"Since Mothra has also been upgraded, it's time to build monster relics, exchange some monsters, and prepare for the battle for the king of monsters in the future, but it is certain that the emotional value is obviously not enough!"

  thought here.

  He You couldn't help sighing, he found that he finally made more than [-] million emotional points every time, and it was used up after a while!

  he thought.

  He's not a loser, is he?


  Although he is not a prodigal, Godzilla, Mothra, and King Kong are obviously gold-devouring beasts. Just upgrading and unlocking skills requires huge skill points, and this is just a simple unlocking skill.


  In the future, Godzilla's red lotus form, final form and space form, or Mothra's armor form, speed of light form and rainbow form will be unlocked. Just unlocking these forms will require an unimaginable number of emotions. Value, don't even think about it without a few hundred million emotional values.

  But correspondingly.

  Once He You helps Godzilla or Mothra unlock these forms, their strength will inevitably reach an extremely terrifying level. At that time, any human mecha, even an alien civilization, will arrive. He is not afraid at all, after all, these forms are indeed terrifying.

  He shook his head.

  Don't think about these anymore. If you want to unlock these forms, the most important thing for him now is to have enough emotional value first, otherwise everything will be ignored.

  He rubbed his chin and murmured, "If you want this battle for the king of monsters to shock the world, then you must first make a lot of preparations for this!".

  For example, build enough monster ruins, and bury the foreshadowing of the battle for the king of monsters in these monster ruins, and exchange many monsters.

  after all.

  The battle for the king of monsters that he is going to create is obviously not just a war between Godzilla and Ghidorah, but a war between the two monster camps, so this battle, he must prepare the groundwork before Row.

  When the foreshadowing is successful.

  He will make the whole world appreciate a...

  A battle between monsters that made the world tremble!

  He couldn't help rubbing his chin and thought: "Let me think about Godzilla and Ghidorah, the camps of the two kings, do you need those monsters?"

  "The camp on Ghidorah's side obviously represents some evil monsters, such as the Orochi of the Red Sun Kingdom, the destroyer Abaddon, the demon Baphomet, or the sea monster Scylla and many others. Monster!"

  After a pause, his eyes suddenly lit up: "In addition to these evil monsters, there is naturally another guy, that is the Balrog!".

  of course.

  In addition to this majestic name, he also has a well-known title.

  Twenty-five boys Raton!

  "Monsters like Orochimaru, Bafengte, Scylla, etc. will have enough emotional value to exchange them later. For now, I'd better exchange Erwuzi first."

  Think so.

  He You directly opened the system's monster store.

  Search directly for Raton.

  next moment.

  A monster model appeared before his eyes.

  This is a monster similar to a pterosaur, its whole body is volcanic red, and the fiery red skin on its body is like that volcanic rock.

  On a pair of huge wings, there are meridians one after another, the meridians are twisted and twisted like small snakes, and they are fiery red, like flowing magma.

  It is the flame demon Raton!



  ps: Fourth update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

  Click on the lower right corner to view the picture of Erwuzai. .

Chapter 88

  Balrog Raton.

  As Raton, who has many titles such as the flame demon, the king of the sky, the second or fifth boy, and the unfilial son, his land combat capability may not be strong.


  Raton's aerial combat capability is so powerful that he can easily rank in the top three among many various monster families. The aerial combat capability is extremely powerful!

  of course.

  Apart from Ratton's majestic posture and powerful air combat strength, what makes the deepest impression is his sloppy behavior.

  There are no so-called teammates in Latton's eyes.

  It only has the strong in its eyes!

  Whoever is stronger it will mix with whoever!

  He You opened Raton's information panel.

  【Name】: Raton.

  [Level]: Ruined city level.

  [Skills]: High-speed collision, flame breath.

  【Form】: Normal form.

  [Height]: 58 meters.

  [Wingspan]: m.

  [Required emotional value]: 3800 million.

  "Thirty-eight million?"

  He You was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the second or fifth boy Raton, who only had two skills, would need [-] million emotional points to exchange?

  He clicked on the detailed explanation of Raton's skills.

  [High-speed collision]: As the king of the sky, Raton's flight speed can easily reach Mach [-]. Under the high-speed flight, it produces a powerful impact. When flying over the city, the terrifying and extremely high temperature supersonic wave , enough to easily destroy large tracts of city buildings.

  [Flame Breath]: After using this skill, Raton will spit out a terrifying high-temperature flame from his mouth, and the flame is enough to burn most substances.

  After reading the detailed explanation of Raton's skills, He You felt that Raton's data was just so-so, but as for who is stronger, Raton or Mothra.

  Obviously need to play to know!

  Think so.

  He You directly chose to exchange for Laton, and then he moved a three-dimensional globe in front of him with a thought, and he raised his hand and moved the globe.

  The globe immediately began to spin.

  "Speaking of where to put Raton? Since Raton is called a flame demon, then it is natural to put Raton in a place where the breath of fire is strong. Only in this way can it be worthy of its flame demon setting."

  He You rubbed his chin and thought.

  at last.

  He thought of a country.

  That is......

  Thousand Islands Kingdom!

  As the name suggests, the Thousand Island Kingdom is naturally a country composed of many large and small islands. Although the strength of this country is not eye-catching in the world, its population ranks fourth in the world.

  of course.

  The most memorable place for people all over the world to remember the Thousand Island Kingdom is naturally because the Thousand Island Kingdom is not only composed of countless large and small islands.

  the most important is.

  This country has more than [-] volcanoes, and has a resounding title in the world, that is, the Kingdom of Volcanoes, because there are too many volcanoes!

  It is obviously more appropriate to put Raton in the Kingdom of the Thousand Islands.

  "Let's put Raton on Mount Bromo" "."

  Thinking like this, He You dropped Raton on Mount Bromo.

  The birth time he set for Raton is that the current Raton is in a deep sleep state and will only be born when he is specially summoned by other monsters.

  He rubbed his chin and muttered, "However, it's obviously not enough to exchange one Raton. I also need to create a historical legend that fits Raton!"

  "And the ancient ruins about Raton, so that it can exert the greatest effect and show the world that there was indeed a magnificent and mysterious era of monsters on the earth, which is more conducive to the development of my plan!"


  With a move of his mind, a small chaotic space appeared in front of him again, and he followed his words. One by one, ancient things full of ancient atmosphere appeared in the small chaotic space, and these ancient things were above.

  All are engraved with Ratton's designs.


  He did the same, and after just ten minutes, a monster ruin about Raton full of ancient atmosphere appeared in the small chaotic space.

  Then he put the monster ruins about Raton around the Bromo Volcano as well. After doing all this, He You looked at his emotional value.

  [Emotional Value]: 0+.


  Seeing this, He You couldn't help but sigh, the speed of the emotional value consumption is too fast and too fast, just to exchange for a better quality monster, or to create a perfect monster ruins.

  All need tens of millions of emotional points!

  "It seems that I have to find a way to earn emotional points again. Now it is the end of May. According to the time given by the system, if there is no accident, the alien warship will come to the earth around March tomorrow!"

  He You shook her head secretly.

  He has to speed up as soon as possible. Godzilla Mothra or King Kong Radon alone are obviously not enough to resist alien civilization.

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