blue light, staring at Batra, and when Batra saw Godzilla,

  It was even more frightened and panicked roars.

  And keep going backwards.


  "It turned out to be Godzilla!"

  At this moment, all the citizens who witnessed this scene were all dumbfounded like chickens, looking at Godzilla with fearful expressions.

  in their eyes.

  At this time, Godzilla is like a god of death!


  at the same time.

  Tiannan Mountain.

  In Tang Wanmin's office, Tang Wanmin and a group of core elders who saw this scene through the satellite, all changed their faces and looked extremely horrified!

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