ps: The third update.

  No surprises tonight, there should be three more chapters to update, that is, an update of nearly [-] words, and then ask for a monthly pass. rewarded.


Chapter 91


  The sound of a deafening electromagnetic pulse suddenly sounded, and a rapidly rotating atomic breath surrounded by blue currents, under the gaze of countless eyes, ripped apart the sky, and carried terrifying power towards the ship suspended in the Golden Gate Strait. The alien battleship in the sky shot away with rapid bursts.

  Where the atomic breath passed, the surrounding space was distorted.

  This is why the air is scorched by the terrifying heat.

  The battleship command room.


  A sea spirit's expression changed greatly in an instant: "Sir! There is a high-energy ray with a temperature of up to [-] degrees Celsius, which is rapidly shooting towards us!".


  Yale's face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Turn on the ion energy shield at full power immediately!".


  The sea spirit nodded, and then saw its hands quickly operate on the console in front of it, and finally, it stretched out slender blue fingers.

  Click on a red button.


  The next moment, a blue energy shield appeared around the alien battleship in an instant, almost the moment the blue energy shield appeared.

  With a thud, the spiral hotline slammed into the blue energy shield with a terrifying force. The huge force made the huge battleship hundreds of meters in shock. Under the constant rotation and erosion of the spiral hotline, the blue A steady stream of ripples appeared on the color energy shield, and the terrifying high temperature was constantly melting the ion energy shield.


  A horrified voice sounded in the command room: "Our ion energy shield is being rapidly melted by that high-energy ray, and the damage has reached [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%! ".


  Before he could finish speaking, he heard a bang, and the hundreds of meters of blue energy shield that enveloped the entire alien warship, like glass, shattered with a bang and turned into pieces. The blue shards dissipated.

  And the spiral hotline still has its remaining power, wrapped in terrifying temperature and power, under the gaze of countless eyes, it bombarded the alien warship fiercely, and with a bang, the spiral hotline hit the alien warship.

  The huge alien warships hundreds of meters in size were directly knocked out by the spiral hot line, forming a parabola, and smashed into the ruins of the city with a bang.

  In an instant, thick smoke billowed.


  What surprised He You, who was far away in Wu'an City, was that the place where the alien battleship was hit by Godzilla's spiral hot line was directly melted by the outer armor, but it did not penetrate directly as he thought. Hull!


  The degree of heat resistance of the outer armor of this alien warship.

  Far more than the vast majority of alloys on Earth today!


  In the command room of the alien battleship, Yale clutched his head, which was constantly bleeding blue blood, and stood up embarrassedly: "What the hell is going on!".




  But as soon as his voice fell, he felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly, and even the alien battleship he was in kept trembling, as if there were some huge creatures approaching.

  "Turn the screen over!"

  Yale said solemnly.

  The next moment, a picture was projected in front of him, and he saw a huge monster about [-] meters high in the picture, walking towards them step by step.

  This monster looked like a lizard, but it had sharp and sharp backstabs on its back, and the backstabs rose and fell like mountains.

  It is Godzilla!


  But I saw Godzilla open his fangs and mouth, and let out a majestic roar at the alien warship with a diameter of [-] meters but no more than [-] meters that was smashed to the ground.

  A low, deafening roar resounded throughout the city at this moment!

  Countless shocked gazes were cast, and all the citizens who saw Godzilla's Saint Sith City were all shocked and horrified at this moment.

  "My God, it's Godzilla!"

  "It's actually appeared!?"

  "Is it here to save us?"

  "It must be! Did you see it just now? The blue light it spit out just shattered the blue energy shield of the alien battleship!"

  "Godzilla bullpen!"

  "Woooooo, it turns out that Godzilla is good, we all blamed it before!"


  After seeing Godzilla appear, countless people were immediately excited and moved with gratitude.


  Because in their opinion...

  Godzilla is clearly here to save them!

  "This, this..."

  At this moment, Yale was stunned. He looked at Godzilla in shock and said, "Bastard! What is this! How can it be so big!".


  But what answered him was Godzilla's roar, but when he saw Godzilla move his sturdy short legs towards the alien battleship where Yale and the other sea spirits were, it rushed towards him quickly, like a moving ship. The hills in general.

  The earth is shaking!

  "Quick! Quickly lift off!"

  Yale growled.

  So the next moment, a layer of sea-blue light appeared on the hull of the alien battleship, and the blue light condensed below the hull, and then suddenly sprayed.

  A conical blue column is formed.


  Godzilla roared, and it tore away the alien battleship with one claws, but the next moment, the alien battleship rose from its claws dangerously, soaring into the sky, and finally suspended in the hundreds of thousands. meters high in the air.

  Command room.

  Looking at the roaring Godzilla in the ruins below, Yale's face was full of surprise: "What is this thing, how can it grow so huge?".


  Someone from Hailing asked, "What should we do?".


  Yale snorted coldly: "Whatever it is, do you really think it's great to be tall? I don't believe that my battleship can't kill you, a monster?"

  He said: "Activate the force field attack!".


  A sea spirit man said: "Sir Yale, the energy reserve in our battleship is only less than [-]%, which is not enough to use the force field to attack!"

  He said: "Except for [-]% of the energy used to maintain the normal operation of the warship, at best the rest can only have one more high-energy particle laser cannon!"...  

  "Then the laser cannon!"

  Yale said.


  The sea spirit nodded.


  Under the gaze of countless Saint Sith city people, the alien warship once again protruded the thick gun barrel with a diameter of ten meters, and the gun barrel was condensed with scarlet rays of light.

  At the end, a huge scarlet energy light group with a diameter of ten meters condensed in the barrel. The light group was extremely dazzling and exuded a frightening aura of destruction. At this moment, everyone could not help but face fear.

  Because they know.

  The attack that this alien warship is about to launch is the scarlet energy cannon that was terrifyingly powerful and destroyed most of the high-rise buildings in Saint Sith City!


  The sound of electromagnetic pulses came from the air, but I saw that the sharp backstabs began to spread upwards from Godzilla's tail.

  There was a crackling sound of electric current.


  The faint blue light in Godzilla's mouth condensed into a ball of energy with a diameter of one or two meters. The eyes of Godzilla, illuminated by the energy group, turned dark blue, and the terrifying high temperature radiated, making the space slightly distortion.



  Almost at the same time, a scarlet energy column with a thickness of more than ten meters and a spiral heat line with a thickness of about two or three meters burst out from the gun barrel and Godzilla's mouth respectively. At this moment, time seemed to slow down. It's like coming down.

  Under the gaze of countless horrified eyes, two energy rays of completely different colors, but terrifyingly powerful, collided in the air.


  At that moment, a shock wave like an overwhelming sea suddenly swept away from the surroundings. Wherever the shock wave passed, countless rubble was thrown out, and the glass fragments of the high-rise buildings thousands of meters away burst one after another.

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