"¨"This is also good."

  After reading the detailed explanation of the skills of the red lotus ray, He You couldn't help but nodded slightly. In fact, there are some differences between the red lotus ray and the spiral hot ray.

  The maximum temperature of the spiral heat line is only [-] degrees, but its maximum killing effect is [penetration], which is suitable for a fatal penetrating blow to a single target.

  The red lotus hotline is different. After Godzilla enters the red lotus state, he is blessed by the red lotus form. The minimum temperature of the red lotus ray reaches [-] degrees, and the most important thing is that the red lotus ray can be burned in a large area. destroy.

  have to say.

  He You's billion emotional value is obviously not a loss!

  Thinking like this, he looked at a three-dimensional city projected in front of him. This city was destroyed by Destroyia and was in ruins. The flames were burning like a new city of fiery hell.

 (Did Zhao?) He sneered:

  "Let Destroyia destroy it first, and when Daimo defeats this group of Asan's proud strongest mecha, when they feel endless despair."

  "It's like letting Godzilla show up then!"



  ps: The fifth update!

  In fact, the temperature of Godzilla's red lotus form is not as high as written in this chapter. If I remember correctly, it seems that the maximum temperature of Red Lotus Godzilla is only over a thousand degrees, right?But ha, the worldview of this book is a highly technologically advanced mecha world, and more than a thousand degrees is indeed a bit too low.

  So, I just raised the temperature of Red Lotus Godzilla by a few hundred million points, a few thousand degrees in front of the super warships of alien civilizations.

  nothing at all...

  At last.

  Ask for a monthly pass~~~


Chapter 99


  At this moment, the neon lights flickered in the night, the prosperous Imperial Capital New City full of technology, but at this moment it was already ablaze with fire, and the blazing sea of ​​fire illuminated the night sky, illuminating the night sky as if it were daytime.

  One after another high-rise buildings collapsed, and thick smoke billowed, sitting in the bustling new city. One-third of the urban area was almost destroyed into ruins.

  Mourning, crying, screaming, shouting, explosions and many other noisy sounds are intertwined, like a tragic movement filling the sky above the new city, at this moment, the new city of the imperial capital is like a hell of fire!

  The Imperial New City of the Peacock Kingdom was attacked by a monster.

  Obviously impossible to hide!

  The news that the monster attacked the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom quickly swept the hot searches on all international social platforms like a storm, and made headlines in the mainstream media around the world, when the incident spread all over the world.

  The situation was in an uproar in an instant!

  "Really or not? The imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom can be invaded by monsters?"

  "Hahaha! Didn't someone from the Peacock Kingdom say yesterday why the monsters didn't invade them? Now, okay? The monsters did what they wished!"

  "Tsk tsk, when the monsters didn't invade them before, they all arrogantly said that the monsters were nothing more than that, but now? Wasn't it beaten into the imperial capital by the monsters?"

  "It's ridiculous. The imperial capital of a dignified country can be invaded by monsters. It is conceivable how poor their defense strength is!"

  "What kind of monster is this? Is it too scary?"

  "Yeah, it's more powerful than Muto, Scylla, and Methuselah that have appeared so far. The power of this purple light is so terrifying?"

  "There are more and more monsters appearing, and they are getting stronger and stronger. Can our human mecha be able to withstand it?"

  "What are you panicking about? Didn't you see that the ace super mechas of the world's top countries, such as the Great Xia Kingdom, the Sky Eagle Federation, the Western Sky Alliance, and the Sand Bear Empire, were not dispatched? If they are dispatched, these monsters are nothing. !"

  "That's right! Monsters are flesh and blood after all. How can they be comparable to the giant steel giants that are [-] meters long? Many of the top super-large mechas of human beings have not shot! Otherwise, it will make these monsters arrogant?"


  The news of Destoroyah's attack on the new city undoubtedly caused an uproar all over the world. At this moment, the eyes of the whole world could not help but turn to the new city.

  after all.

  This time is different from the previous Godzilla attack on Fujinshan City in Mudstick Kingdom. Although Fujinshan City is very prosperous, it is not the capital of Mudstick Kingdom, but Xincheng is different, Xincheng is the capital of Peacock Kingdom.

  If the capital is destroyed by monsters...

  The consequences are unimaginable!



  The new city was blazing in the night, and Destoroyah's bat-like wings spread out, making it look like a demon from hell.


  But seeing that it opened its mouth full of small and sharp fangs, a purple oxygen destructive light shot out instantly, hitting a mecha flying towards it in the distance with a bang, and that mecha exploded in the air.

  Just like fireworks!

  Then, seeing Dai Mo turning his head, the purple oxygen destructive light sprayed out of his mouth also turned and swept toward the dense mechas in the air. Blossoming fireworks exploded loudly.

  this moment.

  The sound of boom boom boom resounded endlessly!

  On the roof of a house in the distance, Sandy looked at the huge demon-like figure with a look of horror, and he muttered in fear:

  "You don't see Hal, I've said it before, the monsters are definitely far more terrifying than you can imagine. Our mechas are not the opponents of monsters at all!"

  Hal Chapman next to him had various expressions of fear, fear, madness and unwillingness on his face, and his face was extremely complicated.


  He said solemnly: "No! Sandy, our great Peacock Empire has not yet been defeated! Don't forget, the four [-]-meter super-large mechas sitting in the new city have not yet been dispatched! The Radiant Knight, the Throne of the Divine Bull, and the Rampage Warriors, and heavy-armed divine birds, these four super-large mechas are the trump cards of our Peacock Empire, and the performance of each mecha is extremely powerful!"

  He adored his face: "The most important thing is that these four mechas are driven and controlled by the sixteen most powerful ninth-level mechas in our Peacock Empire!"

  He frantically looked at the Destroyer in the distance, who was destroying everywhere: "As long as these four mechas are dispatched, it will surely die!".




  At this moment, a dull voice suddenly came from a distance.

  It was as if some huge object was approaching, and there was a faint mechanical clack, and Hal Chapman hurriedly followed the sound.

  But in the darkness in the distance, a giant mecha with a height of [-] meters is walking step by step. A fifty-meter round shield, with a golden knight's spear in his right hand.

  And the engine on its chest hummed, flashing with a bright golden light, this mecha that came, gave the impression that it was not a mecha.

  but a...

  A radiant knight radiating golden light all over!


  On the other side, there was a sudden roar of a cow, but I saw a machine about [-] meters high, which was covered with thick dark alloy armor.

  This mecha, which looks like a cow, is equipped with various missiles and laser weapons, especially an alloy horn on the mecha's head that glows with cold light, which gives people a feeling as if it has penetrated everything. .

  the other side.

  Another [-]-meter-high mecha came, and every step it fell, the ground trembled slightly, but seeing that the outer armor of this mecha was dark green, the limbs of the mecha looked unusually thick, and its head was almost sunken. Entering the chest cavity of the mecha, the whole mecha feels like...

  Round and round are so cute!


  The two maces in this mecha's hands are about [-] meters long and made of extremely hard titanium alloy metal, but it makes it look extremely fierce!

  Whoosh whoosh!

  Suddenly, there were dense missiles, dragging the flames and roaring from the sky, hitting Destoroyah with a rumble.

  It exploded with a bang.

  But in the night sky in the distance, a mecha with a wingspan of more than [-] meters looks like a bird, and its outer armor is red, flying slowly with the roar of an engine. on the armor.

  You can see the dense missile launch port.

  "It's the Shining Knight!"

  "And the Berserkers!"

  "That's great! Even the bomber-type flying mech reloaded bird, which claims to be among the top ten in the world, is here! The powerful firepower carried by the reloaded bird is enough to destroy a country! Now this abominable monster will surely die. It's gone!"

  "My God, even my favorite divine bull throne is here!"

  "Hahaha! Peacock Empire Leather! The four trump card super-large mechas were dispatched at once! It seems that this monster must be dead!"

  "Our great Peacock Empire will become the first country in the world to kill monsters! Let the world know the power of our Peacock Empire!"


  Not only Hal Chapman was full of surprises, but even the rest of the Asan were ecstatic. The fear and despair that Destroyia brought to them, with the Radiant Knight, the God Bull Throne, the Berserker, and the Heavy Armor God. The arrival of these four super mechas was swept away by them all.


  It is endless hope and confidence!

  from their perspective.

  Even if this monster is indeed terrifying, in the face of the four strongest super mechas known as the trump cards of their Peacock Empire, this monster cannot escape the fate of being killed. Their Peacock Empire's mechas are invincible and powerful!

  Bang bang bang!

  The next moment, in the eyes of countless hopeful eyes, the booster engine on the back of the glorious knight suddenly spurted sixteen dazzling golden flames, and the strong thrust suddenly erupted, causing the glorious knight to immediately attack Destroia. He strode forward, like a golden giant.

  The ground shook violently.

  "This monster is dead!"

  Countless Asan thought so in their hearts, they looked at the Glorious Knight with hope and expectation. It can be said that as one of the ace mechas of the Peacock Empire, the Glorious Knight has countless fans in the Peacock Empire.

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