Ralph sighed: "Your Excellency, now is not the time to be angry, now we are all waiting for your order, what should we do?".

  Or Lincoln rubbed the sun and thought for a long time.

  He said solemnly: "Order all the mecha units in the states to immediately enter the first-level combat readiness state, and order the Pacific Fleet in Honolulu to immediately return to defense!".


  Ralph nodded, then turned away.

  at the same time.

  Not only the Tianying Federation, but also many countries such as the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sand Bear Empire or the Western Sky Alliance, apparently also discovered the alien warship that entered the solar system. Therefore, all countries in the world immediately entered a state of high tension, and major departments , in full operation at this moment.

  this moment.

  The whole world is tense.

  of course.

  Ordinary people naturally don't know about this. They are still discussing monsters or doing things they like, and they don't know about a human catastrophe.

  It is coming gradually!


  Eagle Federation.


  City of St. Sith.

  As the financial center on the west coast of the Skyhawk Federation, Saint Sith City is not only one of the richest cities in the Skyhawk Federation, but also ranks among the top cities in the world for its mecha R&D and innovation capabilities.

  Not only that.

  The city of Saint Sith, which has both economic and mecha strengths, is also a world-famous tourist city. There are countless classics with beautiful scenery.

  In particular, the Golden Gate Bridge, which often appears in major science fiction movies, has been destroyed the most times, and is located in the city of Saint Sith.

  This has led to the city of Saint Sith becoming the favorite city of the entire Tianying Federation. The prosperity of this city is not as good as that of Jinshan City.

  June 2021, 6 at 1pm.

  The city of Saint Sith, shrouded in the night, flashes with dreamy and charming neon lights. The city in the night is as beautiful and dazzling as a high-tech city in a sci-fi movie. It is so beautiful that people yearn for it infinitely.

  night sky.

  A meteor dragged the streamer and flew towards the city of Saint Sith.

  This scene was naturally witnessed by countless people in the city, and everyone was curious.

  "Look what is that?"


  "shit! It's coming towards us!"



  People who originally wanted to watch the fun, saw that stream of light flew straight towards the city of Saint Sith, and everyone was immediately scared and their expressions suddenly changed.

  Then he ran away like crazy.

  Countless people on the street fled one after another, and the noise gradually spread to the entire bustling metropolis at this moment, and panic shrouded the whole city at this moment.

  Under the gazes of countless terrified eyes, the streamer shot at a terrifying speed. In the end, the streamer did not directly hit the city of Saint Sith, but stopped over the Golden Gate Strait, just when everyone thought it was okay. .

  But what that stream of light brought, the supersonic wave that followed was a bang, and with a bang, the terrifying supersonic wave was like an invisible giant sonic hammer, smashing directly from the sky. On the Kinmen Strait, the sea shook violently, and then it sank directly.


  Immediately afterwards, the supersonic wave rushed towards the surroundings with terrifying power. The buildings on both sides of the Kinmen Strait were struck by the supersonic wave, and the glass on the building shattered.

  Cars, mechas or pedestrians on the road were directly blown away by this supersonic wave, and slammed into the building.

  But momentarily.

  The city buildings within a radius of several kilometers were all destroyed by this powerful supersonic wave. After everyone reacted, they quickly looked at it.

  But seeing a warship with a diameter of about [-] meters and a disc-shaped shape suspended quietly over the Kinmen Strait, the edge of the warship was flashing with scarlet light, which gave people a sense of technology at a glance.

  "what is that?"

  "Alien battleship?"

  "God, could it be that aliens have invaded!?"

  "how is this possible......."

  "First monsters, and now aliens appear, are we humans going to end?"

  "Look! Our mecha is dispatched!"


  Sure enough, almost after the alien warships appeared, there were all kinds of mechas soaring into the sky, densely surrounding the alien warships.

  The mecha is extremely dense, and it is overwhelming at a glance.

  rough estimate.

  There are at least tens of thousands of mechas!

  Many people have even seen that among those mechas, there are many powerful and advanced mechas that are extremely powerful and can only be driven by ninth-level mecha masters.

  After seeing such a large number of powerful mechas and many powerful mecha divisions surrounding the alien warship over the Golden Gate Strait.

  Countless people suddenly increased their confidence, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of self-confidence in their hearts.

  after all.

  As the first empire on earth, the Sky Eagle Federation made many mistakes in the battle against monsters, but no one dared to underestimate the strength of the Sky Eagle Federation.

  As one of the most powerful cities in the Sky Eagle Federation, the city of Saint Sith is definitely one of the strongest cities. In the eyes of countless citizens of Saint Sith City, this alien warship dares to come alone. attack them.

  It's really a bit over the top!

  As the regiment commander of the Mecha Defense Force of Saint Sith City, Roger, who is also a ninth-level mecha division, is driving his Storm Mecha, worth five billion knives, and looking over the Golden Gate Strait. the alien warship.

  He said solemnly: "Launch!".

  Bang bang bang!

  The voice fell, and tens of thousands of mechas immediately launched all the various missiles they carried. Each missile, dragged the tail flame to tear the night sky, and shot towards the alien warship. The densely packed missiles seemed to be dense. The missiles swept across the night sky like rain, and that scene was truly shocking!


  There was a faint electric light flashing on the alien warship.


  The next moment, a circle of invisible fluctuations suddenly erupted from the body of the alien warship, swept away all around, instantly covering all the missiles fired, including the mechas and urban buildings in a radius of thousands of meters.

  this moment.

  Everyone looked horrified to see that whether it was missiles or mechas, all of them turned off at this moment, and fell like birds with broken wings. Countless missiles fell like rain in the city below and exploded. Thousands of mechas smashed to the ground from a high altitude and exploded.

  Boom boom boom!

  The deafening sound of the explosion resounded throughout the city, and rounds of fire broke out in the city, illuminating the entire night sky. At this moment, the whole city was stunned!

  "how can that be!"

  "It's too powerful, isn't it?!"

  "Yeah, all of our mechas and missiles suddenly failed?"

  "It's over! We're dead!"

  "Quick! Go and ask Godzilla to save us!"

  "Yeah, didn't Godzilla help the Daxia people defeat that evil monster before? It stands to reason that Godzilla should also help us!"

  "Please Godzilla come and save us!"

  "Are you stupid? Where are we going to find Godzilla?"


  One after another, panic-filled voices resounded throughout the city. Originally, they thought that in the face of so many powerful mechas, this alien warship would definitely be destroyed.

  But who would have thought.

  In just one round, the alien warship just launched a small wave, which directly caused all their mechas to fail.

  This undoubtedly made them feel terrified, and the hope that had risen in their hearts was shattered again, and many people even wanted to ask Godzilla to save them.

  But no matter what.

  The power of alien warships...

  Obviously, the citizens of the entire Saint Sis City were terrified!

  And at the same time.

  In the deep sea area away from the city of Saint Sith, Godzilla is wandering leisurely. In fact, as early as the alien warship entered the earth, He You had already put Godzilla in the deep sea area dozens of miles away from the city of Saint Sith. among.

  The purpose is to wait!



  ps: Second update.

  [-]-character chapter ~~~~

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~

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